Retro Flix is a simple React application that allows you to search for movies and add them to your watched list. You can also rate the movies you've watched and see statistics about your watched movies.
You can experience Retro Flix by visiting the demo.
To get started with Retro Flix, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
Change into the project directory:
cd retro-flix
Install the required dependencies:
npm install
Get an API key from OMDb API and replace
with your actual API key. -
Start the development server:
npm start
Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to use Retro Flix.
- Search for movies by title 🔍.
- View movie details, including title, year, poster, runtime, IMDb rating, plot, and more.
- Add movies to your watched list and rate them ⭐.
- View statistics about your watched movies, including average IMDb rating, average user rating, and average runtime.
- Remove movies from your watched list.
Once you have the Retro Flix application up and running, you can perform the following actions:
- Use the search input at the top to enter the title of the movie you want to search for.
- As you type, the search results will be displayed below.
- Click on a movie from the search results to view its details.
- You can see information such as the movie's title, year, poster, runtime, IMDb rating, and plot.
- Rate the movie using the star rating system if it's a movie you've watched.
- When viewing the details of a movie, you can click the "+ Add to List" button to add it to your watched list.
- Rate the movie using the star rating system.
- Click on the "Watched" tab to view your watched movies.
- You can see a summary of your watched movies, including the number of movies, average IMDb rating, average user rating, and average runtime.
- Click on a watched movie to see its details, or remove it from your watched list.
Contributions to Retro Flix are welcome! If you find a bug or have an idea for an enhancement, please open an issue or create a pull request on the GitHub repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. 📜