This is an app that calculates and shows the level of interest of getting observations near determined points on a map. It uses SYKE's CitobsDB-system.
Deployed here:
Created using React, TypeScript, and Leaflet.
You can set up the project with
npm install
npm start
By default, the server can be accessed on port 8080.
TypeScript type-checking can manually be run with
npm run type-check
For the app to function correctly a working CitobsDB I-API key must be declared in the env variables as API_KEY before building. For example
export API_KEY='your-api-key-here'
Build the bundle into the dist folder with
npm run build
The app is deployed on Netlify automatically when commits are made into the deploy branch.
Alternatively the bundle can be manually deployed to any other server, such as an AWS S3 bucket.