- Node.js with the following modules
- body-parser: ~1.13.2
- cookie-parser: ~1.3.5
- debug: ~2.2.0
- express: ~4.13.1
- jade: ~1.11.0
- morgan: ~1.6.1
- serve-favicon: ~2.3.0
- mysql: ~2.9.0
- passport: ~0.3.2
- slugify: ~0.1.1
- Install dependencies in
:npm install
- Execute
node bin/www.js
from project directory
VIRACTION is a web marketplace for NFTs and crypto collectibles. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are one of the many emerging technologies. coming out of the growing blockchain industry. NFTs came to prominence in 2021 with $40 billion of sales. Here at VIRACTION, users can go through many kinds of NFTs in various domains. We've used tech stacks like HTML, CSS, Node.js and MySQL for this website. Our main backend data is stored in a database on MySQL.
Requirements for running this program:
- Node.js should be installed.
- All npm libraries are there which are required.
To run the code the user has to use the following command on the command line:
nodemon ./bin/www.js
While its running just open "localhost:3000" in your browser.