Personal Website
Do your best to address each of the items on the list below.
- Style your work
- Use three levels of hierarchy.
- Font styles, strive for legibility.
- Set the font-size on the body element in px.
- Why should I do this?
- Set the font size of other elements in em
- Set the color.
- You can use a different font-family for headings.
- Use line-height to set the line spacing (this helps legibility)
- Text should not touch an edge (You probably need padding on the parent)
- Try to get three levels of hierarchy.
- Use flex box to arrange things in vertical or horizontal groups
- Set the font-size on the body element in px.
- Code review with another student
- HTML: Check semantics and usage
- Check the comments and formatting
- Look at your tag choices an ask yourself about its relevance
- Does that content really deserve an h1 or article tag?
- Check the usage (be sure to consult the documentation for the tag!)
- Is that li inside a ul or ol?
- Do your sections have headings?
- Did you use all of the correct attributes?
- Check your work with the validator!
- CSS: Check syntax and style rules.
- Style and formatting
- Follow the style guide:
- Did you use comments?
- Whether you feel you need them or not annotating your work is professional!
- Style and formatting
- HTML: Check semantics and usage