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Requires MediaWiki >= 1.39.4 < 1.40.0

Based on the MediaWiki Vector skin, inspired by the TGUI from SS13, which was originally made for /tg/station

Also ported preferences and some neat stuff from Citizen skin

Made by someone not versed in php, so it just works (except Citizen and original Vector code)


Skin has integrated FloatingUI for tooltips and popups, selfhosted (~20kb). Also integrated FontAwesome, also selfhosted (~150kb).

FloatingUI is used for tooltips, whose classes you can set via config, but the main class of the tooltip element itself, aka text or any other element to be hovered over, is always the same: .tooltip, take this into account if you make a tooltip template for MediaWiki.

Also used for alternative tooltips, smaller ones - Popup. It always has the same class: .popup. An example template for MediaWiki is attached below: <span class='popup' data-popup-text="{{{2}}}">{{{1}}}</span>

AND, for replacement of default browser tooltips, can be disabled via config.

The templates is already styled, so no additional steps are required.


Download all these files into a folder named "TGUI"

Place the TGUI folder into Mediawiki/Skins (Or, clone this repo into the skin folder, and rename cloned folder into "TGUI")

Go to MediaWiki LocalSetting.php and add this line wfLoadSkin( 'TGUI' ); next to all the other wfLoadSkin() calls

You may need to reload Mediawiki for it to show up.

Now when users go to their Special:Preferences page, they can change their appearance setting theme to TGUI.

Also, you can make it by default $wgDefaultSkin = "tgui";


REQUIRED: remove this line wfLoadSkin( 'TGUI' ); from LocalSetting.php

REQUIRED: If you set $wgDefaultSkin to 'tgui' you must switch it to another skin you have installed

MediaWiki will automatically switch users using TGUI back to the default skin

You can keep the TGUI folder in Skins if you just want to disable its use for the time being without any issues. Otherwise you can just delete it at this point.

Configuration options

Skin has a few configurations, you can use them if your wiki is not ready to use the standard dark theme

Name Description Values Default
$wgTGUIEnablePreferences Gives users the ability to customise the skin to their liking true - enable
false - disable
$wgTGUIThemeDefault The default skin theme auto - automatically switches between dark and light, depending on the theme of the device
dark and light
$wgTGUIThemeStyleDefault The default skin theme style default - classic TGUI style
ntos - blue TGUI style
paradise - crimson style
$wgTGUITooltips Defines tooltip content css classes. List of css classes. Extend with $wgTGUITooltips[] = 'my_class'; ["tooltiptext", "tooltiptext2", "tooltiptable"]
$wgTGUIReplaceTitleTooltips Replacing of buildin browser tooltips with Floating UI custom ones. true - enable
false - disable
$wgTGUIEnableHolidays Enables or disable holidays styles and scripts. true - enable
false - disable
$wgTGUIBackground Path to custom background SVG. Need a path, like on favicon. nanotrasen.svg


This is protected under GDL 2.0+ so you're free to take and use this and modify it to whatever the hell you want. Just credit the author and follow the license.