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CSCord Advanced

ayan edited this page Jun 8, 2023 · 2 revisions

What is advanced?

With the launch CSCord V6 we can make a lot of new features: introducing the "advanced" class. CSCord Advanced is a separate class, Allowing for timestamps, images, author text, thumbnails and more!

Test out the early access version with advanced embeds

Now you wont just have plain and simple embedded messages, timestamps, images, author text, thumbnails and more are here too.

Required Arguments (Embeds)

advancedEmbeds(webhookUrl, username, avatarUrl, title, description, footer, doTimestamp , imageUrl, thumbnailUrl, authorUrl, color) are the arguments. For the "doTimestamp" you can add true if you want a timestamp and false if you do not.

Example (Embeds)

advancedEmbeds("webhook url here","CSCord", "", "Message For You", "CSCord dearly thanks you for using it!", "Thanks!", true, "", "", "","10181046")

Introducing optional fields (Embeds)

advancedEmbeds(webhookUrl, username, avatarUrl, title, description, footer, doTimestamp , imageUrl, thumbnailUrl, authorUrl, color) are the arguments, and you can leave imageUrl, thumbnailUrl, authorUrl empty like this "", and not an empty space.

Required Arguments (Normal Messages)

cscord.message(webhookUrl, webhookMessage);

Example (Normal Messages)

cscord.message(webhookUrl, "Yo");

What does it do? (Normal Messages)

Only timestamps currently.