Dactylogod is a simple bot for 10fastfingers.com made with Puppeteer.
To get the project, simply run
git clone https://github.com/AyyymericArn/dactylogod
Then to install the dependencies, simply run
npm i
To use it in guest mode, just run
node bot.js
After 150 words typed, the bot will pause for 10 seconds so that you can type random characters without touching to space bar to fake a real test.
Optionnaly, you may provide your email and password to login before the dactylo test launches, so that you can register you performance, like so :
node bot.js [email protected] aWeSoMePaSsWoRd
At the moment, the godlike scores are unvalidated by anticheat. Feel free to send pull requests if you're determined enough to break it.
You may tweak the bot speed in the config object at the top of the bot.js file. You may also change the desired language by changing the crawled URL. Finally, you can desable the pause after 150 words, or change this limit.