What's Changed
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 299 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #613
- Serializing operation settings for manifest based operation. by @preetriti1 in #615
- Export summary by @ccastrotrejo in #614
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 300 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #616
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220720170822129 to main by @csigs in #619
- #15010055 - [Serialization] Serialize workflow graph into workflow definition by @preetriti1 in #618
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 301 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #620
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220721170404532 to main by @csigs in #621
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 302 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #622
- Download and unzipping experience by @ccastrotrejo in #623
- Adding create connection for local connections in connection service by @preetriti1 in #624
- Debounce the layout calls for elkjs by @hartra344 in #625
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 303 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #626
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 304 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #628
- Schema Editor by @Eric-B-Wu in #627
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 305 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #629
- Connection panel components state setup by @rllyy97 in #601
- Ability to delete tokens by @Eric-B-Wu in #632
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 306 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #633
- #12811279 - Add support for variables initialization in store when definition is loaded. by @preetriti1 in #631
- Starting on discovery panel engineering work by @DanielleCogs in #612
- Revert "Starting on discovery panel engineering work" by @DanielleCogs in #634
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220726170454062 to main by @csigs in #637
- trying again on this browse PR by @DanielleCogs in #636
- Deploy with managed connections by @ccastrotrejo in #630
- [Data Mapper] Canvas controls by @refortie in #638
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 307 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #639
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220727170801907 to main by @csigs in #640
- [Data Mapper] Schema tree foundational work by @refortie in #641
- UX string fixes and remove cancel button by @ccastrotrejo in #642
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 308 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #643
- Clean up Editors/ Starting Work on Collapsed Dictionary Editor by @Eric-B-Wu in #644
- [Data Mapper] Selecting an input node now adds a new node to the screen by @refortie in #646
- #12798937 - [Token Picker] Get template expressions as tokens for token picker by @preetriti1 in #648
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 309 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #649
- Implemented Connection Creation + Selection by @rllyy97 in #635
- Improving "add" workflow, not totally done by @DanielleCogs in #645
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220729170932432 to main by @csigs in #650
- [Data Mapper] Swap from fast tree package to fluent tree package by @refortie in #651
- Added storybooks for components created by @t-jennlee in #652
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 310 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #654
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220730170657556 to main by @csigs in #655
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 311 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #656
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 312 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #657
- No workflows scenario and update of store in manage connections by @ccastrotrejo in #658
- Dictionary Editor by @Eric-B-Wu in #659
- moving section state to parent and passing state and handlers as props by @usafowose in #528
- UX strings and disable checkbox when loading by @ccastrotrejo in #660
- Remove Segments by @Eric-B-Wu in #663
- Integrating editors in parameters tab by @preetriti1 in #653
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 313 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #664
- CreateConnection - Multi Auth Bugs by @rllyy97 in #662
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220802170816354 to main by @csigs in #667
- Implementation of searchable dropdown by @ccastrotrejo in #666
- Edge Traversal Optimization (+ other optimization) by @rllyy97 in #665
- Eric/editor fixes by @Eric-B-Wu in #669
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 314 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #670
- Add export status page by @tonytang-microsoft-com in #647
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220803170553352 to main by @csigs in #673
- Token Picker Setup by @Eric-B-Wu in #671
- Loading spinner for dropdowns by @ccastrotrejo in #668
Component // Fixed some incorrect logic with required params by @rllyy97 in #672- Fixing serialization bug with conditions and switch by @preetriti1 in #674
- Fixed Redux Edge Issue by @rllyy97 in #676
- Input Improvements & Run After Status Write by @usafowose in #675
- Add onChange integrated into combobox and string editor by @preetriti1 in #680
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 315 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #681
- Some Work on Token Picker by @Eric-B-Wu in #683
- Fix inconsistent data shown in workflow list by @ccastrotrejo in #677
- Fix issue where id is changed on rerenders when it shouldn't be by @hartra344 in #679
- Persisting changes in dictionary editor to store by @preetriti1 in #682
- Allow schema editor to update currentvalue on Blur by @hartra344 in #685
- Enable back button when export is completed by @tonytang-microsoft-com in #678
- Minor fixes in settings serialization by @preetriti1 in #688
- Default connection now set with add by @DanielleCogs in #686
- Add edge cases: first node in nested graphs by @DanielleCogs in #687
- Fix typo by @tonytang-microsoft-com in #689
- #15161391 - [Recommendation - Authoring] Initialize node operation metadata for newly added node by @preetriti1 in #691
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 316 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #693
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 317 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #695
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220806170751939 to main by @csigs in #697
- #14490747 - Updating dynamic outputs and tokens in triggers and other actions by @preetriti1 in #696
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 318 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #698
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220807170434642 to main by @csigs in #699
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 319 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #700
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220808170653324 to main by @csigs in #701
- Token Picker - Insert Tokens by @Eric-B-Wu in #692
- [Data Mapper] Add/Remove input nodes from the canvas by @refortie in #690
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 320 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #704
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220809170425315 to main by @csigs in #706
- [Data Mapper] Fix the breadcrumb not displaying items after navigating by @refortie in #703
- [Data Mapper] Fix initial node positioning by @refortie in #702
- Fix warnings in build by @hartra344 in #708
- Fix workflow selection by @ccastrotrejo in #707
- Connector Browse/Search/Details flow + Details page by @rllyy97 in #694
- RunAfter canvas node UI by @rllyy97 in #705
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 321 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #709
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220810170742110 to main by @csigs in #711
- Update Run After to use redux state as source of truth nad have abity to update by @hartra344 in #712
- Moving search to frontend by @DanielleCogs in #710
- #15226279 - [Dynamic outputs]Update static outputs dependent on input parameters by @preetriti1 in #714
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 322 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #717
- [Data Mapper] Properties Pane foundation by @NicL9923 in #713
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220811171115498 to main by @csigs in #718
- [Data Mapper] Rework stores to support the future edge work by @refortie in #715
- Token Picker Search - Adding Editor for Expressions by @Eric-B-Wu in #716
- Include Run After addition and removal by @hartra344 in #719
- fix small issue by @Eric-B-Wu in #721
- Correctly Serialize RunAfter Settings by @hartra344 in #722
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 323 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #723
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220812170640665 to main by @csigs in #725
- Add new resource group while deploying connections by @ccastrotrejo in #726
- Package url error message by @ccastrotrejo in #727
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 324 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #728
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220813170717437 to main by @csigs in #730
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 325 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #731
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220814170529301 to main by @csigs in #732
- Add Token Picker See More functionality by @Eric-B-Wu in #729
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 326 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #733
- LEGO: Pull request from loc/juno/hb_2c680428-7b9c-4a23-8be5-3edfbaebf5fb_20220815170427025 to main by @csigs in #734
- Remove geo restriction by @ccastrotrejo in #736
- Add Node Panel UI completion by @rllyy97 in #724
- Updated DM Nodes Storybook by @derek1ee in #735
- Localized file check-in by OneLocBuild Task: Build definition ID 2: Build ID 327 by @azure-logic-apps-automation in #737
- Add review validation command by @ccastrotrejo in #739
- AddNode Edge Cases + RunAfter Updates on AddNode by @rllyy97 in #741
- Fixed some specific AddNode bugs by @rllyy97 in #743
- Tracked Properties Work by @hartra344 in #742
- Add now sets parameters by @DanielleCogs in #740
New Contributors
- @tonytang-microsoft-com made their first contribution in #647
- @NicL9923 made their first contribution in #713
- @derek1ee made their first contribution in #735
Full Changelog: v0.0.54...v0.0.65