This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 12, 2023. It is now read-only.
Azure IoT Gateway SDK
Updates nanomsg submodule. (#58 and #53)
Fixes issue related to incorrect RPATH values during linking. (#58 and #53)
Enables multiplexing over AMQP in the iothub module.
Fixes UTF-8 BOM issue by updating parson submodule. (#49)
Adds SDK overview to readme.
Fixes metahost.h issue in .NET binding (#35)
Simulated BLE prints to stdout on Receive and Publish
Documentation updates. (#60)
Updates to Node.js v6.9.1.
Simulated cloud upload sample sensor module configures the message interval.
Fixes the build error when building module loader unit tests and bindings disabled. (#55)