The main purpose of this web application is only for administration stuff thus only admins that can login to this application
These are features that already/will be available in the application :
- (C)reate (R)ead (U)pdate (D)elete Admins (only for admin with highest priviledge)
- (C)reate (R)ead (U)pdate (D)elete Bansos (Bantuan Sosial)
- (C)reate (R)ead (U)pdate (D)elete Location
- (C)reate (R)ead (U)pdate (D)elete Recipient (Data Penerima Bansos)
- Look at transaction in each vending machine in realtime
- Graph for the data statistic (currently just showing the amount of available data)
- Map to see location of each vending machine
- Development Build:
npm run start
- Production Build:
npm run build
- React JS
These are steps that need to be done for development :
- Fork this repository
- Create issue in this repository about what problem you want to fix / what feature you want to add
- Start the development in your own repository by first creating branch that are unique to the development (problem to fix / feature to add)
- Open pull request to this repository and ask maintainer (anantara-frontend-team) that consist of @fyan and @alif to review the PR
- Wait for the review approval and merge if approved
This application is currently deployed using netlify in this link