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A Calculator for gamma-ray Yield Analysis of NeUtron Activations


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CYANUS (a Calculator for Yield Analysis of NeUtron Activation) is a MATLAB tool for calculating the energies and intensities of delayed gamma-rays released by neutron irradiated samples.

CYANUS allows the user to arbitrarily designate the pointwised neutorn spectrum, elemental composition of the irradiation sample and the three key time duration (irradiation, cooling and measurement time).



  1. Pointwised neutron spectra are avaliable.
  2. The isomer production ratios for isotopes irradiated by neutrons with different energies are taken into consideration.
  3. Easy to deploy, add the folder to the MATLAB path, then start.

Quick start

  1. Add the folder function to MATLAB search path.
  2. Run cyanus() in the command window, several input forms to run CYANUS will appear.
  3. Results are saved to cyanus-output.mat in the working path. The variable table_gamma contains all the possible delayed gamma-rays and their count in the measurement time period. Other variables and their meanings are listed below
Variable Description
spec_neutron Pointwised neutron spectrum (User input)
table_active Probabilities that neutron irradiated isotopes reach different isoeric states
table_decay List of produced radioactive isotopes, their halflives and saturation quantity
table_element Elements and their masses, intermediate variable of CYANUS
table_gamma All the delayed gamma-rays and their counts
table_gamma_element The total counts of gamma-rays released by each element
table_gamma_element_max The count of gamma-ray with the highest intensity of each element
table_isotope Mole number of each isotope
table_specimen List of elements and masses (User input)
ttt Irradiation time, cooling time and measurement time (User input)

Physical priciple

When irradiated by neutrons, the stable isotope $^AX$ may capture a neutron and form the isotope $^{A+1,s}X$ ($s$ represents the long lived state, $g$ for ground state, $m1$ for the first isomer and $m2$ for the second isomer). The production rate is

$$ \frac{dN}{dt}=N_0R_{I,s}\int\sigma(E)\phi(E)dE-\lambda N $$

In which $N$ = The number of $^{A+1,s}X$ in the sample $N_0$ = The number of $^AX$ in the sample $R_{I,s}$ = The probability of producing isomer $^{A+1,s}X$ after $^AX$ absorbs a neutron. $\sigma(E)$ = The (n, γ) cross section of $^AX$ for neutrons with energy
$\phi(E)$ = The flux of irradiating neutrons with energy from $E$ to $E+dE$ $\lambda$ = The decay constant of $^{A+1,s}X$

After an irradiation time of $t_{irr}$ , the amount of the radioactive isotopes $^{A+1,s}X$ will be

$$ N(t=t_{irr}) = \frac{N_0R_{I,s}\int\sigma(E)\phi(E)dE}{\lambda} (1-e^{-\lambda t_{irr}}) $$

The count $C_{\gamma}$ of gamma-ray with energy $E_{\gamma}$ released by $^{A+1,s}X$ during the time period [$t_{cool}$ , $t_{cool}+t_{meas}$ ] after the irradiation could be calculated as

$$ C_{\gamma}=N(t=t_{irr})\Gamma_{\gamma}e^{-\lambda t_{cool}}(1-e^{-\lambda t_{meas}}) $$

In which $\Gamma_{\gamma}$ = the intensity of gamma-ray with energy of $E_\gamma$ along with the decay of a $^{A+1,s}X$

CYANUS integrated above mentioned equations for calculating $C_{\gamma}$ for all 5730 gamma-rays released by 289 stable isotopes (74 stable elements). For each of the gamma-ray, following table lists the 9 parameters needs to be defined and their source.

Symbol Description Source
$N_0$ The number of $^AX$ in the sample User input
$R_{I,s}$ The isomeric ratio Calculated by TALYS 1.96
$\sigma(E)$ The (n, γ) cross section of $^AX$ for neutrons with energy ENDF/B-VII.1
$\phi(E)$ The flux of irradiating neutrons with energy from $E$ to $E+dE$ User input
$\lambda$ The decay constant of $^{A+1,s}X$ NUBASE2020
$\Gamma_{\gamma}$ The intensity of gamma-ray with energy of $E_\gamma$ along with the decay of a $^{A+1,s}X$ Lund/LBNL Nuclear Data Search
$t_{irr}$ The irradiation time User input
$t_{cool}$ The cooling time User input
$t_{meas}$ The measurement time User input

The nuclear data from the databases were downloaded and organized in the folder data


As an elementary work for aiding the neutron activation analysis with complex neutron fields, CYANUS requires abundant tests to become reliable. We sincerely thank you for using and cross checking CYANUS. Any comments are welcome.


CYANUS 是一个使用MATLAB编写的小工具,用以计算中子活化后,样品发射的缓发伽马射线能量及强度。用户可自由输入样品元素组成、辐照中子能谱、照射时长、冷却时长和测量时长,程序将基于核数据,计算并输出辐照后的物体释放的所有的缓发伽马射线能量和数量信息。



  • 中子能谱输入自由度更高,可逐能量点指定注量率,而不局限于传统的热中子注量率、快热中子比等若干个参数;
  • 考虑了同质异能素的生成概率与中子能量的依赖关系;
  • 快速部署,只需将function目录加入MATLAB搜索路径,即可使用,便于与其它科研代码互相调用和组合。


  1. 将文件夹 function 加入MATLAB自动搜索路径
  2. 在命令行窗口运行 cyanus() ,提示输入格式
  3. 计算结果保存在当前目录下的 cyanus-output.mat 文件中,其中 各变量的含义如下表
变量名 解释
spec_neutron 用户输入的逐能点中子能谱
table_active 中子照射后各核素到达不同的同质异能素的概率
table_decay 中子照射产生的各活化核的半衰期及饱和数量
table_element 元素与质量表格
table_gamma 受照射的元素发射的所有伽马射线各自的能量和数量
table_gamma_element 受照射的元素各自发射的所有伽马射线总数量
table_gamma_element_max 受照射的元素各自发射的最强伽马射线总数量
table_isotope 用户输入的元素按照天然丰度换算出的核素与对应摩尔数表格
table_specimen 用户输入的元素与质量表格
ttt 用户输入的照射、冷却、测量时长


中子照射后,稳定核素 $^AX$ 可能俘获一个中子生成 $^{A+1,s}X$ ($s$ 代表长寿命的态, 例如基态$g$ ,第一激发态 $m1$ 和第二激发态 $m2$ ). $^{A+1,s}X$的产生速率可以表示为

$$ \frac{dN}{dt}=N_0R_{I,s}\int\sigma(E)\phi(E)dE-\lambda N $$

其中 $N$ = 核素 $^{A+1,s}X$ 的数目 $N_0$ = 核素 $^AX$ 的数目 $R_{I,s}$ = 核素 $^AX$ 俘获一个中子后,生成 $^{A+1,s}X$ 的概率 $\sigma(E)$ = 核素 $^AX$ 对于能量为 $E$ 的中子的 (n, γ) 反应截面 $\phi(E)$ = 能量在 $E$$E+dE$ 之间的中子注量率 $\lambda$ = 核素 $^{A+1,s}X$ 的衰变常数

在照射 $t_{irr}$ 秒后, 放射性同位素 $^{A+1,s}X$ 的数量为

$$ N(t=t_{irr}) = \frac{N_0R_{I,s}\int\sigma(E)\phi(E)dE}{\lambda} (1-e^{-\lambda t_{irr}}) $$

放射性同位素 $^{A+1,s}X$ 释放的能量为 $E_{\gamma}$ 的伽马射线在照射结束后[$t_{cool}$ , $t_{cool}+t_{meas}$ ]时间段内的数量为

$$ C_{\gamma}=N(t=t_{irr})\Gamma_{\gamma}e^{-\lambda t_{cool}}(1-e^{-\lambda t_{meas}}) $$

其中 $\Gamma_{\gamma}$ = 核素 $^{A+1,s}X$ 释放能量为 $E_{\gamma}$ 的伽马射线的强度

CYANUS 将上述公式整合,计算了 5730个$ \gamma $射线的 $C_{\gamma}$ ,它们来自 289 个稳定核素 (74 个稳定元素). 下表展示了公式中各参数的来源。

符号 解释 来源
$N_0$ 核素 $^AX$ 的数目 用户输入
$R_{I,s}$ 核素 $^AX$ 俘获一个中子后,生成 $^{A+1,s}X$ 的概率 TALYS 1.96 预先计算
$\sigma(E)$ 核素 $^AX$ 对于能量为 $E$ 的中子的 (n, γ) 反应截面 ENDF/B-VII.1
$\phi(E)$ 能量在 $E$$E+dE$ 之间的中子注量率 用户输入
$\lambda$ 核素 $^{A+1,s}X$ 的衰变常数 NUBASE2020
$\Gamma_{\gamma}$ 核素 $^{A+1,s}X$ 释放能量为 $E_{\gamma}$ 的伽马射线的强度 Lund/LBNL Nuclear Data Search
$t_{irr}$ 辐照时长 用户输入
$t_{cool}$ 冷却时长 用户输入
$t_{meas}$ 测量时长 用户输入

表格中的核数据位于文件夹 data 中。


在攻读博士期间,面对需要判断不同核素在中子照射后释放的伽马能量和强度关系的问题,我早年是在手机软件“核素导览”上查找截面和伽马射线射线强度等信息后,手算所需的计数和计数率等信息,低效而且无法说清同质异能态产生的情况。这种计算对例如In等同质异能素的gamma射线占主导的核素基本上是不可用的。2022年,博士开题后,根据评审专家的建议,我决定整理公开数据库中有关中子活化问题的核数据,并编写一个便捷的计算软件,以辅助向更复杂问题,例如多元素活化的信本比问题等,进行深入探索。经过内部的数轮迭代,本程序定量计算伽马射线强度的功能基本实现,与Yule 1965年的反应堆实验结果实现了较好的对应。不足的是,由于遵循着“先完成再完美”的信条,当前程序编写不甚规范,不够用户友好。现在,“完成”已经基本告一段落,“完美”将陆续实现。



  • 将探测器响应,包括探测效率、康普顿坪、单逃双逃 纳入计算
  • 整理核数据的格式,以减少读取用时
  • 编写用户界面
  • Python 版本


A Calculator for gamma-ray Yield Analysis of NeUtron Activations







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