This is the analysis code for the striatal portion of my PhD thesis work: "A comprehensive map of excitatory input convergence in the mouse striatum," (Publication in Review). The corticostriatal dataset was generated from data produced by the Allen Institute for Brain Science (AIBS) & the thalamostriatal dataset was generated from data produced by us for a previous study.
Hunnicutt, B. J. et al. (2016) A comprehensive excitatory input map of the striatum reveals novel functional organization. eLife. 5, e19103.
Thalamic Projections : Hunnicutt, B. J. et al. (2014). A comprehensive thalamocortical projection map at the mesoscopic level. Nature Neuroscience. 17, 1276–1285.
Cortical Projections : Oh, S. W. et al. (2014). A mesoscale connectome of the mouse brain. Nature 508, 207–214.
File Name | Folder | Purpose |
1. | Python | Access density data from AIBS API |
2. | Python | Get voxelized AIBS data out of python |
3. jh_pImport2matlab2.m | Matlab | Get AIBS data aligned & prepped for analysis |
4. jh_AllenInstituteBundleSubtraction.m | Matlab | Remove bundled projections from AIBS data |
5. jh_consolidatingAIBSdatasets.m | Matlab | Group injection data by cortical origin |
6. jh_corticostriatalFigures.m | Matlab | Generate figures for corticostriatal data alone |
7. jh_voxelClustering_striatum.m | Matlab | Create striatal subdivisions based on convergent cortical inputs |
8. jh_consolidatingThalamusData.m | Matlab | Get thalamic injections, group them, calculate coverage & nuclear coverage |
9. jh_consolidatingAIBS_forNetworkAnalysis.m | Matlab | Generate data for network analyses |
10. jh_assortedStriatumFigures.m | Matlab | Generate several example figures for methods and background |
File Name | Purpose |
1. jh_segmentstriatum.m | Create manual striatum masks |
2. jh_strRot.m | Manually select striatal landmarks used for alignment |
3. jh_checkingStrPts.m | Check manually selected points |
4. jh_createStrMaskedTiffs.m | Generate tiffs cropped by the striatum mask |
--> WEKA Image Segmentation machine learning algorithm implemented via ImageJ | Select and train image subset, then apply WEKA machine learning algorithm to all images. Output => WEKA Probability Images for diffuse projection localization |
5. jh_threshold_WEKA.m | GUI to manually select probability thresholds ( Requires: jh_threshold_WEKA.fig) |
6. jh_WEKAprobToMask.m | Apply the selected thresholds to the probability masks |
7. jh_finalProjMaskAdjustments_green.m | Manual correction of small errors in automated WEKA ML output for green channel (Requires: jh_finalProjMaskAdjustments_green.fig) |
8. jh_finalProjMaskAdjustments_red.m | Manual correction of small errors in automated WEKA ML output for red channel (Requires: jh_finalProjMaskAdjustments_red.fig) |
9. jh_createFinalProjMasks.m | Generate final projection masks that include manual adjustments and holes caused be traveling axons filled |
10. jh_createFinalProjMasks_fixaddMaskMistake.m | Ran after jh_createFinalProjMasks.m to fix a small error. |
See: /Matlab/thalamostriatal/ for implementation details.
- Image Processing Toolbox
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
- Medical Image Processing Toolbox by Alberto Gomez
- See: /Matlab/masks/...
- See: /Matlab/striatum_alignment/...
- Currently in the .gitignore - Need to ask Haining about putting this code in here with attribution