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Highco SlackErrorNotifier Bundle

What is it?

This bundle format exception and php error to send it in slack. You can also be notified of 404 or PHP fatal errors. It's highly inspired from Elao error notifier bundle


Symfony >= 2.3

Add this in your composer.json

"require": {
    "highco/slack-error-notifier-bundle" : "dev-master"

And run php composer.phar update highco/slack-error-notifier-bundle

Register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    return array(
        // ...
        new Highco\SlackErrorNotifierBundle\HighcoSlackErrorNotifierBundle(),


Add in your config_prod.yml file, you don't need error notifier when you are in dev environment.

# app/config/config_prod.yml
    channel: symfony-errors # Required : Slack channel 
    webhookToken: XXXXXXX/XXXXXXX/XXXXX # Required : string in your slack webhook url
    handle404: true # default :  false
    handleHTTPcodes: ~
    handlePHPErrors: true # catch fatal erros and log them
    handlePHPWarnings: true # catch warnings and log them
    handleSilentErrors: false # don't catch error on method with an @
    ignoredClasses: ~
        firstClassLinesBeforeAfter: 3 # Lines displayed around error in first class in full trace
        firstClassLinesBeforeAfter: 0 # Lines displayed around error in following classes in full trace
        includeGetParameters: true # Display GET parameters
        includePostParameters: true # Display POST parameters
        includeRequestAttributes: true # Display request attributes
        includeRequestCookies: true # Display request cookies
        includeRequestHeaders: false # Display request headers
        includeServerParameters: false # Display server parameters
        includeSessionAttributes: true # Display session attributes

How to ignore errors raised by given classes ?

Sometimes, you want the bundle not to send logs for errors raised by a given class. You can now do it by adding the name of the class raising the error in the ignored_class key.

# app/config/config_prod.yml
        - "Guzzle\Http\Exception\ServerErrorResponseException"
        - ...

How to handle other HTTP errors by given error code ?

If you want the bundle to send logs for other HTTP errors than 500 and 404, you can now specify the list of error codes you want to handle.

# app/config/config_prod.yml
        - 405
        - ...

How to avoid sending many same messages for one error ?

If an error occurs on a website with a lot of active visitors you'll get spammed by the notifier for the same error.

In order to avoid getting spammed, use the repeatTimeout option.

# app/config/config_prod.yml
    repeatTimeout: 3600

In this example, if an errors X occurs, and the same error X occurs again within 1 hour, you won't recieve a 2nd log.

How to ignore sending HTTP errors if request comes from any of given IPs?

If you want to ignore sending HTTP errors if the request comes from specific IPs, you can now specify the list of ignored IPs.

# app/config/config_prod.yml
        - ""
        - ...

How to ignore sending HTTP errors if the user agent match a given pattern?

For some reasons you may need to ignore sending notifications if request comes from some user agents. Often you will need to use this feature with annoying crawlers which uses artificial intelligence to generate URLs which may not exist in your site.

# app/config/config_prod.yml
    ignoredAgentsPattern: "(Googlebot|bingbot)"

How to ignore sending HTTP errors if the URI match a given pattern?

For example if you want to ignore all not exist images errors you may do something like that.

# app/config/config_prod.yml
    ignoredUrlsPattern: "\.(jpg|png|gif)"


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