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Admin (Nette)

Mailer Admin serves as a tool for configuration of mailers, creation of email layouts and templates, and configuring and sending mail jobs to selected segments of users.

When the backend is ready, don't forget to install dependencies and run DB migrations:

# 1. Download PHP dependencies
composer install

# 2. Download JS/HTML dependencies
yarn install

# !. use extra switch if your system doesn't support symlinks (Windows; can be enabled)
yarn install --no-bin-links

# 3. Generate assets
yarn run dev // or any other alternative defined within package.json

# 4. Run migrations
php bin/command.php migrate:migrate

# 5. Run seeders
php bin/command.php db:seed
php bin/command.php demo:seed # optional

You can override any default config from config.neon by creating file config.local.neon and setting your own values.


  • PHP 7.1
  • MySQL 5.7
  • Redis 3.2

Technical feature description

Newsletter lists

Lists represent categories of emails (newsletters). Their primary (and only) use case is to group single emails within a newsletter and manage subscriptions of users to these newsletters.

When you create new newsletter, you can specify:

  • Name. User-friendly name of the newsletter (e.g. "Weekly newsletter", "Breaking news", ...)
  • Code. Computer-friendly name of the newsletter (slug; e.g. "weekly_newsletter", "breaking_news", ...)
  • Auto subscribe flag. Flag indicating whether new users (reported by external CRM via API) should be automatically subscribed to the newsletter or not.
  • Public flag. Flag indicating whether the newsletter should be listed in the public listing available for end users. Mailer doesn't provide a user-facing frontend, so this flag is targetted primarily for the party implementing the frontend.

Any handling of subscription/unsubscription of end users from newsletters is handled via API. Publishers mostly want to have this included within the customer zone of their systems - designed consistently with the rest of their system. Therefore Mailer doesn't provide any user-facing frontend.

To see the APIs to integration subscription management, see Managing user subscription section.

Emails and Layouts

Emails and layouts provide a way how to manually create emails with the possibility to see realtime preview of the email while doing so. As the names suggest:

  • Layouts. They are common and reusable parts of the emails. Usually header (containing logo and welcome message) and footer (containing your credentials, link to unsubscribe).

    To have emails generated correctly, place {{ content|raw }} to the place where content of actual email should be injected.

  • Emails. They represent actual content of the email (e.g. single edition of the weekly newsletter). Every email has couple of settings you can configure:

    • Name. User-friendly name of the email. It's displayed only in the administration parts of the system.
    • Code. Computer-friendly name of the email (slug). Primarily being used when referencing single email that's being sent manually.
    • Description. Internal description, so you know even after a year what the purpose of email was.
    • Layout. Layout to be used.
    • Newsletter list. Newsletter (category) to which this email belongs. Before the email is sent to specific end-user, Mailer checks whether the user is subscribed to this newsletter or not. If he/she is not, the email will not be sent.
    • From. Who should be used as a sender of email (e.g. Support <[email protected]).
    • Subject. Email subject.
    • Text version. Text version used as a fallback by email clients.
    • HTML version. HTML (primary) version of email that people will see. HTML version is being previewed in the form for creation of new email.

Text and HTML versions of email support Twig syntax. You can use standard Twig features in your templates or use custom variables provided by Generators.

Saving the email doesn't trigger any sending. It creates an instance of email that might be sent manually (or by 3rd parties) via API or as a batch within a Mailer's job.


Jobs can be understood as a newsletter sending orders. They can consist of smaller batches which provide their own statistics. This is useful when you want to run an A/B test on smaller batch, evaluate and send the email to rest of the users.

When creating a job, you implicitly create also its first batch. The job has only one option shared across all batches:

  • Segment. Defines which segment of users (needs integration) should receive the email. This does not relate to the newsletter subscribers in any way. Segment of users should simply state the set of users you're targetting. For example "people registered yesterday" or "people without a payment". It's configured on a job level and it's shared across all batches.

All the other options are related to the batch that is created with the job. Afterwards you'll be able to create more batches within the job if necessary.

  • Method. Specifies whether the list of emails provided by segment should be randomized or the emails should be sent within the same order as they were returned within segment.
  • Email A. Primary email to be sent (implicitly indicates newsletter list which will be used for checking whether user can receive the email).
  • Email B. If you want to include A/B test within your batch, you can specify the other variant of email. Distribution of variants will be uniform between all variants.
  • Number of emails. Limits number of emails to be sent within the batch.
  • Start date. Specifies when the batch should be sent (now or in the future).

When the job/batch is created, you need to push "Start sending" button to trigger the execution. First, the background processor will receive necessary information about target group of users and prepares metadata for sending daemon.

Once the metadata is ready and the batch is in the processed state, it will be picked up by sending daemon and actual emails will be sent via preconfigured Mailer (SMTP, Mailgun, ...).

You can create and execute jobs/batches programatically by using provided API endpoints.


Generators are single-purpose implementations that help to generate HTML/text content of emails programatically based on the provided input. That means that instead of manually preparing email content (HTML to send) every time you want to send an email, you can simplify the creation by implementing custom generator that can do the hard work for you.

For example the generator can require list of URLs to your articles. When it gets them, it will parse the content of the URLs, extracts title, excerpt and image of the article and injects that into the prepared generator template. Person preparing the email has a guarantee that he/she won't create invalid HTML (due to typo) and the whole process is sped up as the only thing he/she needs to enter are article URLs. The flow we just described matches with how UrlParserGenerator works.

Each prepared generator template is directly linked to a generator implementation. It's therefore guaranteed that the variables used within generator template will always be provided (unless the implementation contains a bug).

Implementing generator

To create new generator, you need to implement Remp\MailerModule\Generators\IGenerator interface. Methods are descibed below with references to UrlParserGenerator:

  • generateForm(Form $form). Generators need a way how to get arbitrary input from user. This method should add new form elements into the $form instance and state the validation rules.

    class UrlParserGenerator implements IGenerator
        // ...
        public function generateForm(Form $form)
            // ...
            $form->addTextArea('articles', 'Article')
                ->setAttribute('rows', 7)
                ->setOption('description', 'Paste article Urls. Each on separate line.')
                ->setAttribute('class', 'form-control html-editor');
            // ...
  • onSubmit(callable $onSubmit). TODO: hide to abstract class?

  • process($values). Processes input values provided either by API or by generator form and generates output containing array with htmlContent and textContent attributes. Values of these attributes should be used as HTML/text content of email. Processing might include text replacing, fetching data from 3rd party services and anything that helps to shape the final HTML of email.

    class UrlParserGenerator implements IGenerator
        // ...
        public function process($values)
            $sourceTemplate = $this->sourceTemplatesRepository->find($values->source_template_id);
            $items = [];
            $urls = explode("\n", trim($values->articles));
            foreach ($urls as $url) {
                $url = trim($url);
                $meta = $this->content->fetchUrlMeta($url);
                if ($meta) {
                    $items[$url] = $meta;
            $loader = new \Twig_Loader_Array([
                'html_template' => $sourceTemplate->content_html,
                'text_template' => $sourceTemplate->content_text,
            $twig = new \Twig_Environment($loader);
            $params = [
                'intro' => $values->intro,
                'footer' => $values->footer,
                'items' => $items,
                'utm_campaign' => $values->utm_campaign,
            $output = [];
            $output['htmlContent'] = $twig->render('html_template', $params);
            $output['textContent'] = $twig->render('text_template', $params);
            return $output;
  • getWidgets(). Provides array of class names of widgets that might be rendered on the page after generator form submission. As generator "only" generates HTML/text content of email, you might want to attach some extra behavior or controls to the success page - such as email preview or button to create and start job/batch.

    As an example see return value of NewsfilterGenerator and the implementation of NewsfilterWidget that previews provided HTML contents of email and renders extra form to provide data required to create email and job/batch.

    class NewsfilterGenerator implements IGenerator
        // ...
        public function getWidgets()
            return [NewsfilterWidget::class];
  • apiParams(). Provides array of input parameters that generator requires when used via API. These parameters should mirror fields added in generateForm() method. They are utilized when calling Generate mail API.

    class UrlParserGenerator implements IGenerator
        // ...
        public function apiParams()
            return [
                new InputParam(InputParam::TYPE_POST, 'source_template_id', InputParam::REQUIRED),
                new InputParam(InputParam::TYPE_POST, 'articles', InputParam::REQUIRED),
                new InputParam(InputParam::TYPE_POST, 'footer', InputParam::REQUIRED),
                new InputParam(InputParam::TYPE_POST, 'utm_campaign', InputParam::REQUIRED),
                new InputParam(InputParam::TYPE_POST, 'intro', InputParam::REQUIRED)
  • preprocessParameters(). Receives data provided by integrating 3rd party (e.g. Wordpress post data) and maps them to the parameters stated in apiParams(). This is a very specific use of an integration, that can be used as follows:

    • Your CMS (e.g. Wordpress) contain an integration stating that specific category of posts can utilize Mailer's generator. This integration directly states which generator template can be used.
    • CMS calls Mailer's preprocess API with Wordpress post in POST data. Generator maps Wordpress post data to the fields it requires as an input. That means no hard ties are made on Wordpress side.
    • As the generator implementation can be very specific (for example couple of our generators expect text version of Wordpress post as one of the inputs), it's OK to tie API part of the generator to the caller.
    • CMS receives back data extracted from WP post in a form, that can be submitted to the Mailer's Generator form and also an URL where these data can be submitted.
    • CMS provides a link, that creates a hidden form, populates it with preprocessed data and submits it to the Mailer.

    The result is, that instead of someone manually copy-pasting data out of Wordpress to Mailer, one can simply "trigger" the email generation and be redirected to the Mailer's generator success page. See NewsfilterGenerator for reference implementation.

    class NewsfilterGenerator implements IGenerator
        // ...
        public function preprocessParameters($data)
            $output = new \stdClass();
            if (!isset($data->post_authors[0]->display_name)) {
                throw new PreprocessException("WP json object does not contain required attribute 'display_name' of first post author");
            $output->editor = $data->post_authors[0]->display_name;
            $output->from = "Denník N <[email protected]>";
            foreach ($data->post_authors as $author) {
                if ($author->user_email === "[email protected]") {
                $output->editor = $author->display_name;
                $output->from = $author->display_name . ' <' . $author->user_email . '>';
            if (!isset($data->post_title)) {
                throw new PreprocessException("WP json object does not contain required attribute 'post_title'");
            $output->title = $data->post_title;
            if (!isset($data->post_url)) {
                throw new PreprocessException("WP json object  does not contain required attribute 'post_url'");
            $output->url = $data->post_url;
            if (!isset($data->post_excerpt)) {
                throw new PreprocessException("WP json object does not contain required attribute 'post_excerpt'");
            $output->summary = $data->post_excerpt;
            if (!isset($data->post_content)) {
                throw new PreprocessException("WP json object does not contain required attribute 'post_content'");
            $output->newsfilter_html = $data->post_content;
            return $output;

API Documentation

All examples use as a base domain. Please change the host to the one you use before executing the examples.

All examples use XXX as a default value for authorization token, please replace it with the real token API token that can be acquired in the REMP SSO.

API responses can contain following HTTP codes:

Value Description
200 OK Successful response, default value
400 Bad Request Invalid request (missing required parameters)
403 Forbidden The authorization failed (provided token was not valid)
404 Not found Referenced resource wasn't found

If possible, the response includes application/json encoded payload with message explaining the error further.

POST /api/v1/users/user-registered

When user is registered, Mailer should be notified so it can start tracking newsletter subscription for this new email address. This new email address will be automatically subscribed to any newsletter that has enabled auto subscribe option.

Name Value Required Description
Authorization Bearer String yes API token.
Name Value Required Description
email String yes Email address of user.
user_id String yes ID of user.
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d ''


    "status": "ok"

POST /api/v1/users/subscribe

API call subscribes email address to the given newsletter. Newsletter has to already be created. As there's no API for that, please visit /list/new to create newsletter via web admin.

Name Value Required Description
Authorization Bearer String yes API token.
	"email": "[email protected]", // String; email of the user
	"user_id": 123, // Integer; ID of the user
	"list_id": 1 // Integer; ID of the newsletter list you're subscribing the user to
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"user_id": 123,
	"list_id": 1


    "status": "ok"

POST /api/v1/users/un-subscribe

API call unsubscribes email address from the given newsletter.

Endpoint accepts optional array of UTM parameters. Every link in email send by Mailer contain UTM parameters referencing to the specific instance of sent email. If user unsubscribes via specific email, your frontend will also receive special UTM parameters, that can be passed to this API call. For instance link to unsubscribe from our daily newsletter might look like this:

The newsletter_daily stands for newsletter list code. UTM parameters reference specific email and specific batch which generated this email. If you won't provide/pass these UTM parameters, statistics related to unsubscribe rate of emails won't be available.

Name Value Required Description
Authorization Bearer String yes API token.
	"email": "[email protected]", // String; email of the user
	"user_id": 123, // Integer; ID of the user
	"list_id": 1, // Integer; ID of the newsletter list you're subscribing the user to
	"utm_params": { // Object; optional UTM parameters for pairing which email caused the user to unsubscribe. UTM params are generated into the email links automatically.
        "utm_source": "newsletter_daily",
        "utm_medium": "email",
        "utm_campaign": "daily-newsletter-11.3.2019-personalized",
        "utm_content": "26026"
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"user_id": 12,
	"list_id": 1,
	"utm_params": {
		"utm_source": "newsletter_daily",
		"utm_medium": "email",
		"utm_campaign": "daily-newsletter-11.3.2019-personalized",
		"utm_content": "26026"


    "status": "ok"

GET /api/v1/users/check-token

Verifies validity of autologin token provided within email.

Each email can contain {{ autologin }} block within the template. When used within an URL (such as{{ autologin }}), special token is generated and appended to the URL.

Token is appended as a query parameter token, for example:

Your frontend application can read this token on visit and verify against this API whether it's still valid or not. If it's valid, you can automatically log user in based on the ID/email the endpoint provides.

	"token": "206765522b71289504ae766389bf741x", // String; token read from query string
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"token": "206765522b71289504ae766389bf741x"


    "status": "ok",
    "email": "[email protected]"

POST /api/v1/users/email-changed

If your system allows users to change their email addrses, Mailer needs to be notified about the address change as the subscription information is being stored on user_id/email level.

Name Value Required Description
Authorization Bearer String yes API token.
Name Value Required Description
original_email String yes Original email address of user.
new_email String yes New email address of user.
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d ''


    "status": "ok"

GET /api/v1/mailers/mail-types

Lists all available newsletter lists (mail types). Code of the newsletter is required when creating new email template via API.

Name Value Required Description
Authorization Bearer String yes API token.
curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX'


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [
            "code": "alerts",
            "title": "Breaking news"
        // ...

POST /api/v1/mailers/templates

Creates new email template. Endpoint complements creation of template via web interface.

Name Value Required Description
Authorization Bearer String yes API token.
Name Value Required Description
name String yes User-friendly name of the email. It's displayed only in the administration parts of the system.
code String yes Computer-friendly name of the email (slug). Primarily being used when referencing single email that's being sent manually.
description String yes Internal description, so you know even after a year what the purpose of email was.
mail_layout_id String yes ID of layout to be used for email. If you're providing full HTML/text content, we recommend creating "empty" layout only with content within body.
mail_type_code String yes Code of newsletter list the email should belong to. Before the email is sent to specific end-user, Mailer checks whether the user is subscribed to this newsletter or not. If he/she is not, the email will not be sent.
from String yes Who should be used as a sender of email.
subject String yes Email subject.
template_text String yes Text version used as a fallback by email clients.
template_html String yes HTML (primary) version of email that people will see. HTML version is being previewed in the form for creation of new email.
extras String no JSON-encoded arbitrary metadata used internally for email personalization and just-in-time (per-user when sending) email content injection
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'name=Breaking%20News%20-%20Trump%20elected%20president&code=20161108_breaking_news_trump_elected_president&description=Generated%20by%20CLI%20script&mail_layout_id=1&mail_type_code=alerts&'


    "status": "ok",
    "id": 24832 // Integer; ID of created email

GET /api/v1/mailers/generator-templates

Endpoint generates HTML and text content of email based on the selected generator template and provided arbitrary parameters based on the used generator. It complements generation of HTML/text content via web interface.

Name Value Required Description
Authorization Bearer String yes API token.
curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [ // Array; list of available generator templates
            "id": 6, // Integer; ID of generator template
            "title": "Breaking news - alert" // String; user-friendly name of the generator template
        // ...

POST /api/v1/mailers/generate-mail

Endpoint generates HTML and text content of email based on the selected generator template and provided arbitrary parameters based on the used generator. It complements generation of HTML/text content via web interface.

Name Value Required Description
Authorization Bearer String yes API token.
Name Value Required Description
source_template_id String yes ID of generator template to be used.

Any other parameters are specific to each generator and require knowledge of the generator implementation. See apiParams() method of the generator for the list of available/required parameters.


The command uses generator template linked to the UrlParserGenerator.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'source_template_id=17&'


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "htmlContent": " -- generated HTML content of email", // String; generated HTML email
        "textContent": " -- generated text content of email " // String; generated plain text email

GET /api/v1/segments/list

Lists all available segments that can be used in jobs.

Name Value Required Description
Authorization Bearer String yes API token.
curl -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX'


    "status": "ok",
    "data": [ // Array; list of available segments
            "name": "Všetci používatelia", // String; User-friendly label of segment
            "code": "all_users", // String; Machine-friendly code of segment (slug)
            "provider": "crm-segment" // String; Provider (owning party) of segment
        // ...

POST /api/v1/mailers/jobs

Creates a new sending job with single batch configured to be sent immediately and to randomized list of emails. The job is automatically in ready state indicating to processing daemon that it should be sent right away.

Endpoint complements manual job creation via web interface.

Name Value Required Description
Authorization Bearer String yes API token.
Name Value Required Description
segment_code String yes Code of the segment to be used.
segment_provider String yes Segment provider owning the segment.
template_id String yes ID of email.
curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'template_id=24832&segment_code=users_with_print_in_past&segment_provider=crm-segment'


    "status": "ok",
    "id": 24066 // Integer; ID of created job

POST /api/v1/mailers/preprocess-generator-parameters

Parses arbitrary input - usually data as they're provided by 3rd party (e.g. Wordpress) and returns generator parameters usable to submit to generator (either via API or web).

See preprocessParameters() bullet of Implementing Generator section for integration example.

Name Value Required Description
Authorization Bearer String yes API token.
    "source_template_id": 17, // Integer; referencing generator template ID
    "data": { // Object; arbitrary data for generator to evaluate and process
        // ...

Following example uses NewsfilterGenerator which expects values from Wordpress post on the input. Preprocessing is expecting JSON-encoded instance of Wordpress post. We've included only necessary parameters to show the transformation that generator makes.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"source_template_id": 20,
	"data": {
		"post_title": "Example article",
		"post_url": "",
		"post_excerpt": "Lorem ipsum...",
		"post_content": " -- Wordpress text content --",
		"post_authors": [
				"display_name": "Admin Admin"


    "status": "ok",
    "data": {
        "editor": "Admin Admin",
        "title": "Example article",
        "url": "",
        "summary": "Lorem ipsum...",
        "newsfilter_html": " -- Wordpress text content --",
        "source_template_id": 20
    "generator_post_url": ""

Transformed data can be then used as parameters of /api/v1/mailers/generate-mail endpoint.

As of the writing of this description, not all generators are required to provide preprocessing of parameters. It's responsible of the caller to know whether the source template uses generator that can preprocess parameters. If the preprocess is called for generator not supporting it, HTTP 400 Bad Request is returned with error message.

POST /api/v1/mailers/mailgun

Webhook endpoint for legacy Mailgun event reporting. We advise to use v2 of this endpoint and new implementation of webhooks on Mailgun.

You can configure Mailgun webhooks in the Mailgun's control panel. For more information about Mailgun webhooks, please check the documentation , quick guide or guide to webhooks.

Webhook configuration should be enough to enable the tracking in Mailer. Following example is displayed primarily for testing purposes and completeness.

Name Value Required Description
mail_sender_id String yes Back-reference to specific email Mailer sent.
timestamp String yes Timestamp when event occurred.
token String yes Verification field.
signature String yes Verification field.
recipient String yes Email address of recipient.
event String yes Type of email that occurred.

The example serves only for debugging purposes, you shouldn't really need to call it yourself.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d 'mail_sender_id=foo&timestamp=1529006854&token=a8ce0edb2dd8301dee6c2405235584e45aa91d1e9f979f3de0&signature=d2271d12299f6592d9d44cd9d250f0704e4674c30d79d07c47a66f95ce71cf55&'


    "status": "ok",

The event itself is just validated and put to the asynchronous queue to be processed later.

POST /api/v2/mailers/mailgun

Webhook endpoint for new Mailgun event reporting. Comparing to v1 the payload provided by Mailgun is more descriptive and is sent as a JSON body instead of HTTP form parameters.

You can configure Mailgun webhooks in the Mailgun's control panel. For more information about Mailgun webhooks, please check the documentation , quick guide or guide to webhooks.

Webhook configuration should be enough to enable the tracking in Mailer. Following example is displayed primarily for testing purposes and completeness.

  "signature": {
    "timestamp": "1529006854",
    "token": "a8ce0edb2dd8301dee6c2405235584e45aa91d1e9f979f3de0",
    "signature": "d2271d12299f6592d9d44cd9d250f0704e4674c30d79d07c47a66f95ce71cf55"
  "event-data": {
    "event": "opened",
    "timestamp": 1529006854.329574,
    "id": "DACSsAdVSeGpLid7TN03WA",
    // ...

The example serves only for debugging purposes, you shouldn't really need to call it yourself. More verbose of example can be found in Mailgun's blogpost introducing new version of webhooks.

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "signature": {
    "timestamp": "1529006854",
    "token": "a8ce0edb2dd8301dee6c2405235584e45aa91d1e9f979f3de0",
    "signature": "d2271d12299f6592d9d44cd9d250f0704e4674c30d79d07c47a66f95ce71cf55"
  "event-data": {
    "event": "opened",
    "timestamp": 1529006854.329574,
    "id": "DACSsAdVSeGpLid7TN03WA"


    "status": "ok",

The event itself is just validated and put to the asynchronous queue to be processed later.

Base flow of actions

Here you can see simplified view of how Mailer works at following diagram.

Mailer Sequence Overview

Integration with user base

Mailer is dependent on external user base and segment provider. After the installation the application uses dummy implementations Remp\MailerModule\Segment\Dummy and Remp\MailerModule\User\Dummy.

To integrate with Mailer you need to provide real implementation of these interfaces against your system responsible for keeping user information. The API definition can be anything that suits you, but in the end the implementation has to process the response and return the data in the structure that's described below.

Segment integration

To determine who to send an email to, Mailer is dependent on user segments - effectively lists of user IDs which should receive a newsletter. You can register as many segment providers as you want, the only condition is that the providers should work with the same user-base (one user ID has to always point to the) same user.

The implementation is required to implement Remp\MailerModule\Segments\ISegment interface.

There are three methods to implement:

  • provider(): string: Uniquely identifies segment provider among other segment providers. This is internally required to namespace segment names in case of same segment name being used in multiple segment sources.
    return "my-provider"; 
  • list(): array: Returns list of all segments available for this provider. The structure of response is:
    return [
            'name' => String, // user friendly label
            'provider' => String, // should be same as result of provider()
            'code' => String, // machine friendly name, slug
            'group' => [
                'id' => Integer, // ID of segment group
                'name' => String, // user friendly label of group
                'sorting' => Integer // sorting index; lower the number, sooner the group appears in the list 
  • users($segment): array: Returns list of user IDs belonging to the segment.
    • $segment: Identification of requested segment.
          'provider' => String, // identification of segment provider 
          'code' => String, // segment code
    The response is than expected to be array of integers/strings representing user IDs:
    return [
        // ...
Dummy implementation

See the Remp\MailerModule\Segments\Dummy implementation as a reference example.

REMP CRM implementation

See the Remp\MailerModule\Users\Segment implementation to check how you can initialize your class the dependencies, structure the request and process the result

The constructor accept two parameters. They should come from app/config/config.local.neon file:

        addr: @environmentConfig::get('CRM_ADDR')
        api_token: @environmentConfig::get('CRM_API_TOKEN')

                # add your implementation
                - register(Remp\MailerModule\Segment\Crm(%crm.addr%, %crm.api_token%))

User integration

As segments are working only with user IDs, and some of them might not be valid or active anymore, Mailer requires an implementation that returns user information based on the ID.

The implementation is required to implement Remp\MailerModule\Users\IUser interface.

  • list($userIds, $page): array: Returns the user information (primarily email address) for requested users based on provided user IDs and pagination parameter. The pagination implementation on your side is not mandatory, however strongly recommended.

    • $userIds: [String|Integer, String|Integer, ...] // List of user IDs; empty array should be handled as request for all users.
    • $page: Integer: Currently requested page.

    Response is then expected as follows:

    return [
        $userId => [
            'id' => String, // userId
            'email' => String, // valid email address of user
Dummy implementation

See the Remp\MailerModule\Users\Dummy implementation as a reference example.

REMP CRM implementation

See the Remp\MailerModule\Users\Crm implementation to check how you can initialize your class the dependencies, structure the request and process the result

The constructor accept two parameters. They should come from app/config/config.local.neon file:

        addr: @environmentConfig::get('CRM_ADDR')
        api_token: @environmentConfig::get('CRM_API_TOKEN')

	# add your implementation
	- Remp\MailerModule\User\Crm(%crm.addr%, %crm.api_token%)

The response is then fetched as process to match expected structure:

$response = $this->client->post(self::ENDPOINT_LIST, [
    'form_params' => [
        'user_ids' => Json::encode($userIds),
        'page' => $page,
$result = Json::decode($response->getBody(), Json::FORCE_ARRAY);

Managing user subscriptions

Mailer keeps the information about which user is subscribed to which newsletter and provides:

  • APIs to handle the changes (if you're able to call the API from your user-base)
  • Commands to fetch the changes (if you're able to create an API to call from Mailer)

The changes Mailer is interested in are:

  • User registration. Mailer automatically subscribes user to all newsletters that have auto_subscribe flag enabled.

  • Email change. Mailer keeps subscription information also to the email address. When the user changes his/her email, Mailer needs to update that information too.

  • Newsletter subscribe and unsubscribe. Mailer doesn't provide frontend interface for subscribing and unsubscribing from newsletters - site owners tend to integrate this into their layout. Due to this Mailer provides APIs to subscribe and unsubscribe users from the newsletters

In case you're not able to call these APIs, you can create console command and synchronize the data against your APIs with your update logic.


By default application includes implementation of:

You can select the default mailer on the settings page:

Mailer integration

You can add your own implementation of Mailer to the service of your choice.

The implementation is required to extend Remp\MailerModule\Mailers\Mailer abstract class.

  • protected $alias = String: Class attribute for identification of implementation, used only for logging purposes

  • protected $options = [ String, String, ... ]: Class attribution for definition of options, that should be configurable via Mailer settings page

  • supportsBatch(): bool: Returns flag whether the implementation supports batch sending or each email should be sent individually

  • transformTemplateParams($params): Mailer supports variable injection into the mail template by using {{ variable }} in the template. Some emailing services require to use specific variables in email template to support batch sending. Values for these variables are then usually provided in send API request and 3rd party service injects them right before sending.

    That means, that the injection cannot be done by Mailer, but has to be passed onto the 3rd party service.

    This method should replace such variables in mail template so that 3rd party is able to replace them correctly.

    • $params: String-based key-value pairs with values for single email.

    Two arrays are expected as return values:

    • Transformed parameters with generic template variables for 3rd party to replace.
    • Key-value pairs (possibly altered) that will be sent to the 3rd party service as values to inject

    Example transformation for Mailgun receives $params on input:

      "autologin_token": "foo",
      "mail_sender_id": "baz",

    And returns two arrays on output:

    • Transformed params
      "autologin_token": "%recipient.autologin_token%",
      "mail_sender_id": "%recipient.mail_sender_id",
    • Key-value pairs
      "autologin_token": "foo",
      "mail_sender_id": "baz",
  • send(Message $message): Actual implementation of sending an email. The $message object provides with everything necessary to send an email:

    • $message->getFrom(): Key-value (email-name) pairs with senders
    • $message->getHeader('To'): Key-value (email-name) pairs with recipients
    • $message->getSubject(): Email subject
    • $message->getBody(): Text body
    • $message->getHtmlBody(): HTML body
    • $message->getAttachments(): Available attachments
    • $message->getHeader('X-Mailer-Tag'): Mail template code (slug identifier for specific email)
    • $message->getHeader('X-Mailer-Template-Params'): Values for template variables to be injected by 3rd party
    • $message->getHeader('X-Mailer-Variables'): E-mail related metadata to be used in the implementation

Event-receiving webhooks

If you're able to configure your 3rd party service to send stats about emails via webhooks, you can create an API handler to receive the stats and process them.

Our Mailgun webhook implementation validates the request and marks the event to be processed later asynchronously.

To add your own API handler and background event processing, create your implementations and register them in config.local.neon file:

	# ...
			- addApiHandler(\Tomaj\NetteApi\EndpointIdentifier('POST', 1, 'mailers', 'custom-mailer'), \Remp\MailerModule\Api\v2\Handlers\Mailers\CustomMailerHandler(), \Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\NoAuthorization())
			- add('custom-mailer-event', Remp\MailerModule\Hermes\MailgunEventHandler())

Event-fetching commands

If you are able to fetch event statistics from 3rd party service via API, we recommend writing a console command which can be run as daemon fetching the stats as they're generated.

In our experience we find webhooks to be faster and more accurate, however they might cause a higher load on your servers at the time of sending the newsletter.

Our Mailgun events API implementation runs as daemon end fetches the new data every 15 seconds.

Your implementation then needs to be added also to the config.local.neon file:

	# ...
			- register(Remp\MailerModule\Commands\MailgunEventsCommand())

Once it's ready, you can execute it by calling php bin/command.php mailgun:events. The name of the command (mailgun:events) is defined within your implementation, you can use any namespace and name you want.


For application to function properly, you need to run several backend workers handling email-sending related tasks.

To list all available console commands, run php bin/command.php.

We recommend to use Systemd or Supervisord for handling them. Following are Systemd configurations.

Background event processing (Hermes worker)

This configures handler of all asynchronous events generated by application.

Create systemd service definition in /etc/systemd/system/remp-mailer-hermes-worker.service. Alter the ExecStart line to reflect path to your installation.

# BEGIN remp-mailer-hermes-worker
Description="REMP Mailer Hermes worker"

ExecStart=/usr/bin/sudo -u remp php /home/remp/workspace/remp/Mailer/bin/command.php worker:hermes


# END remp-mailer-hermes-worker

Now enable and start the service:

sudo systemctl enable remp-mailer-hermes-worker
sudo systemctl start remp-mailer-hermes-worker

Mail sending (Mail worker)

This configures handler responsible for actual sending of emails via configured mailer.

Create systemd service definition in /etc/systemd/system/remp-mailer-mail-worker.service. Alter the ExecStart line to reflect path to your installation.

# BEGIN remp-mailer-mail-worker
Description="REMP Mailer Mail worker"

ExecStart=/usr/bin/sudo -u remp php /home/remp/workspace/remp/Mailer/bin/command.php worker:mail


# END remp-mailer-mail-worker

Now enable and start the service:

sudo systemctl enable remp-mailer-mail-worker
sudo systemctl start remp-mailer-mail-worker

Scheduled events

Mail job preprocessing

Once you trigger the mail job to be sent, there needs to be some preprocessing to be done before the emails are sent.

Mailer acquires list of user IDs belonging to the target segment and their email addresses. It also removes all the users that might not get the email (they might be unsubscribed) and in case of an AB testing assigns specific mail templates to specific emails so the sending worker doesn't need to do any heavy-lifting.

Add following block to your crontab to execute the processing (alter the path based on your installation):

* * * * * php /home/remp/workspace/remp/Mailer/bin/command.php mail:process-job

Mail stats processing

If the default mailer supports statistics (e.g. Mailgun) and the stats are being received, you can enable stats aggregation so they're displayed right in the job detail.

* * * * * php /home/remp/workspace/remp/Mailer/bin/command.php mail:job-stats


The default implementation authenticates via REMP SSO. However it is possible for Mailer to use external authentication without the need of having SSO installed.

To replace REMP SSO with your custom authentication, you need to:

  • Implement \Nette\Security\IAuthenticator interface

    • authenticate(array $credentials): \Nette\Security\Identity: Method receiving credentials, validating them against whatever source of truth you want to use (e.g. your own API) and returning instance of \Nette\Security\Identity.

      • $credentials: Array with credentials, where $credentials[0] is username and $credentials[1] is password.
  • Implement \Remp\MailerModule\Auth\BearerTokenRepositoryInterface interface

    • validToken(string $token): boolean: Method receiving API token (read from Authorization header) returning whether it's valid or not based on your implementation.

    • ipRestrictions(): string: Method returning any IP addresses that should be whitelisted for given token. If there are no restrictions, return *.

Last step is to add these new implementations to config.local.neon. See following section to read an example based on integration with REMP CRM and replace the classes with your own implementation.

REMP CRM integration

See the Remp\MailerModule\Auth\Authenticator implementation and Remp\MailerModule\Auth\RemoteBearerTokenRepository implementation to check how you can initialize your class the dependencies, structure the request and process the result

The following snippet needs to be added to your config.local.neon to enable integration with CRM. Classes from the snippet are using REMP CRM to authenticate users and API keys.

    # user authentication
        class: Remp\MailerModule\Auth\Authenticator
        class: Nette\Http\UserStorage
    # api authentication
        class: Remp\MailerModule\Auth\RemoteBearerTokenRepository(%crm.addr%)

You can see that you override here two services with your own implementation. The third service uses default Nette implementation and overrides custom REMP SSO implementation defined in config.neon.

From now on the authentication is not done by redirecting user to SSO but by using default sign in screen avaiable at