is a website built by and for the Los Angeles Ruby users' group. Its purpose is both to be a tool to promote and enhance LARuby and to be a project where LARuby members can work together to learn to be better coders.
Getting started is easy:
Clone the code in github.
$ git clone git://
Install the Rails 2.3.3 gem if needed.
$ sudo gem install -v 2.3.3 rails
Install the required gems.
$ sudo rake gems:install
Copy database.yml.init to database.yml.
$ cp config/database.yml.init config/database.yml
Create the database and load the schema.
$ rake db:create db:schema:load
Run the specs.
$ rake spec
At this point, you should get a successful test run that looks something like this:
$ rake spec
(in /Users/you/projects/
Finished in 0.419873 seconds
68 examples, 0 failures
That's it, you're ready to go! Contact us through the laruby-codejam Google group for more information.