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BSick7 edited this page May 10, 2014 · 4 revisions


Provides an interface for ordering sets of data. thenBy and thenByDescending can be used to cascade ordering functions.

Extends IEnumerable. See IEnumerable members.


thenBy<TInnerKey>(keySelector: (t: T) => TInnerKey, comparer?: (f: TInnerKey, s: TInnerKey) => number): IOrderedEnumerable<T>;

Does not enumerate. Creates an IOrderedEnumerable by ordering based on the key from the keySelector function. The optional comparer function can be used for custom comparison.


thenByDescending<TInnerKey>(keySelector: (t: T) => TInnerKey, comparer?: (f: TInnerKey, s: TInnerKey) => number): IOrderedEnumerable<T>;

Does not enumerate. Creates an IOrderedEnumerable by ordering in descending order based on the key from the keySelector function. The optional comparer function can be used for custom comparison.

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