Materials for DATS0001 Foundations of Data Science, ULiège, Fall 2022.
- Instructor: Gilles Louppe
- When: Fall 2022, Monday 1:45 PM
- Classroom: 2.93 / B28
- Discord server
Date | Topic |
September 26 | Course syllabus Lecture 1: Introduction nb01 : Build, compute, critique, repeat [notebook]Reading: Blei, Build, Compute, Critique, Repeat, 2014 |
October 3 | Lecture 2: Datanb02 : Tables [notebook]nb03 : Data wrangling [notebook]Reading: Harris et al, Array programming with NumPy, 2020 |
October 10 | Lecture 3: Visualizationnb04 : Plotsnb05 : Visualizing high-dimensional data |
October 17 | Lecture 4: Probabilistic modelingnb06 : Probabilistic modeling |
October 24 | Lecture 5: Approximate Bayesian inference (part 1)nb07 : Point-valued estimates |
November 7 | Lecture 6: Approximate Bayesian inference (part 2)nb08 : Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Variational inference |
November 14 | Lecture 7: Model criticismnb9 : Model evaluationnb09 : Model revision and comparison |
November 21 | Lecture 8: Applicationsnb12 : Answering questions and claiming discoveriesnb13 : Bayesian decision theory |
November 28 | Lecture 9: Wrap-up case studynb14 : Wrap-up case study |