This app is availible here:
On this page go to Code -> Download Zip
Unzip the downloaded file and open "Student_Survey_Report_Generator.Rproj" (This will open Rstudio)
In RStudio in the Files tab (Located on the bottom right side) open the server.R file (Double click on it)
When opened a notice will show up prompting you to install the required libraries. Click "install" and wait for the process to finish
Click "Run App" in the top right corner of the document to start the application
I receive an "UI not found" error when running the app:
This happens when only part of the .zip folder is extracted. In windows machines when you double click on a .zip file the contents of the file are shown but not extracted. You have to click "Extract all" and then navigate to the extracted folder to open the .Rproj file.
I see an error about package versions not matching the expected version:
This happens when the R version is not updated to the latest version. To fix this issue you need to install R again. You can do so on this page:
An error apears that looks like this: "An error has occurred! package or namespace load failed for ‘likert’ in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]): there is no package called ‘tmvnsim’"
This means you installed the packages but some dependancies were not installed. You need to run this command: "install.packages("likert", dependencies=TRUE)" - instead of "likert" insert whichever library failed to load based on the error message
R might ask you to install Rtools. do that and re-run the same command. This should install the package with all it's dependancies.