AMPEr is a vanilla js cookiebanner compliant with the EU GDPR.
(A)nalytic (M)arketing (P)ersonalization (E)ssential rozekoek.
A roze koek ("pink cake") is a typical Dutch pastry. It consists of a small flat cake with a layer of pink fondant icing.
I've used NPM and gulp while making this.
If you want to make changes you can clone the repo, do a npm install
and execute gulp
to build the project and serve it with browsersync.
Put the dist/AMPEr folder somewhere on your webhost or CDN.
Add AMPEr.js and AMPEr.css to your page like this
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./dist/AMPEr/css/AMPEr.css">
<script src="./dist/AMPEr/js/AMPEr.js"></script>
Initialize amper with the following script
debugMode: true,
// More options here ..
You can use the following options.
default: "Amper" // This is the name of the cookie that saves the consent.
default: 365 // Amount of days the cookie is saved before erased by the browser.
default: "AMPEr" // If you want to use you own styling.
default: false // Change this to true if you want to open the modal every pageload.
default: "" // Put an extra class for styling on the modal
default: false // Adds an div with id AMPEr_underlay to the document when the modal is active.
default: false // Skips the intro and go straight to the settings.
default: "en" // What language from the lexicon we want to use.
// see below for more information.
default: function () { console.log("Consent for analytic cookies!");
// Triggers when it has consent for analytic cookies.
default: function () { console.log("Consent for marketing cookies!");
// Triggers when it has consent for marketing cookies.
default: function () { console.log("Consent for personalization cookies!");
// Triggers when it has consent for personalization cookies.
I added some default extra classes for a little different out of the box styling
We can use the following as a value for extraClass
This style has the modal centered in the screen, could be used with an underlay and instantSettings.
This style has the intro modal as a bottom bar without the title, the settings are centered.
I'm just gonna paste the default lexicon here, you can change these values to make use of other icons / text.
You can also add other languages if needed.
lexicon: {
en: {
modalTitle: "<i class='AMPEr_icon--rozekoek' aria-hidden='true'></i>Cookies!",
modalContent: "In order to deliver a personalised, responsive service and to improve the site, we remember and store information about how you use it. You can always opt out of them in the settings.",
acceptBtn: "Accept all <span class='sr-only'>cookies and close this popup.</span>",
settingsBtn: "<span class='sr-only'>Adjust cookie Settings</span><i class='AMPEr_icon--gear' aria-hidden='true'><svg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M24 13.616v-3.232c-1.651-.587-2.694-.752-3.219-2.019v-.001c-.527-1.271.1-2.134.847-3.707l-2.285-2.285c-1.561.742-2.433 1.375-3.707.847h-.001c-1.269-.526-1.435-1.576-2.019-3.219h-3.232c-.582 1.635-.749 2.692-2.019 3.219h-.001c-1.271.528-2.132-.098-3.707-.847l-2.285 2.285c.745 1.568 1.375 2.434.847 3.707-.527 1.271-1.584 1.438-3.219 2.02v3.232c1.632.58 2.692.749 3.219 2.019.53 1.282-.114 2.166-.847 3.707l2.285 2.286c1.562-.743 2.434-1.375 3.707-.847h.001c1.27.526 1.436 1.579 2.019 3.219h3.232c.582-1.636.75-2.69 2.027-3.222h.001c1.262-.524 2.12.101 3.698.851l2.285-2.286c-.744-1.563-1.375-2.433-.848-3.706.527-1.271 1.588-1.44 3.221-2.021zm-12 2.384c-2.209 0-4-1.791-4-4s1.791-4 4-4 4 1.791 4 4-1.791 4-4 4z'/></svg></i>",
settingsTitle: "<i class='AMPEr_icon--rozekoek' aria-hidden='true'></i>Settings",
saveBtn: "Save <span class='sr-only'>cookie settings and close the this popup.</span>",
infoBtn: "More info <span class='sr-only'>about cookies</span>",
infoPage: "/cookie-disclaimer",
analytic: "Analytic cookies",
analyticInfo: "For analysing traffic and usage",
marketing: "Marketing cookies",
marketingInfo: "For personalised ads",
personalization: "Personalization cookies",
personalizationInfo: "For saving user preference and settings",
essential: "Functional cookies",
essentialInfo: "Necessary for a working site",
nl: {
modalTitle: "<i class='AMPEr_icon--rozekoek' aria-hidden='true'></i>Cookies!",
modalContent: "Om een gepersonaliseerde, responsieve service te kunnen leveren en om de site te verbeteren, onthouden we informatie over hoe u deze site gebruikt en slaan we deze op. U kunt zich er altijd voor afmelden in de instellingen.",
acceptBtn: "Accepteer alles <span class='sr-only'>qua cookies en sluit deze popup.</span>",
saveBtn: "<span class='sr-only'>Instellingen</span> Opslaan <span class='sr-only'>en deze popup sluiten.</span>",
infoBtn: "Meer info <span class='sr-only'>over cookies</span>",
infoPage: "/nl/cookie-disclaimer",
settingsBtn: "<span class='sr-only'>Cookie instellingen wijzigen</span><i class='AMPEr_icon--gear' aria-hidden='true'><svg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M24 13.616v-3.232c-1.651-.587-2.694-.752-3.219-2.019v-.001c-.527-1.271.1-2.134.847-3.707l-2.285-2.285c-1.561.742-2.433 1.375-3.707.847h-.001c-1.269-.526-1.435-1.576-2.019-3.219h-3.232c-.582 1.635-.749 2.692-2.019 3.219h-.001c-1.271.528-2.132-.098-3.707-.847l-2.285 2.285c.745 1.568 1.375 2.434.847 3.707-.527 1.271-1.584 1.438-3.219 2.02v3.232c1.632.58 2.692.749 3.219 2.019.53 1.282-.114 2.166-.847 3.707l2.285 2.286c1.562-.743 2.434-1.375 3.707-.847h.001c1.27.526 1.436 1.579 2.019 3.219h3.232c.582-1.636.75-2.69 2.027-3.222h.001c1.262-.524 2.12.101 3.698.851l2.285-2.286c-.744-1.563-1.375-2.433-.848-3.706.527-1.271 1.588-1.44 3.221-2.021zm-12 2.384c-2.209 0-4-1.791-4-4s1.791-4 4-4 4 1.791 4 4-1.791 4-4 4z'/></svg></i>",
settingsTitle: "<i class='AMPEr_icon--rozekoek' aria-hidden='true'></i>Instellingen",
analytic: "Analytische cookies",
analyticInfo: "Analyseren het verkeer en gebruik",
marketing: "Marketing cookies",
marketingInfo: "Voor persoonlijke advertenties",
personalization: "Personalisatie cookies",
personalizationInfo: "Slaan voorkeuren en instellingen op",
essential: "Functionele cookies",
essentialInfo: "Zijn noodzakelijk voor een werkende site",
Initialize the cookiebanner with options specified above.
Renders the modal / appends the modal before the closing </body>
Returns true or false if consent is given for the category, available categorys are "analytic", "marketing" and "personalization".
Sets content true or false for the analytic cookies, doesn't fire the callback.
Sets content true or false for the marketing cookies, doesn't fire the callback.
Sets content true or false for the personalization cookies, doesn't fire the callback.
I tried to make the banner as accessible as possible.
The focus changes to the modal when opening, the modal has the correct role, labeledby and descripedby attributes.
.sr-only class is included in the css to make some text visually hidden but accessible by screen readers.
I'm also making use of a little script that sets using-mouse to the so focus styles aren't visible when the mouse is being used.
const a11yFocus = function () {
// Initially add the using mouse class, because most people do.
// Let the document know when the mouse is being used
document.body.addEventListener('mousedown', function () {
// Re-enable focus styling when Tab is pressed
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', function (event) {
if (event.keyCode === 9) {
I hope this cookiebanner is helpfull!
Cheers, BahbV.