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ohitsdaniel edited this page Mar 2, 2021 · 4 revisions


ComposableDeeplinking is part of the ComposableNavigator package and enables you to parse url scheme like Deeplinks to navigation paths.

Setting up an URL scheme

  1. Open the project file
  1. Select the app target
  1. Select the info tab
  1. Add the url scheme

AppDelegate / SceneDelegate app life cycle

If your app is using the pre-iOS14 AppDelegate/SceneDelegate life cycle, you will need to override scene(_ scene:, willConnectTo session:, options connectionOptions:) and scene(_ scene:, openURLContexts contexts:) in order to get url scheme based Deeplinks to work.

class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate {
  private var deeplinkHandler: DeeplinkHandler?

  func scene(
    _ scene: UIScene,
    willConnectTo session: UISceneSession,
    options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions
  ) { 
    // setup your app here
    // ...
    self.deeplinkHandler = DeeplinkHandler(
      navigator: navigator,
      parser: .exampleApp

    // If the app performs a cold start from a url scheme deeplink, call openURLContexts to make sure the path is correctly updated
        openURLContexts: connectionOptions.urlContexts

  func scene(
    _ scene: UIScene,
    openURLContexts contexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>
  ) {
    if let url = contexts.first?.url,
      // the matching parameter needs to match the URL scheme 
      // defined in the application's project file
       let deeplink = Deeplink(url: url, matching: "example") {
       deeplinkHandler?.handle(deeplink: deeplink)

SwiftUI app life cycle

An example of how to integrate deeplinks into your SwiftUI application life cycle based application can be found in the example application contained in this repository. Since iOS14, Scene objects allow to attach an onOpenURL closure. Whenever the app gets opened by a url scheme deeplink, the registered perform closure is executed. The closure is also executed for universal links, so keep that in mind.

import ComposableDeeplinking
import ComposableNavigator
import SwiftUI

struct ExampleApp: App {
  let navigator: Navigator
  let dataSource: Navigator.Datasource
  let deeplinkHandler: DeeplinkHandler

  init() {
    dataSource = Navigator.Datasource(
      root: HomeScreen() 

    navigator = Navigator(dataSource: dataSource)

    deeplinkHander = DeeplinkHandler(
      navigator: navigator,
      parser: DeeplinkParser.exampleApp

  var body: some Scene {
    WindowGroup {
        dataSource: dataSource,
        navigator: navigator,
        pathBuilder: // ...
        perform: { url in
          // the matching parameter needs to match the URL  
          // scheme defined in the application's project file
          if let deeplink = Deeplink(url: url, matching: "example") { 
            deeplinkHandler.handle(deeplink: deeplink)

Deeplink parsers

Deeplink parsers parse navigation paths from Deeplinks. DeeplinkParsers are wrapper structs around a pure (Deeplink) -> [AnyScreen]? function and support composition. If a deeplink parser handles the input Deeplink, it returns a navigation path in the form of an AnyScreen array. If the deeplink parser is not responsible for parsing the deeplink, it returns nil.

Typically, applications using ComposableDeeplinking define one central applicationDeeplinkParser, composing all supported deeplinks.

import ComposableDeeplinking

extension DeeplinkParser {
    /// Parses all supported deeplinks in the example app
    /// Supported deeplinks:
    /// * example://home/settings
    /// * example://detail?id={id}
    static let exampleApp: DeeplinkParser = .anyOf(

The exampleApp DeeplinkParser is composing two deeplink parsers. The DeeplinkParsers composed in the exampleApp DeeplinkParser can be compositions themselves, meaning that you can fully modularize your deeplink parsing, if needed. Use prepending(path pathToEntrypoint: [AnyScreen], to parser: DeeplinkParser) to navigate to your module's entrypoint.

Adding support for another deeplink can be achieved by adding a third entry to the .anyOf DeeplinkParser. Let's add a DeeplinkParser for detail?id={id}/settings Deeplinks.

import ComposableDeeplinking

extension DeeplinkParser {
    /// example://detail?id={id}/settings
    static let detailSettings = DeeplinkParser(
        parse: { deeplink in
            guard deeplink.components.count == 2,
                  deeplink.components[0].name == "detail",
                  case let .value(id) = deeplink.components[0].arguments?["id"],
                  deeplink.components[1].name == "settings"
            else {
                return nil

            return [
                DetailScreen(detailID: id).eraseToAnyScreen(),

The url scheme representation are not tightly coupled to in-app navigation path and only need to contain the information required to build up a valid navigation path. This mean, that even if the application's navigation tree changes, your deeplinks can stay the same and we only need to adjust the application's deeplink parsing on the client-side.

In order to support this newly added DeeplinkParser, we need to add it to our exampleApp DeeplinkParser. And that's it.

extension DeeplinkParser {
    /// Parses all supported deeplinks in the example app
    /// Supported deeplinks:
    /// * example://home/settings
    /// * example://detail?id={id}
    /// * example://detail?id={id}/settings
    static let exampleApp: DeeplinkParser = .anyOf(

Push notifications & Deeplinks

Deeplinks can also be part of a push notifications payload. We can hook into userNotificationCenter(_ center:, didReceive response:, withCompletionHandler completionHandler:) in UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate, extract the deeplink url from the userInfo and pass it to our DeeplinkHandler, which replaces the current navigation path with the new navigation path, if parsing succeeds.

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