The API can currently be found at ?
Retrieves a list of all bug tickets.
GET /api/bug
Status: 200 OK
"title": "Asynchronous Swim",
"author": {
"name": "Bailey Theriault",
"profilePicture": ""
"description": "How does this sprint still exist?",
"threat": "Critical",
"createdAt": "2020-04-16T16:04:38.597Z",
"dueDate": "2020-04-20T16:04:38.597Z",
"completedAt": "Field will not exist unless applicable",
"id": 1,
"tags": [
"Team Exact Science"
}, ...]
Adds a bug ticket
POST /api/bug
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
title | text | title of bug |
author | object | contains a name & profile picture property | | text | name of author |
author.profilePicture | text | url link to profile picture |
description | text | description of the bug |
threat | text | options are Critical/Important/Low-Priority |
tags | array of strings | all tags associated with said bug |
dueDate | date | assigned due date by user |
Status: 201 CREATED
'Ticket ID'
Updates a bug ticket
PATCH /api/bug/:bugId
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
title | text | title of bug |
author | object | contains a name & profile picture property | | text | name of author |
author.profilePicture | text | url link to profile picture |
description | text | description of the bug |
threat | text | options are Critical/Important/Low-Priority |
tags | array of strings | all tags associated with said bug |
dueDate | date | assigned due date by user |
Status: 204 No Content
Mark a bug ticket as completed
PUT /api/bug/:bugId
Status: 204 No Content
Get requested ticket's forum
GET /api/forum/:bugId
Status: 200 OK
"title": "Asynchronous Swim",
"author": {
"name": "Bailey Theriault",
"profilePicture": ""
"description": "How does this sprint still exist?",
"createdAt": "2020-04-16T16:04:38.597Z",
"bug": 1,
"posts": [{
"author": {
"name": "Bailey Theriault",
"profilePicture": ""
"createdAt": "2020-04-16T16:04:38.597Z",
"text": "I've contacted Fred for further information.",
"images": [
}, ...]
Adds a forum post to targeted bug
POST /api/forum/:bugId
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
text | text | text of forum post |
author | object | contains a name & profile picture property | | text | name of author |
author.profilePicture | text | url link to profile picture |
images | array of strings | url links to images |
Status: 201 Created
Lists all tags
GET /api/tag
Status: 200 OK
"name": "Exact Science"
"name": "Pallet Town Productions"
Add a new tag
POST /api/tag
Body Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | text | name of tag |
Status: 201 Created
Deletes a tag by name, case-insensitive
DELETE /api/tag/:tagName
Status: 204 No Content