Epicor Integration Module
Form Customization:
Make Item_Master, Bill_Master, Operations_Master configurable during runtime.
Add toolbox form to turn on/off controls.
Manage Template Form: Add/Delete/Edit Templates (both varieties) View selected template
Item_CopyFrom: View selected template values
Opr_CopyFrom: View selected template values
OprTemplates: Create DB Create Form
Opr_Master: Accept preload and fill table Set condition and fields for (Labor Entry -> Qty Only) Set condition and fields for (IF OP = SHEAR -> BACKFLUSH)
SubCon_Opr_Master: Create form
Bill_Master: Accept preload and fill table Detect if added item has populated BOM Default material additions to op10 Set condition and fields for (IF TYPE=M -> VIEWASASM = TRUE)
Item_Master: Accept preload from template Use template but retain original preload values Set condition and fields for (IF TYPE=P -> SET LEAD TIME/SAFETY STOCK) Set condition and fields for (IF TYPE=M -> USEREV = TRUE, QTYBEARING = TRUE) Set condition and fields for (IF Frame of Flo-Machine -> TRACKSERIAL = TRUE) Remove Volume Only use Net Weight Add all fields string.ToUpper() On Warehouse Add -> Create set up to add subsequent Warehouse locations Set Planner (BAL, ADNIK, FLO)
Serial Number: Create form Defaulto create serial mask, 'ELK', prefix with BAL or FLO
Config: Grid Color schema changes
CheckIn_Master: Create form Approve and check in part
CheckOut_Master: Create form Check out part
Revision_Master: Option to check out part
CheckIn_Master: Create form