Minimal numeric calculator for linux (and probably mac) written in C++ with ncurses.
Supports complex numbers, variables and functions.
bcalc itself only depends on ncurses.
You will also need git, premake5, make and C++20 compliant compiler to build the packet.
Building and installing from source
git clone
cd bcalc
premake5 gmake2
make config=release
sudo cp bin/Release/bcalc /usr/local/bin/bcalc
To uninstall, simply remove the executable
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/bcalc
bcalc can be used as CLI or TUI.
Running the executable without any arguments starts it in TUI mode where you can do basic numeric calculations.
Special commands are 'exit' and 'clear'
You can also run bcalc with the expressions as command line arguments, each expression separated by ';'.
Defined constants are pi and e.
Builtin functions include trigonometric functions, their hyperbolic counterparts and inverses, log, sqrt, exp, round, floor, ceil