Link trên Google drive:
Default user was debian, default passwd was 123456
Debian Mobian Bookworm f2fs rootfs
Debian Bulleye pre-image:
Vì mục đích testing Phosh Mobile Gnome-shell trên Nexus 7 2012 mà mình đã làm ra ubuntu 21.04 hirsute hippo, nhưng Phosh chưa chạy được nên build Debian để cài và thành công. Vì Phosh Mobile gnome-shell đã chạy trên N7 postmarketOS nhưng do quá ít ứng dụng cài nên mới thử trên distro khác xem có tiện lợi hơn không
***Cần có micro-usb keyboard để input trong command line
Cách kiểm tra Nexus 7 2012 là mã cũ PM269 hay E1565. Tham khao:
grouper rev. PM269 - without GSM (oldest) grouper rev. E1565 - without GSM (modern revision) tilapia rev. E1565 - with GSM
Do I have grouper or tilapia?
TWRP (adb shell) $ grep androidboot.baseband=unknown /proc/cmdline && echo grouper || echo tilapia
Which hardware revision of grouper do I have?
TWRP (adb shell) $ find /sys/devices/ | grep -c max776 && echo You have E1565
TWRP (adb shell) $ find /sys/devices/ | grep -c tps6591 && echo You have PM269
Đặt máy về bootloader, để flash boot.img qua fastboot hoặc dùng method của postmarketOS. Kết nối Nexus 7 vào máy tính qua cáp usb chuẩn 1.0 → 2.0
Vào TWRP for grouper 3.3.1-0 trở lên
Dùng adb shell trên PC/laptop hoặc Advance/Terminal trong twrp để umount mmcblk0p9 (làm 2 lần cho chắc ăn) [với tilapia (bản 3G) là mmcblk0p10]
TWRP(Advance → Terminal): $ df
TWRP(Advance → Terminal): $ umount /dev/block/mmcblk0p__ <- fill partition number
TWRP(Advance → Terminal): $ umount /dev/block/mmcblk0p__ <- fill partition number
On PC/Laptop terminal:
grouper has likely data on /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 but make sure! tilapia has likely data on /dev/block/mmcblk0p10 but make sure!
Khi cài bản debian pre-image server này vào, debian mặc định sẽ boot vào thẳng root sau lần 2 reboot, khi nhấn Enter tại dòng thông báo
Tạo new user sample như sau:
Adding user <username>' ... Adding new group
' (1001) ...
Adding new user <username>' (1001) with group
' ...
Creating home directory /home/<username>' ... Copying files from
/etc/skel' ...
New password: ← Nhớ đặt passwd bằng số 0-9
Retype new password: ← Nhớ đặt passwd bằng số 0-9
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Full Name []: Room Number []: Work Phone []: Home Phone []: Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n] y
***Tạo wpa.conf cho kết nối wifi bang wpa_passphrase/wpa_supplicant
Loading wpa.conf vào wpa_supplicant và ping thử
***Tạo kết nối wifi bang iwd daemon
[iwd]# device list
[iwd]# station wlan0 scan
[iwd]# station wlan0 get-networks
[iwd]# station wlan0 connect [your_ssid] [your_router_passwd]
[iwd]# exit
Cài đặt sudo
passwd: [your_passwd]
Thêm vào groups sudoers
: sudo
Update repository
Cài DE như Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu, MATE, GNOME, Phosh, Budgie, Cinamon, Elementary, v.v...
Testing Phoc/Phosh Gnome-shell
Phosh mặc định khởi động vào user id 1000, nên tạo login cho /passwd(bằng số 0-9) đã tạo trước đó
Cài thêm preload, tlp, tlp-rdw, phosh-tablet, gnome-control-center, network-manager, bluez, nautilus, firefox, chromium, gnome-terminal, gnome-calculator, gnome-clock, gnome-maps, gnome-weather v.v….
Scan fit screen for apps:
Disable systemd service load failed
Bypass emergency shell/emergency mod
Edit phoc run with xwayland như trang web này nói
Cứ xem phoc như weston, edit như sau:
xwayland = true
path = /usr/bin/Xwayland
modeline = 68.00 800 824 848 880 1280 1285 1286 1318 -hsync +vsync
mode = 800x1280
scale = 1 ← ( 1 or 2 was better than 1.25 - 1.5 - 1.75, because of no gpu accelerate)
Voila! Enjoy Gnome-shell Phosh Mobile ;)
Today, I'll show you upgrading to Debian/Mobian bookworm to get latest version of packages
Get GPG to connect mobian packages:
sudo gpg --keyserver --search-keys [email protected]
Create new mobian.list and extrepo_mobian.sources
deb bookworm main non-free
Types: deb deb-src
Architectures: amd64 arm64 armhf
Suites: bookworm
Components: main non-free
Signed-By: /var/lib/extrepo/keys/mobian.asc
deb bookworm main contrib non-free
deb bookworm-security main contrib non-free
deb bookworm-backports main contrib non-free
deb bookworm-updates main contrib non-free
Voila! Enjoy Gnome-shell Phosh Mobile on Debian/Mobian bookworm ;)
Control cpufreq, vm, kernel parameters
ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /opt/cpufreq.start, /opt/temp_throttle
In foreach command create one .desktop at /home//.config/autostart/
sudo /opt/cpufreq.start
sudo /opt/temp_throttle 58 <- this is important, because over 60 degrees, n7 will poweroff
***Backup full filesystem boot and rootfs
Connect Nexus 7 to PC/Laptop using micro-usb cable, enter TWRP recovery mode → Advance → Terminal
On PC/Laptop
Backup boot: # sudo adb pull /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /path/to/boot-kernel-5.14-rc3-next-grate.img
Backup rootfs for grouper(wifi): # sudo adb pull /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 /path/to/rootfs.img
Backup rootfs for tilapia(3G): # sudo adb pull /dev/block/mmcblk0p10 /path/to/rootfs.img
Backup full: sudo adb pull /dev/block/mmcblk0 /path/to/full_backup_mmcblk0.img
Image source from