Based on BaptisteBlouin, I review papers about Deep Learning based Event Extraction, and annotate keywords and Abbreviation of Models. Besides, I categorized the papers as Chinese Event Extraction, Open-domain Event Extraction, Event Data Generation, Cross-lingual Event Extraction, Few-Shot Event Extraction and Zero-Shot Event Extraction, Document-level EE.
Omissions and mistakes may exist in the review. Welcome to exchange and opinions!
以BaptisteBlouin 的整理为参考,笔者结合平时自己在研究中的归纳,着重整理了自2015年以来基于深度学习方法的事件抽取与检测论文,并指出了每篇论文的模型简称及核心关键词等;同时又对中文事件抽取、开放域事件抽取、事件数据生成、跨语言事件抽取、小样本事件抽取、零样本事件抽取,类型的任务进行了单独分类的标注。
- Chinese Event Extraction
- Open-Domain EE
- Event Data Generation
- Multi-Lingual
- FewShot & ZeroShot
- Semi-supervised
- Doc-Level EE
ACL2015: Event Extraction via Dynamic Multi-Pooling Convolutional Neural Networks
- Author: Chen, Yubo and Xu, Liheng and Liu, Kang and Zeng, Daojian and Zhao, Jun
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005
- keywords: DMCNN, CNN, Dynamic Multi-Pooling
ACL2015: Event Detection and Domain Adaptation with Convolutional Neural Networks
- Author: Nguyen, Thien Huu and Grishman, Ralph
- url:
- code:
- DataSet: ACE2005
- Keywords: CNN, Domain Adaption
ACL2016: Event Nugget Detection with Forward-Backward Recurrent Neural Networks
- Author: Ghaeini, Reza and Fern, Xiaoli and Huang, Liang and Tadepalli, Prasad
- ur:
- DataSet: ACE2005, Rich ERE
- Keywords: multi-words events, RNN
ACL2016: RBPB Regularization Based Pattern Balancing Method for Event Extraction
- Author: Sha, Lei and Liu, Jing and Lin, Chin-Yew and Li, Sujian and Chang, Baobao and Sui, Zhifang
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005
- Keywords: Embedding & Pattern features, Regularization method
ACL2016: A Language-Independent Neural Network for Event Detection
- Author: Feng, Xiaocheng and Huang, Lifu and Tang, Duyu and Ji, Heng and Qin, Bing and Liu, Ting
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus, Spainish ERE Corpus
- Keywords: Hybrid Neural Networks(RNN+CNN), multi-languages
ACL2016: Leveraging FrameNet to Improve Automatic Event Detection
- Author: Liu, Shulin and Chen, Yubo and He, Shizhu and Liu, Kang and Zhao, Jun
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Code:
- Keywords: FrameNet, Events automatically detected from FN
EMNLP2016: Modeling Skip-Grams for Event Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
- Author: Nguyen, Thien Huu and Grishman, Ralph
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: Non-consecutive kgrams, CNN
COLING2016:Leveraging Multilingual Training for Limited Resource Event Extraction
- Author: Hsi, Andrew and Yang, Yiming and Carbonell, Jaime and Xu, Ruochen
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: Training on multiple languages using a combination of both language-dependent and language-independent features
NAACL2016: Joint Event Extraction via Recurrent Neural Networks
- Author: Nguyen, Thien Huu and Cho, Kyunghyun and Grishman, Ralph
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005
- Keywords: RNN, Joint Event Extraction
NAACL2016: Joint extraction of events and entities within a document context
- Authors: Bishan Yang, Tom M. Mitchell
- url:
CCL2016: Event Extraction via Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Tensor Neural Network
- Author: Chen, Yubo and Liu, Shulin and He, Shizhu and Liu, Kang and Zhao, Jun
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: Context-aware word representation, LSTM, Tensor layer
ACL2017: Automatically Labeled Data Generation for Large Scale Event Extraction
- Author: Chen, Yubo and Liu, Shulin and Zhang, Xiang and Liu, Kang and Zhao, Jun
- url:
- Code:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: Data Generation, Distant Supervision
ACL2017: Exploiting Argument Information to Improve Event Detection via Supervised Attention Mechanisms
- Author: Liu, Shulin and Chen, Yubo and Liu, Kang and Zhao, Jun
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: Argument information, Supervised Attention
IJCNLP2017: Exploiting Document Level Information to Improve Event Detection via Recurrent Neural Networks
- Author: Duan, Shaoyang and He, Ruifang and Zhao, Wenli
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: DLRNN, Document information, Cross-sentence clues
AAAI2018: Scale up event extraction learning via automatic training data generation
- Authors: Zeng, Ying and Feng, Yansong and Ma, Rong and Wang, Zheng and Yan, Rui and Shi, Chongde and Zhao, Dongyan
- url:
- DataSet: Wikipedia article,
- Keywords: Data Generation, Distant Supervision
AAAI2018: Jointly Extraction Event Triggers and Arguments by Dependency-Bridge RNN and Tensor-Based Argument Iteraction
- Auhtor: Sha, Lei and Qian, Feng and Chang, Baobao and Sui, Zhifang
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: dbRNN
AAAI2018: Graph convolutional networks with argument-aware pooling for event detection
- Author: Nguyen, Thien Huu and Grishman, Ralph
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: GCN, Argument-aware Pooling
AAAI2018: Event detection via gated multilingual attention mechanism
- Author: Liu, Jian and Chen, Yubo and Liu, Kang and Zhao, Jun
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: Multilingual Attention
ACL2018: Document Embedding Enhanced Event Detection with Hierarchical and Supervised Attention
- Author: Zhao, Yue and Jin, Xiaolong and Wang, Yuanzhuo and Cheng, Xueqi
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: Document Embedding, Hierarchicak and Supervised Attention
ACL2018: Self-regulation: Employing a Generative Adversarial Network to Improve Event Detection
- Author: Hong, Yu and Zhou, Wenxuan and Zhang, Jingli and Zhou, Guodong and Zhu, Qiaoming
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus, KBP2015
- Keywords: GAN + ED
ACL2018: Nugget Proposal Networks for Chinese Event Detection
- Author: Lin, Hongyu and Lu, Yaojie and Han, Xianpei and Sun, Le
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 Chinese Corpus, KBP2017 Corpus
- Code:
ACL2018: Zero-Shot Transfer Learning for Event Extraction
- Author: Lifu Huang, Heng Ji, Kyunghyun Cho, Ido Dagan, Sebastian Riedel, Clare R. Voss
- url:
- Code:
- Keywords: Zero-Shot Transfer
ACL2018: DCFFE: A Document-level Chinese Financial Event Extraction System based on Automatically Labelled Training Data
- Author: Yang, Hang and Chen, Yubo and Liu, Kang and Xiao, Yang and Zhao, Jun
- url:
- Keywords: Automatically Labelled, Chinese Financial EE
Joint Entity and Event Extraction with Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
- Author: Tongtao Zhang and Heng Ji and Avirup Sil
- url:
EMNLP2018: Event Detection with Neural Networks A Rigorous Empirical Evaluation
- Author: Orr, Walker and Tadepalli, Prasad and Fern, Xiaoli
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: DAG-GRU, Attention Mechnism
EMNLP2018: Exploiting Contextual Information via Dynamic Memory Network for Event Detection
- Author: Liu, Shaobo and Cheng, Rui and Yu, Xiaoming and Cheng, Xueqi
- url:
- Code:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: Contextual Information, Dynamic Memory Networks
EMNLP2018: Joint Multiple Event Extraction via Attention-based Graph Information Aggregration
- Author: Liu, Xiao and Luo, Zhunchen and Huang, Heyan
- url:
- Code:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: JMEE
EMNLP2018: Similar but not the Same Word Sense Disambiguation Improves Event Detection via Neural Representation Matching
- Author: Lu, Weiyi and Nguyen, Thien Huu
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus, TAC2015
- Keywords: Word Sense Disambiguation
EMNLP2018: Collective Event Detection via a Hierarchical and Bias Tagging Networks with Gated Multi-level Attention Mechanisms
- Author: Chen, Yubo and Yang, Hang and Liu, Kang and Zhao, Jun and Jia, Yantao
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Code:
- Keywords: NBTNGMA4ED
NAACL2018: Semi-supervised event extraction with paraphrase clusters
- Author: Ferguson, James and Lockard, Colin and Weld, Daniel and Hajishirzi, Hannaneh
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 Corpus, TAC2015
- Keywords: Semi-supervised
COLING2018: Open-Domain Event Detection using Distant Supervision
- Author: Araki, Jun and Mitamura, Teruko
- url:
- Code:
- Keywords: Open-Domain, Distant Supervision
AAAI2019: Exploiting the Ground-Truth An Adversarial Imitation Based Knowledge Distiallation Approach for Event Detection
- Author: Liu, Jian and Chen, Yubo and Liu, Kang
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: Adversarial, Knowledge Distillation
AAAI2019: Neural joint modeling of entities and events
- Author: Trung Minh Nguyen, Thien Huu Nguyen
- url:
ACL2019: Cost-Sensitive Regulation for Label Confustion-aware Event Detection
- Author: Lin, Hongyu and Lu, Yaojie and Han, Xianpei and Sun, Le
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus, KBP2017
- Code:
ACL2019: Distilling Discrimination and Generalization Knowledge for Event Detection via Delta-Representation Learning
- Author: Lu, Yaojie and Lin, Hongyu and Han, Xianpei and Sun, Le
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus, KBP2017
- Code:
ACL2019: Exploring Pre-trained Language Models for Event Extraction and Geenration
- Author: Yang, Sen and Feng, Dawei and Qiao, Linbo and Kan, Zhigang and Li, Dongsheng
- url:
- Keywords: PLMEE, BERT
ACL2019: Literary Event Detection
- Author: Matthew Sims, Jong Ho Park, David Bamman
- url:
- Code:
ACL2019: Open Domain Event Extraction Using Neural Latent Variable Models
- Author: Xiao Liu and Heyan Huang and Yue Zhang
- url:
- Code:
ACL2019: Rapid Customization for Event Extraction
- Author: Yee Seng Chan, Joshua Fasching, Haoling Qiu, Bonan Min
- url:
- Code:
Extending Event Detection to New Types with Learning from Keywords
- Author: Lai, Viet Dac and Nguyen, Thien
- url:
WWW2019: Event Detection using Hierarchical Multi-Aspect Attention
- Author: Sneha Mehta, M. Raihanul Islam, Huzefa Rangwala, Naren Ramakrishnan
- url:
- Code:
CONLL2019: Exploiting the Entity Type Sequence to Benefit Event Detection
- Author: Yuze Ji, Youfang Lin, Jianwei Gao, Huaiyu Wan
- url:
- Code: ACE2005 English Corpus
EMNLP2019: A Search-based Neural Model for Biomedical Nested and Overlapping Event Detection
- Author: Kurt Junshean Espinosa, Makoto Miwa, Sophia Ananiadou
- url:
- DataSet: BioNLP Cancer Genetics (CG) Shared Task 2013
EMNLP2019: Cross-lingual Structure Transfer for Relation and Event Extraction
- Author: Ananya Subburathinam, Di Lu, Heng Ji, Jonathan May, Shih-Fu Chang, Avirup Sil, Clare Voss
- url:
EMNLP2019: Doc2EDAG: An End-to-End Document-level Framework for Chinese Financial Event Extraction
- Author: Shun Zheng, Wei Cao, Wei Xu, Jiang Bian
- url:
EMNLP2019: Entity, Relation, and Event Extraction with Contextualized Span Representations
- Author: David Wadden, Ulme Wennberg, Yi Luan, Hannaneh Hajishirzi
- url:
- Code:
EMNLP2019: Event Detection with Multi-Order Graph Convolution and Aggregated
- Author: Yan, Haoran and Jin, Xiaolong and Meng, Xiangbin and Guo, Jiafeng and Cheng, Xueqi
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: MOGANED
EMNLP2019: Event Detection with Trigger-Aware Lattice Neural Network
- Author: Ning Ding, Ziran Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Haitao Zheng, Zibo Lin
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 Chinese Corpus
- Code:
- Keywords: Trigger-Aware Lattice
EMNLP2019: HMEAE: Hierarchical Modular Event Argument Extraction
- Author: Xiaozhi Wang, Ziqi Wang, Xu Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Juanzi Li, Peng Li, Maosong Sun, Jie Zhou, Xiang Ren
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Code:
EMNLP2019: Joint Event and Temporal Relation Extraction with Shared Representations and Structured Prediction
- Author: Rujun Han, Qiang Ning, Nanyun Peng
- url:
EMNLP2019: Neural Cross-Lingual Event Detection with Minimal Parallel Resources
- Author: Jian Liu, Yubo Chen, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao
- url:
- Keywords: Cross-Lingual Event Detection
EMNLP2019: Open Event Extraction from Online Text using a Generative Adversarial Network
- Author: Rui Wang, Deyu Zhou, Yulan He
- url:
EMNLP2019: Reporting the unreported: Event Extraction for Analyzing the Local Representation of Hate Crimes
- Author: Aida Mostafazadeh Davani etal.
- url:
- Code:
IJCAI2019: Extracting entities and events as a single task using a transition-based neural model
- Author: Zhang, Junchi and Qin, Yanxia and Zhang, Yue and Liu, Mengchi and Ji, Donghong
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Code:
IJCNLP2019: A Hybrid Character Representatin for Chinese Event Detection
- Author: Xi Xiangyu ; Zhang Tong ; Ye Wei ; Zhang Jinglei ; Xie Rui ; Zhang Shikun
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 Chinese Corpus
NAACL2019: Adversarial Training for Weakly Supervised Event Detection
- Author: Xiaozhi Wang, Xu Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Peng Li
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Code:
NAACL2019: Event Detection without Triggers
- Author: Shulin Liu, Yang Li, Feng Zhang, Tao Yang, Xinpeng Zhou
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Code:
NAACL2019: Biomedical Event Extraction based on Knowledge-driven Tree-LSTM
- Author: Diya Li, Lifu Huang, Heng Ji, Jiawei Han
- url:
- DataSet: Genia2011 dataset
- Keywords: Knowledge-driven Tree-LSTM
A Survey of Event Extraction from Text
- Author: Wei Xiang, Bang Wang
- url:
Joint Event Extraction Based on Hierarchical Event Schemas From FrameNet
- Author: Wei Li , Dezhi Cheng, Lei He, Yuanzhuo Wang, Xiaolong Jin
- url:
PAKDD2020: Exploiting the Matching Information in the Support Set for Few Shot Event Classification
- Authors: Viet Lai, Franck Dernoncourt, Thien Huu Nguyen
- url:
- Keywords: FewShot
PAKDD2020: Learning to Select Important Context Words for Event Detection
- Authors: Nghia Trung, NgoTuan Ngo, NguyenThien Huu Nguyen
- url:
WSDM2020: Meta-Learning with Dynamic-Memory-Based Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Event Detection
- Authors: Shumin Deng, Ningyu Zhang, Jiaojian Kang, Yichi Zhang, Wei Zhang, Huajun Chen
- url:
- Code:
ACL2020: Towards Open Domain Event Trigger Identification using Adversarial Domain Adaptation
- Authors: Aakanksha Naik, Carolyn Rose
- url:
ACL2020: Exploring Interpretability in Event Extraction: Multitask Learning of a Neural Event Classifier and an Explanation Decoder
- Authors: Zheng Tang, Gus Hahn-Powell, Mihai Surdeanu
- url:
ACL2020: Cross-media Structured Common Space for Multimedia Event Extraction
- Authors: Manling Li, Alireza Zareian, Qi Zeng, Spencer Whitehead, Di Lu, Heng Ji, Shih-Fu Chang
- url:
ACL2020: Discourse as a Function of Event: Profiling Discourse Structure in News Articles around the Main Event
- Authors: Prafulla Kumar Choubey and Aaron Lee and Ruihong Huang and Lu Wang
- code:
ACL2020: Document-Level Event Role Filler Extraction using Multi-Granularity Contextualized Encoding
- Authors: Xinya Du, Claire Cardie
- url:
ACL2020: Improving Event Detection via Open-domain Trigger Knowledge
- Authors: Meihan Tong, Bin Xu, Shuai Wang, Yixin Cao, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li and Jun Xie
ACL2020: A Two-Step Approach for Implicit Event Argument Detection
- Authors: Zhisong Zhang, Xiang Kong, Zhengzhong Liu, Xuezhe Ma and Eduard Hovy
IJCAI2020: A Unified Model for Financial Event Classification, Detection and Summarization
- Authors: Quanzhi Li, Qiong Zhang
IJCAI2020: F-HMTC: Detecting Financial Events for Investment Decisions Based on Neural Hierarchical Multi-Label Text Classification
- Authors: Xin Liang, Dawei Cheng, Fangzhou Yang, Yifeng Luo, Weining Qian, Aoying Zhou
arXiv: Event Arguments Extraction via Dilate Gated Convolutional Neural Network with Enhanced Local Features
- Authors: Zhigang Kan, Linbo Qiao, Sen Yang, Feng Liu, Feng Huang
- url:
arxiv2020: Open-domain Event Extraction and Embedding for Natural Gas Market Prediction
- Authors: Chau, Minh Triet and Esteves, Diego and Lehmann, Jens
- url:
arxiv2020: Event Extraction as Definitation Comprehension
- Authors: Yunmo Chen, Tongfei Chen, Seth Ebner, Benjamin Van Durme
- url:
arxiv2020: Event Detection with Relation-Aware Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
- Authors: Shiyao Cui, Bowen Yu, Tingwen Liu, Zhenyu Zhang, Xuebin Wang, Jinqiao Shi
- url:
- Code: to be updated
arxiv2020: MAVEN: A Massive General Domain Event Detection Dataset
- Authors: Xiaozhi Wang, Ziqi Wang, Xu Han, Wangyi Jiang, Rong Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Juanzi Li, Peng Li, Yankai Lin, Jie Zhou
- url: []
arxiv2020: Event Extraction by Answering (Almost) Natural Questions
- Authors:Xinya Du, Claire Cardie
- url:
arxiv2020: Extracting COVID-19 Events from Twitter
- Authors: Shi Zong, Ashutosh Baheti, Wei Xu, Alan Ritter
- url:
arxiv2020: Improving Event Detection using Contextual Wrod and Sensence embeddings
- Authors: Mariano Maisonnave, Fernando Delbianco, Fernando Tohmé, Ana Maguitman, Evangelos Milios
- url:
arxiv2020: MAVEN A Massive General Domain Event Detection Dataset
- Authors: Xiaozhi Wang, Ziqi Wang, Xu Han, Wangyi Jiang, Rong Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Juanzi Li, Peng Li, Yankai Lin, Jie Zhou
- url:
NLPCC2016 : A convolution bilstm neural network model for chinese event extraction 中文事件抽取
ACL2018: Nugget Proposal Networks for Chinese Event Detection
- Author: Lin, Hongyu and Lu, Yaojie and Han, Xianpei and Sun, Le
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 Chinese Corpus, KBP2017 Corpus
- Code:
ACL2018: DCFFE: A Document-level Chinese Financial Event Extraction System based on Automatically Labelled Training Data
- Author: Yang, Hang and Chen, Yubo and Liu, Kang and Xiao, Yang and Zhao, Jun
- url:
- Keywords: Automatically Labelled, Chinese Financial EE
EMNLP2019: Doc2EDAG: An End-to-End Document-level Framework for Chinese Financial Event Extraction
- Author: Shun Zheng, Wei Cao, Wei Xu, Jiang Bian
- url:
EMNLP2019: Event Detection with Trigger-Aware Lattice Neural Network
- Author: Ning Ding, Ziran Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Haitao Zheng, Zibo Lin
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 Chinese Corpus
- Code:
- Keywords: Trigger-Aware Lattice
IJCNLP2019: A Hybrid Character Representatin for Chinese Event Detection
- Author: Xi Xiangyu ; Zhang Tong ; Ye Wei ; Zhang Jinglei ; Xie Rui ; Zhang Shikun
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 Chinese Corpus
EMNLP2019: Cross-lingual Structure Transfer for Relation and Event Extraction
- Author: Ananya Subburathinam, Di Lu, Heng Ji, Jonathan May, Shih-Fu Chang, Avirup Sil, Clare Voss
- url:
AACL2016: Liberal Event Extraction and Event Schema Enduction
- Lifu Huang, Taylor Cassidy, Xiaocheng Feng, Heng Ji, Clare R. Voss, Jiawei Han, Avirup Sil
- url:
NAACL2016: Joint Learning Templates and Slots for Event Schema Induction
- Author: Lei Sha, Sujian Li, Baobao Chang, Zhifang Sui
- url:
- Code:
AACL2015: Generative Event Schema Induction with Entity Disambiguation
- Author: Kiem-Hieu Nguyen, Xavier Tannier, Olivier Ferret, Romaric Besançon
- url:
COLING2018: Open-Domain Event Detection using Distant Supervision
- Author: Araki, Jun and Mitamura, Teruko
- url:
- Code:
- Keywords: Open-Domain, Distant Supervision
ACL2019: Open Domain Event Extraction Using Neural Latent Variable Models
- Author: Xiao Liu and Heyan Huang and Yue Zhang
- url:
- Code:
EMNLP2019: Reporting the unreported: Event Extraction for Analyzing the Local Representation of Hate Crimes
- Author: Aida Mostafazadeh Davani etal.
- url:
- Code:
arxiv2020: Open-domain Event Extraction and Embedding for Natural Gas Market Prediction
- Authors: Chau, Minh Triet and Esteves, Diego and Lehmann, Jens
- url:
ACL2020: Towards Open Domain Event Trigger Identification using Adversarial Domain Adaptation
- Authors: Aakanksha Naik, Carolyn Rose
- url:
arxiv2020: MAVEN: A Massive General Domain Event Detection Dataset
- Authors: Xiaozhi Wang, Ziqi Wang, Xu Han, Wangyi Jiang, Rong Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Juanzi Li, Peng Li, Yankai Lin, Jie Zhou
- url: []
ACL2018: DCFFE: A Document-level Chinese Financial Event Extraction System based on Automatically Labelled Training Data
- Author: Yang, Hang and Chen, Yubo and Liu, Kang and Xiao, Yang and Zhao, Jun
- url:
- Keywords: Automatically Labelled, Chinese Financial EE
EMNLP2019: Doc2EDAG: An End-to-End Document-level Framework for Chinese Financial Event Extraction
- Author: Shun Zheng, Wei Cao, Wei Xu, Jiang Bian
- url:
- code:
ACL2020: Document-Level Event Role Filler Extraction using Multi-Granularity Contextualized Encoding
- Authors: Xinya Du, Claire Cardie
- url:
ACL2016: Leveraging FrameNet to Improve Automatic Event Detection
- Author: Liu, Shulin and Chen, Yubo and He, Shizhu and Liu, Kang and Zhao, Jun
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Code:
- Keywords: FrameNet, Events automatically detected from FN
ACL2017: Automatically Labeled Data Generation for Large Scale Event Extraction
- Author: Chen, Yubo and Liu, Shulin and Zhang, Xiang and Liu, Kang and Zhao, Jun
- url:
- Code:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: Data Generation, Distant Supervision
ACL2019: Exploring Pre-trained Language Models for Event Extraction and Geenration
- Author: Yang, Sen and Feng, Dawei and Qiao, Linbo and Kan, Zhigang and Li, Dongsheng
- url:
- Keywords: PLMEE, BERT
Extending Event Detection to New Types with Learning from Keywords
- Author: Lai, Viet Dac and Nguyen, Thien
- url:
EMNLP2019: Open Event Extraction from Online Text using a Generative Adversarial Network
- Author: Rui Wang, Deyu Zhou, Yulan He
- url:
EMNLP2019: Reporting the unreported: Event Extraction for Analyzing the Local Representation of Hate Crimes
- Author: Aida Mostafazadeh Davani etal.
- url:
- Code:
arxiv2020: MAVEN: A Massive General Domain Event Detection Dataset
- Authors: Xiaozhi Wang, Ziqi Wang, Xu Han, Wangyi Jiang, Rong Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Juanzi Li, Peng Li, Yankai Lin, Jie Zhou
- url: []
ACL2016: A Language-Independent Neural Network for Event Detection
- Author: Feng, Xiaocheng and Huang, Lifu and Tang, Duyu and Ji, Heng and Qin, Bing and Liu, Ting
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus, Spainish ERE Corpus
- Keywords: Hybrid Neural Networks(RNN+CNN), multi-languages
COLING2016:Leveraging Multilingual Training for Limited Resource Event Extraction
- Author: Hsi, Andrew and Yang, Yiming and Carbonell, Jaime and Xu, Ruochen
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: Training on multiple languages using a combination of both language-dependent and language-independent features
AAAI2018: Event detection via gated multilingual attention mechanism
- Author: Liu, Jian and Chen, Yubo and Liu, Kang and Zhao, Jun
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 English Corpus
- Keywords: Multilingual Attention
EMNLP2019: Cross-lingual Structure Transfer for Relation and Event Extraction
- Author: Ananya Subburathinam, Di Lu, Heng Ji, Jonathan May, Shih-Fu Chang, Avirup Sil, Clare Voss
- url:
EMNLP2019: Neural Cross-Lingual Event Detection with Minimal Parallel Resources
- Author: Jian Liu, Yubo Chen, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao
- url:
- Keywords: Cross-Lingual Event Detection
ACL2018: Zero-Shot Transfer Learning for Event Extraction
- Author:
- url:
- Code:
- Keywords: Zero-Shot Transfer
PAKDD2020: Exploiting the Matching Information in the Support Set for Few Shot Event Classification
- Authors: Viet Lai, Franck Dernoncourt, Thien Huu Nguyen
- url:
- Keywords: FewShot
WSDM2020: Meta-Learning with Dynamic-Memory-Based Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Event Detection
- Authors: Shumin Deng, Ningyu Zhang, Jiaojian Kang, Yichi Zhang, Wei Zhang, Huajun Chen
- url:
- Code:
- NAACL2018: Semi-supervised event extraction with paraphrase clusters
- Author: Ferguson, James and Lockard, Colin and Weld, Daniel and Hajishirzi, Hannaneh
- url:
- DataSet: ACE2005 Chinese Corpus, TAC2015
- Keywords: Semi-supervised