###This is a userscript for enhancing steamgifts.com
script (tampermonkey or greasemonkey has to be installed, see information and links below)
Based on SGTools Giveaways Helper by KnSYS which is Based on Touhou Giveaways Helper https://github.com/Aareksio/touhou-giveaways-helper authors Mole & Archi
####Features: Enhanced create giveaway feature - added 3 buttons for 3 giveaway groups (BundleQuest, RPGTreasury, Unlucky-7) which will be chosen automatically on click. Also the gifttype is chosen and the description was adapted.
Other features untouched, see details here: UserScript SGTools Helper
If you want to try it out, you need to have tampermonkey installed (for chrome) or greasemonkey (for firefox) and click the following link: sgtools-giveaways-helper-custom.user.js
Create a issue here.