We created a project in Java that simulates the behaviour of a Database Engine. We applied the concepts of database query optimization and indexing which we previously learned theoretically. We focused on Grid Indexing as our indexing technique in this project. Given any query, our program chooses either to use one of the existing grid indexes or queries on the table directly depending on what would be more time efficient.
We created the database engine in an object oriented design consisting of the following classes:
DBApp Class is the main class which contains all the high-order methods in our program
Table Class is a class which represents a table in the database
Page Class is a class which represents a "memory page" in a table
Index Class is a class which represents a grid index in the database
Bucket Class is a class which represents a "memory bucket" in a grid index
SQLTerm Class is a class which represents an SQL query
DBApp class is our main class which contains all the high-order methods in our program.
The main features of the project are executed by one of these methods:
- createTable
- insertIntoTable
- updateTable
- deleteFromTable
- createIndex
- insertIntoTable
- selectFromTable
- deleteFromTable
- updateTable
Here is an example code that creates a table, creates an index, does few inserts, and a select:
String strTableName = "Student";
DBApp dbApp = new DBApp( );
Hashtable htblColNameType = new Hashtable( );
htblColNameType.put("id", "java.lang.Integer");
htblColNameType.put("name", "java.lang.String");
htblColNameType.put("gpa", "java.lang.double");
dbApp.createTable( strTableName, "id", htblColNameType /* in addition to min max hashtables” );
dbApp.createIndex( strTableName, new String[] {"gpa"} );
Hashtable htblColNameValue = new Hashtable( );
htblColNameValue.put("id", new Integer( 2343432 ));
htblColNameValue.put("name", new String("Ahmed Noor" ) );
htblColNameValue.put("gpa", new Double( 0.95 ) );
dbApp.insertIntoTable( strTableName , htblColNameValue );
htblColNameValue.clear( );
htblColNameValue.put("id", new Integer( 453455 ));
htblColNameValue.put("name", new String("Ahmed Noor" ) );
htblColNameValue.put("gpa", new Double( 0.95 ) );
dbApp.insertIntoTable( strTableName , htblColNameValue );
htblColNameValue.clear( );
htblColNameValue.put("id", new Integer( 5674567 ));
htblColNameValue.put("name", new String("Dalia Noor" ) );
htblColNameValue.put("gpa", new Double( 1.25 ) );
dbApp.insertIntoTable( strTableName , htblColNameValue );
htblColNameValue.clear( );
htblColNameValue.put("id", new Integer( 23498 ));
htblColNameValue.put("name", new String("John Noor" ) );
htblColNameValue.put("gpa", new Double( 1.5 ) );
dbApp.insertIntoTable( strTableName , htblColNameValue );
htblColNameValue.clear( );
htblColNameValue.put("id", new Integer( 78452 ));
htblColNameValue.put("name", new String("Zaky Noor" ) );
htblColNameValue.put("gpa", new Double( 0.88 ) );
dbApp.insertIntoTable( strTableName , htblColNameValue );
SQLTerm[] arrSQLTerms;
arrSQLTerms = new SQLTerm[2];
arrSQLTerms[0]._strTableName = "Student";
arrSQLTerms[0]._strColumnName= "name";
arrSQLTerms[0]._strOperator = "=";
arrSQLTerms[0]._objValue = "John Noor";
arrSQLTerms[1]._strTableName = "Student";
arrSQLTerms[1]._strColumnName= "gpa";
arrSQLTerms[1]._strOperator = "=";
arrSQLTerms[1]._objValue = new Double( 1.5 );
String[]strarrOperators = new String[1];
strarrOperators[0] = "OR";
// select * from Student where name = “John Noor” or gpa = 1.5;
Iterator resultSet = dbApp.selectFromTable(arrSQLTerms , strarrOperators);
Each table/relation is stored as binary pages on disk and not in a single file
Table is sorted on key
Each table and page is loaded only upon need and not always kept in memory. Page is loaded into memory and removed from memory once not needed.
A page is stored as a vector of objects
Meta data file is used to learn about types of columns in a table with every select/insert/delete/update
Page maximum row count is loaded from metadata file (N value)
A column can have any of data types
You can do a select query without having any index created
You can do a select query with the existence of an index that could be used to reduce search space
You can insert into a table without having any index created
You can insert with the existence of an index that could be used to reduce search space
Delete a record without having any index created
Delete a record with the existence of an index that could be used to reduce search space
Update a record without having any index created is working fine
Update a record with the existence of an index that could be used to reduce search space
Create an index for a given column whether it's a key column or otherwise.
Save and load index from disk
Insert and delete from index correctly