Konduto is a fraud detection service that helps e-commerce merchants spot fraud with Buying Behavior.
- PHP 7.x.x or higher
- MySQL 5.6.x or higher
- Active account at Konduto
It is possible to install the Konduto module for Magento 2 via .zip, via Git ou via Composer.
Via composer
- Go to the Magento root directory and add the module:
composer require konduto/magento2
- Update the available Magento modules
bin/magento setup:upgrade
- The Konduto_Antifraud module should be displayed in the list of Magento modules
bin/magento module:status
Via git
- Go to the Magento root directory and add the module
git clone https://github.com/konduto/magento2.git app/code/Konduto/Antifraud/
- Update the available Magento modules
bin/magento setup:upgrade
- The Konduto_Antifraud module should be displayed in the list of Magento modules
bin/magento module:status
- Go to the Magento root directory and add the module:
composer require konduto/sdk:v2.0.1
Via .zip
- Create the following folder (s) inside the Magento app folder
- Download .zip
- The path should be app / code / Konduto / Antifraud
- Extract the .zip files into the Antifraud folder
- In the root directory, update the available Magento modules
bin/magento setup:upgrade
- The Konduto_Antifraud module should be displayed in the list of Magento modules
bin/magento module:status
- Go to the Magento root directory and add the module:
composer require konduto/sdk:v2.0.1
- Setting up your Konduto account
- In the Magento Administration panel, go to Stores -> Configuration -> Konduto -> Antifraud
- In the Store Environment field, select the current environment (Sandbox or Production)
- Fill in the Public key and Private key fields with the credentials of your Konduto account
- Click Save Config
- Enabling payment methods
- In the Settings tab, in the Allowed payment methods field, you must select which payment methods your transactions will be submitted for Konduto fraud analysis
- In the Payment Mapping tab, you must select which payment method of the store represents the selected payment method.
- Enabling order dispatch
- In the Settings tab, in the Enable Order Dispatch? field, you must enable this option so that the completed requests are sent to a queue, then sent to the Konduto for analysis
If you need information about the platform or API, please follow the Konduto Help