WARNING: this is a POC for the moment based on: https://github.com/dburles/meteor-guide-starter-react
Meteor Guide Builder - a tool to setup a Meteor project, add collections, add pages and more. All according to the Meteor Guide (https://guide.meteor.com/)
Because we all benefit from having comparable code bases. If the community chooses to go a direction, changes should be easier.
git clone https://github.com/batistleman/mgb.git`
npm link
create - Initialize a basic Meteor project
analyze - Analyze the code structure of your application
Some info on what you can add:
add collection [name] - Add a collection, name has to be lowercase plural, like: tasks, items, ...
add method [collectionName] [methodName] - Add a method to a collectio
mgb create
This will create a new meteor application for you with some basic scaffolding. (Structure is taken from: https://github.com/dburles/meteor-guide-starter-react)
mgb analyze
The goal of this command is to give you some feedback on your file structure. Like what folder should be present, what file should your project include.
mgb add collection tasks
This command will generate the required files and place them in the correct folders.
mgb add method tasks complete
This command will generate the required files - where you can implement your logic. And add them to the server/index.js file.