Revised plugin for SiriServerCore that lets you control XBMC with your voice.
Original code can be found here:
Full credit to Gustavo Hoirisch/Pieter Janssens, original creators
Install Instructions:
Open terminal and type 'easy_install jsonrpclib'
Unpack and copy the XBMC2 folder into your 'plugins/' folder in the SiriServerCore install
Open plugins.conf in the main SiriServerCore directory and add 'XBMC2' in a new line at the bottom of the list
Open in the plugins/XBMC2 folder and add the host/port/username/password of your XBMC installation
What you can do with this plugin:
Update/Clean your libraries ('Update/Clean music/video library')
Stop the audio/video players ('Stop music/video player')
Pause/Resume the audio/video players ('Pause/Resume music/video player')
List the latest added movies 'List latest movies'
Play a specified TV Show episode 'Watch (SHOWTITLE) Season (#) Episode (#)'
Play a specified movie 'Watch (MOVIETITLE)'
- If multiple matches are found, you will be presented with a choice and asked to pick a number
List the latest/specified artist albums 'List (ARTISTNAME/Latest) albums'
Play a specified album 'Listen to album (ALBUMTITLE)'
Future features to be implemented:
Playing latest added TV Show episodes
Playing random TV Show episodes
Letting users pick which to play from list when multiple albums are found
Displaying fanart with responses
Let me know what you think!