This website is a collection of stuff that I have written and want to keep a public record of.
I eventually want to expand it to have some of the projects that I've worked on and to be a useful resource for others, especially with notes on the books I've read and recommends.
For building this website I used vue and Nuxt.js as a javascript framework, and firebase realtime database on the backend. I really enjoy using these technologies, and while they have some quirks that take some getting used to I found it very easy to get up and running with the results I wanted. I am using github pages for hosting. The website of Derek Sivers was the inspiration for the site, and while I hope to evolve the site over time I loved the simplicity and readability of his design.
Clone Repository:
[email protected]:BenSturgeon/website.git
Navigate to Directory:
cd website
Install Node.js (if not installed):
brew install node
Install Dependencies:
npm install
Run Development Server:
npm run dev
Edit Content:
- Make changes to the website content.
Deploy Changes: