Introduce two new flags to allow the configuration of the interface as well as port that the http/https servers will bind to.
New Flags
-io.github.benwhitehead.finch.httpInterface=:7070 : The TCP Interface and port for the http server {[<hostname/ip>]:port}. (Set to empty value to disable)
-io.github.benwhitehead.finch.httpsInterface= : The TCP Interface and port for the https server {[<hostname/ip>]:port}. Requires -io.github.benwhitehead.finch.certificatePath and -io.github.benwhitehead.finch.keyPath to be set. (Set to empty value to disable)
Breaking Change
The old flags io.github.benwhitehead.finch.httpPort
and io.github.benwhitehead.finch.httpsPort
have been replaced by the new interface args.
Updating your flags
If you do not need to specify the ip address for the server to bind to and want to continue binding to
then you need only specify the "port half" of the interface. For example, if you wanted your https server to listen on port 443 you would specify -io.github.benwhitehead.finch.httpsInterface=:443