BeneSim is a very simple and thus pretty easy to use python twitch bot. The code is quite ugly, but it does what it's supposed to do. The main purpose of the bot is to respond to trigger phrases. For example say you want a bot that posts a link to your discord server everytime a user uses the keyword discord in his message. This can be accomplished with the following code
def discordCommand(bot, nickname, channel, args, message):
bot.sendMessage(channel, "Join my discord server at")
bot.addCommand(discordCommand, "discord", starts_with=False, case_sensitive=False)
Actually no installation required, it's just a simple python module, just use it right away or import it into your own module. I may add a in the future though.
Let's start with the initialization first. You can use it inside your module
from benebot import Bot
or simply use the module itself
if __name__ == "__main__":
bot = Bot(username="botusername", password="oauth:botpassword", channels=(("#foo", 20), ("#bar", 20)))
Alright, username and password should be self-explanatory. channels must be an iterable, e.g. a list or tuple, in this case I used a tuple. Each entry of the tuple contains the channelname and the message limit and must be a iterable, too. In this case I want to joint the channel #foo with a message limit of 20 and the channel #bar with a message limit of 20. The message limit is the total number of messages that can be send to the specific channel within a time frame of 30 seconds. You may get an 8h IP ban if you send more messages than you are allowed to.
Now let's define a command. All commands need a function that gets called once the command gets triggered.
def exampleCommand(bot, nickname, channel, args):
bot.sendMessage(channel, "Command called by {} in channel {} with arguments {}".format(nickname, channel, args))
The signature of the command functions must always be as shown above. The individual parameters will be supplied by the bot once the command triggers:
- bot: This is a reference to the bot, mainly used to send messages.
- nickname: The nickname of the user that triggered the command.
- channel: The channel the user triggered the command in.
- args: This is an array containing all the words (seperated by a whitespace) that followed the command.
- message: This is the original complete message.
Now that we have the desired functionality inside the command function lets add it to the bot.
bot.addCommand(function=exampleCommand, trigger="example", nicknames=None, channels=None, case_sensitive=False, starts_with=True, cooldown=None)
OK, lets go over all those parameters:
- function: The function that is going to be called when the command triggers.
- trigger: The actual trigger phrase.
- nicknames: None or an iterable if you want to restrict the command to some specific nicknames. Say you only want to allow a specific nickname "foobar" to use the command then you would use nicknames=("foobar",).
- channels: Same as with nicknames. None or an iterable containing the channels for which the command should be available.
- case_sensitive: Whether the trigger phrase should be case sensitive or not.
- starts_with: If true then the command will only trigger if the trigger phrase is the start of the message.
- cooldown: None or the amount of seconds the command should be put on cooldown after usage.
The bot will now call the function exampleCommand everytime a user writes example or ExAmple, etc. at the beginning of a message.
Finnaly we need to start the bot.
A minimal working example should look like this
from benebot import Bot
def exampleCommand(bot, nickname, channel, args, message):
bot.sendMessage(channel, "Command called by {} in channel {} with arguments {}".format(nickname, channel, args))
if __name__ == "__main__":
bot = Bot(username="botusername", password="oauth:botpassword", channels=(("#foo", 20), ("#bar", 20)))
bot.addCommand(function=exampleCommand, trigger="example", nicknames=None, channels=None, case_sensitive=False, starts_with=True, cooldown=None)
Important: BeneBot uses blocking sockets! A bot using asyncio for asynchronous networking may follow.
I hope this tutorial will help get you started. Have a look at the module itself, atleast the user-code part contains some documentation.