#BlogBackup project Uses Blogger exported xml to backup all blog images to local disk
##What's it for? Use this to backup all the images from your Blogger blog.
- Hit the download link (above right), and choose one of the two zip files to download (see Prerequisites below to work out which)
- There is no installer, the exe inside the zip is stand-alone
- Go to the Settings/Other tab in your Blogger management interface, and hit the 'Export blog' link - save to disk
- Open a command prompt* (Start > Run > cmd) and navigate to the folder where you saved BlogBackup.exe
- Type "blogbackup [path to blog xml] [path to save images to]" and hit enter
- The program will download all images, printing status to the console
- At the end, a file (blogbackuplog.txt) is saved to the path, consult this to see if any downloads timed out: if so you may want to run the program again
*If you're not comfortable with using the command prompt, you can create a 'batch' file next to BlogBackup.exe, and paste into it the command shown above in step 5 (with the appropriate paths)
##Prerequisites You need to have at least .Net framework 2.0 (http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=19) installed. If you already have the F# runtime installed (http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=13450), you can download the 'vanilla' BlogBackup.zip file. Otherwise you need to download the BlogBackupStandalone.zip file (which has the necessary F# components inside)
##Can be used elsewhere Though I wrote this specifically for downloading from Blogger, it can be used for downloading any images from anywhere, based on links to images in a text file.
##Why doesn't it download the blogger xml for me? Because I am philosophically opposed to the idea of people trusting a program that they just downloaded off the internet with their blogger login credentials.
##Future work The next two steps are to to recreate the html on disk, (and get video playback working).
##License terms Use this software - compiled or source code - any which way you want, but don't blame me if it does something you don't like.
###08 June 2012 Add download of embedded Blogger videos (in blogger-specific format) - not YouTube videos.
###02 March 2012 Initial version