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AI player vs AI player on Hexagonal Grid:

Screen Recording 2023-12-26 at 9 04 28 PM

AI player vs AI player on Square Grid:

Screen Recording 2023-12-26 at 9 13 24 PM

Human player with Hints vs human player without hints:

Screen Recording 2023-12-26 at 9 22 14 PM (4)


  1. The board cannot be started with a size less than 3 and its size remains constant after initialization.
  2. The size of the board remain constant.

OVERVIEW: This codebase is designed to implement the classic game of Reversi, with a twist: the game board consists of hexagonal tiles instead of the traditional square grid. Players alternate turns, placing their colored discs on the board to capture their opponent's discs. The game continues until neither player can make a valid move. The goal is to have the majority of the board occupied by one's own discs at the end of the game.

QUICK START: // Initializes a 4x4 board (board can be any size except for less than size 3); ReversiBoard board = new ReversiBoard(4);

// Black player makes a move at position (2,3) (black must move first), 1, HexagonPlayer.BLACK);

// create a TextualView with the board created above: TextualView textView = new ReversiModelTextView(board);

// prints the Hexagonal Grid as a string System.out.println(textView.arrayHexString());

KEY COMPONENTS: Model: ReversiMutableModel & ReversiReadOnlyModel: Interfaces that define essential functionalities for the Reversi game model. The mutable model allows modifications, while the read-only model provides a safe view without modification abilities.

ReversiBoard: The central component representing the game board. It manages the game state, validates moves, and keeps track of player turns.

View: TextualView: Interface that ensures a class provides a textual representation of the game. ReversiModelTextView: Concrete implementation of the textual view that presents the game state in a string format.

KEY SUBCOMPONENTS: Hexagon: Represents individual hexagonal cells on the board. Each hexagon has an associated player occupancy state (BLACK, WHITE, or NONE).

HexagonPlayer: An enumeration indicating the possible states of a hexagon cell: BLACK, WHITE, or NONE.

Pair: A utility class that captures a pair of integer values, usually used to represent grid coordinates.

SOURCE ORGANIZATION: cs3500.reversi.model: This package contains the primary game logic, including ReversiBoard, Hexagon, Pair, ReversiMutableModel, ReversiReadOnlyModel.

cs3500.reversi.textualview: This package contains the views, including ReversiModelTextView, and TextualView Implements the game board logic. Defines the hexagonal cells on the board. & Interfaces defining model functionalities. Utility class for coordinate representation. Interface for textual representation of the game. Concrete class that generates the textual view of the game.

ReversiBoard Coordinate System: The ReversiBoard class in the cs3500.reversi.model package uses a unique coordinate system to manage the game board for Reversi, a strategy board game. This README provides an overview of the coordinate system and its implementation.

************************** CHANGES FOR PART 2 ***********************************************

Overview Reversi is played on a hexagonal grid. The ReversiBoard class represents this grid using a two-dimensional array (Hexagon[][] hexList). Each position on the board is identified using two coordinates: q and r.

Coordinate System Q Coordinate: Represents the horizontal axis of the hexagonal grid. It increases from left to right. R Coordinate: Represents the vertical axis of the hexagonal grid. It increases from top to bottom. The combination of these two coordinates uniquely identifies each hexagon on the board.

Board Representation The board is represented as a 2D array of Hexagon objects, where each Hexagon can be at a valid or invalid position. Invalid positions (where no hexagon exists) are represented as null in the array.

Valid Position Check The method validHexPosition(int q, int r) determines if a given (q, r) coordinate pair corresponds to a valid position on the hexagonal grid. The validity is based on the size of the board and the inherent structure of a hexagonal grid.

Initialization During the initialization of the board in createBoard(), each position in the 2D array is checked for validity. Valid positions are initialized with new Hexagon objects, while invalid positions remain null. The starting positions of the players are set by the addStartingPlayers() method, based on the middle of the board.

Utilization The coordinate system is used throughout the class for various functionalities, including making moves (play method), checking if a move is valid (canMove methods), and determining the game state.

  1. moved these methods from ReversiMutableModel to ReversiReadOnlyModel: isGameOver getCurrentPlayer canMove
  • To facilitate the creation of read-only models from mutable models, the ReversiModelFactory class has been introduced. This factory class provides a method to convert a ReversiMutableModel into a ReversiReadOnlyModel.

Usage The ReversiModelFactory class contains a static method createReadOnlyModel, which takes a ReversiMutableModel as input and returns a ReversiReadOnlyModel. This method checks if the input model is an instance of ReversiBoard and, if so, creates a new ReversiBoard instance that acts as a read-only model.

********* DOCUMENTING THE VIEW: *********

COMPONENTS FOUND IN: package cs3500.reversi.view;

MAKING A MOVE: To make a move in the game, select a cell using your mouse or keyboard navigation, and then press the "Enter" key. This action will place your disc in the selected cell if the move is valid. A cell that is already occupied with a player cannnot be selected.

PASSING A TURN: To pass your turn, press the "P" key.

  • Description: IReversiView is an interface that represents the view component in the Reversi game. It defines the contract for all views within the game, ensuring a consistent structure for various view implementations.

Key Functionalities: As an interface, IReversiView may contain method declarations relevant to the display and update of the game's graphical user interface.

  • Description: GameBoardLayout is a class that extends JFrame and implements IReversiView. It provides the graphical layout for the Reversi game board, including the hexagonal cells and the score display.

Key Functionalities: Hexagonal Grid Layout: Manages a grid of HexagonButton objects representing the game cells. Score Display: Includes a JLabel to show the current scores of the players. Dynamic Sizing: Calculates the dimensions and layout of the hexagonal grid based on the game model's board size. Usage: Used to create and manage the main game window, displaying the Reversi board and scores to the player.

  • Description: HexagonPanel is a JPanel subclass responsible for arranging HexagonButton objects in a hexagonal grid pattern. It handles user interactions like selecting and deselecting game cells.

Key Functionalities: Grid Management: Arranges hexagonal buttons in a grid, handling their layout and dimensions. User Interaction: Includes methods to handle key and mouse events for selecting and playing moves. Cell Selection: Manages the logic for selecting and deselecting hexagonal cells on the game board.

Usage: This panel is a crucial part of the game's UI, enabling players to interact with the game board by selecting and playing moves.

  • Description: HexagonButton extends JButton and represents a single hexagonal cell on the Reversi board. It is responsible for displaying the state of a cell and handling user interactions.

Key Functionalities: Custom Shape: Renders a hexagon shape for the button, representing a game cell. State Representation: Changes color based on the cell's occupancy (Black, White, or unoccupied). User Interaction: Responds to click events for selection and deselection, visually indicating the current state.

Usage: These buttons form the individual cells of the Reversi game board, allowing players to interact with and visualize the game state.

********* DOCUMENTING THE STRATEGY: *********** COMPONENTS CAN BE FOUND IN: package cs3500.reversi.strategy;

  • Description: ReversiStrategy is an interface defining the contract for strategy implementations in the Reversi game. It outlines the method through which a strategy can choose the next move based on the current game state.

Key Functionalities: chooseMove: Method that takes a ReversiReadOnlyModel and a HexagonPlayer as parameters, returning a Move object. This method encapsulates the strategy's logic to select the next move in the game.

  • Description: AggressiveReversiStrategy is a class that implements the ReversiStrategy interface. It embodies an aggressive approach to playing Reversi, focusing on capturing the most pieces possible with each move.

Key Functionalities: Aggressive Move Selection: Prioritizes moves that result in the maximum number of pieces captured. Tie-Breaking Mechanism: In cases where multiple moves capture the same number of pieces, it selects the move with the uppermost-leftmost coordinate as a tie-breaker. Dynamic Strategy: Adapts its move choice based on the current state of the board and the player it's deciding for. Usage: This strategy can be used in a Reversi game to provide an AI player that aggressively captures opponent pieces, making it challenging for human players or other AI strategies.

  • Description: AvoidCornersStrategy is a class implementing the ReversiStrategy interface. This strategy aims to avoid making moves adjacent to corners, focusing instead on controlling the center and other areas of the board.

Key Functionalities: Corner Avoidance: Actively avoids moves that are adjacent to the corners of the board. Fallback Mechanism: In situations with no non-corner moves, it falls back to aggressive strategies for move selection.

  • Description: GoForCornersStrategy, adhering to the ReversiStrategy interface, emphasizes capturing corner positions, which are strategically advantageous in Reversi. Once captured, these positions offer stability and cannot be flipped by the opponent.

Key Functionalities: Corner Prioritization: Focuses on moves that capture corners whenever available. Strategic Adaptability: When corner moves are not feasible, the strategy shifts to non-corner aggressive moves or avoids corner-adjacent moves.

  • Description: Move is a class representing a single move in the Reversi game. It encapsulates the coordinates of the move and the player who makes it.

Key Functionalities: Coordinates Management: Stores the row (r) and column (q) of the move. Player Association: Keeps track of which player (HexagonPlayer) is making the move. Accessors: Provides methods to retrieve the coordinates and the player associated with the move.

QUICK START OF STRATEGY: // create a model: ReversiReadOnlyModel model = new ReversiBoard(4); // create a strategy : ReversiStrategy strategy = new AggressiveReversiStrategy(); // create a move with the chosen strategy: Move newMove = strategy.chooseMove(model, model.getPlayer()); // access the Q coordinate of the move int q = newMove.getQ(); // access the R coordinate of the move int r = newMove.getR(); // access the player of the move HexagonPlayer player = newMove.getPlayer();

// Example Usage for AvoidCornersStrategy ReversiStrategy avoidCornersStrategy = new AvoidCornersStrategy(); Move avoidCornersMove = avoidCornersStrategy.chooseMove(model, model.getPlayer());

// Example Usage for GoForCornersStrategy ReversiStrategy goForCornersStrategy = new GoForCornersStrategy(); Move goForCornersMove = goForCornersStrategy.chooseMove(model, model.getPlayer());

MinimaxStrategy for Reversi

  • : Overview The MinimaxStrategy class is an implementation of the Minimax algorithm specifically tailored for the Reversi game. This strategy aims to optimize the player's moves by considering the potential responses of the opponent.

Features Minimax Algorithm: Utilizes the classic Minimax approach to predict the outcome of moves and choose the best one. Opponent Strategy Simulation: Assumes an opponent's strategy to better counteract their moves. Disruptive Move Selection: Prioritizes moves that disrupt the opponent's best possible move. Adaptive Play-style: Adjusts the strategy based on the opponent's predicted strategy.

QUICK START: ReversiStrategy opponentStrategy = new AggressiveReversiStrategy(); // Or any other strategy ReversiStrategy minimaxStrategy = new MinimaxStrategy(opponentStrategy); // Move based on minimax strategy: Move nextMove = minimaxStrategy.chooseMove(gameModel, currentPlayer);

TryTwo Strategy in Reversi: The TryTwo strategy is a unique approach in our Reversi game, designed to provide flexibility and adaptability in strategy selection during gameplay. This strategy encapsulates two different strategies, attempting them in succession to determine the best possible move under varying game conditions.

Overview: Primary Strategy: The TryTwo strategy first tries to use a primary strategy. This is the preferred method for making a move, based on specific criteria or game tactics defined in the strategy.

Secondary Strategy: If the primary strategy fails (i.e., it finds no valid moves), the TryTwo strategy then resorts to a secondary strategy. This fallback strategy offers an alternative method for choosing a move, ensuring that the player has the best possible option available under the circumstances.

Usage This strategy is particularly useful in scenarios where the primary strategy might be too aggressive or specific, and there's a need for a more balanced or cautious approach as a backup.

Exception Handling If both the primary and secondary strategies fail to find a valid move, the TryTwo strategy throws an IllegalStateException. This exception indicates that no move is available, and the player might need to pass their turn.

QUICK START OF TryTwo strategy: ReversiStrategy aggressiveStrategy = new AggressiveReversiStrategy(); ReversiStrategy cornerStrategy = new GoForCornersStrategy();

ReversiStrategy tryTwoStrategy = new TryTwo(cornerStrategy, aggressiveStrategy);

// Usage in a game context Move nextMove = tryTwoStrategy.chooseMove(model, currentPlayer);

************************** CHANGES FOR PART 3 *********************************************** Added documentation to "making a move": A cell that is already occupied with a player cannot be selected.

Overview: Part 3 of the Reversi game development introduces significant enhancements in terms of gameplay, user interaction, and AI strategies. These changes aim to provide a more immersive and challenging game experience.

Play the game from Jar: The player whose turn it is signified by a yellow background and in the title the player's color whose turn it is is signified. Player 1 will always be BLACK Player 2 will always be WHITE To play, the player must either pass by hitting the p key or play by selecting a cell and hitting the key ENTER

ReversiController: A new controller class has been added to manage the interactions between the model and the view. It incorporates logic for handling game events and player inputs. The controller observes changes in the game board and updates the view accordingly. It facilitates automatic moves by AI players and handles key events for human players. Added a MockReversiCOntroller

BoardObserver Interface: Introduced to enable the view to observe changes in the game model. This interface allows the implementation of various views that react dynamically to changes in the game state. The model notifies the observer in the methods:

  • play(int, int, HexagonPlayer)
  • pass()
  • startObserverGame()

ViewFeatures Interface: The ViewFeatures interface is an essential component in the Reversi game's architecture, playing a pivotal role in managing interactions between the game's view and its controller. It is designed specifically to handle key press events within the Reversi game view.

Model: Included deep copying + a MockReversiBoard + a MockReversiModel for testing purposes and seeing when called from the controller it correctly reflects the view and model

Model Interfaces:

Included deep copying in both MutuableModel and ReadOnlyModel

Key Features Key Press Event Handling: The interface provides methods to react to specific key press events, ensuring a seamless interaction between the user (through the view) and the game's logic (managed by the controller).

ReversiMutableModel: Added startGame method to start the model.

Enhanced Player Interaction: ---> KEYBOARD INPUTS: Players can now interact with the game using keyboard inputs. For example, pressing "P" to pass a turn and "Enter" to confirm a move. Human players interact through keyboard events, while AI players make automatic moves based on their strategies.

Reversi Main Class: The main class for the game has been updated to initialize the game with various player types and strategies. It sets up the game environment, including the board, players, and the controller.

Quick start: To start the game, one must

  1. download the jar

  2. run it

  3. enter the desired board size (must be greater than 2), , enter the first player -> if human desired type "human" , enter the second player -> if ai player desired type the name of the strategy that player is going to use (documentation under):

    ex: -> java -jar Reversi.jar 9 strategy1 strategy1

Configuring AI players in the command line: AI player will use the desired strategy:

  1. strategy1 - AggressiveReversiStrategy
  2. strategy2 - AvoidCornersStrategy
  3. strategy3 - GoForCornersStrategy
  4. strategy4 - MinimaxStrategy (with AggressiveReversiStrategy as a base)
  5. strategy12 - A combination of AvoidCornersStrategy and AggressiveReversiStrategy
  6. strategy123 - A combination of GoForCornersStrategy, AvoidCornersStrategy, and AggressiveReversiStrategy

the structure of the arguments must be as follows: "[board size (int)] [player1Type] [player2Type]"

***************************** CHANGES FOR EXTRA CREDIT ************************************


Added new view Feature method to take care of hints. Added new method in addHints(HexagonPlayer) -> this method allows for hints to be shown onn the view's panel:

added: HexHintButton : this class is a decorator class for HexagonButton, it changes the way the button is painted so that it displays a hint HexHintPanel: this class extends the HexagonPanel and changes the method addHexButtonsToArray to add HexHintButton to an array instead of HexagonButton

in GameBoardLayout, changed the refresh and panelSetUp methods to use the decorator classes if the hints are turned on. Changed the setUpKeyListener in GameBoardLayout to include these keybinds: To use hints, the key binds are : H -> turn on hints, this should be noticeable as the title changes to Hints: ON and the background of the player whose turn it is turns magenta instead of yellow. J -> turn off hints, the title will say Hints: OFF and the background of the player whose turn it is will go back to yellow.


in (package cs3500.reversi.model): added : ReversiSquareBoard -> which extends ReversiBoard and changes the starting board, the starting players, the rules in which to search for valid moves.


in package (cs3500.reversi.view): added: ReversiSquareLayout -> which extends GameBoardLayout to create new Square panels ReversiSquarePanel -> which extends HexagonPanel to override addHexButtonsToArray and paintComponent so that the square view can be shown SquareButton -> which changes the bounds of HexagonButton so that it can be drawn as a square

optional additions to add hints to the decorated hints from level 0: include classes: SquareButtonHint -> which extends HexHintButton and recalculates the coordinates like in SquareButton SquareHintPanel -> extends ReversiSquarePanel and changes the buttons that are added to the array to SquareButtonHint buttons in ReversiSquareLayout overrode newPanel method to add hint panels or non-hint panels accordingly

LEVEL 3 OF EXTRA CREDIT: only method that was added to the controller was makeHints: this method was necessary to give the view the player who needs the hint. because of the MVC pattern, the view has no idea what player it has, for the hints to work, the controller needed to give the view the player so that the view could calculate the hint properly. this method also refreshes the view so that the new hint view can be seen (when hints are on, the background of turns purple and the selection color does as well).

LEVEL 4 OF EXTRA CREDIT: no changes were needed to be made to the strategies.


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