This is my Home Assistant configuration running on Raspberry Pi 3, installed using Hassbian
Software running:
- Home Assistant with custom-ui
- InfluxDB: for long term data analysis
- Grafana: to visualise InfluxDB data into pretty charts
- MySensors Gateway: catching temperature from each room
please see
how to install them
Devices I have :
- MySensors temperature/reed-swith nodes
- LazyGardener: My own irrigation controller
- LG smart TV
- RFLink to read 433mHz things, connected over GPIO serial port
- HomeEasy (433mHz) dimmers, sockets, wall buttons
- IR receiver & LED
- Kodi running on old laptop
- Xiaomi Mi Flora: controls plants soil moisture
- PIR sensor attached to Raspberry Pi
- OctoPrint
- Sonoff with custom FW and espurna
- ESP8266 based TFT display
- Broadlink RM3 mini
- reads IR remote from Pioneer A/V and transmitting codes for TV - that's one remote to rule them all!
- if A/V is in DVD mode, switch TV input to HDMI and use IR remote's joystick to control Kodi
- watch weather and room temperature to send it over MQTT to ESP8266 display
- turn on the lamp when move is detected during night: midnight until 30 minutes after sunset
- watch disk usage, if nearly full send me notification
- when 3D print ends send me notification - only on request
- turn on each LazyGardener's valves one by one for time selected from input_slider
- turn on selected LazyGardener's valve with auto turn off timeout feature
- scenes: dim lights when playing movie on Kodi
- dim ESP8266 display over night and turn it on in case somebody turns on light during night
- watch batteries and send notification when low