is the repository with all solved katas @Berlin-JS-Tech-Group.
"Character with longest consecutive repetition" - codewars link, solution
"Your order, please" - codewars link, solution
"Equal Sides Of An Array" - codewars link, solution.
"First non-repeating character" - codewars link, solution.
"1's, 0's and wildcards" - codewars link, solution.
"Permute a Palindrome" - codewars link, solution.
If you are planning to share your solution with already existing kata repo, follow the steps below:
Fork this repo
Add your solution and test files to the desired kata's folder with the following name format: "solution.username.js" and "solution.username.test.js".
Create a pull request with short explanation and results of tests run.
- CodeWars - https://www.codewars.com.
We, @Berlin-JS-Tech-Group, solve katas every meetup and would like to share the solutions with the community.
This starter is MIT licensed