15 commits
to HtmlViewer-11.7
since this release
- Delphi 10 Seattle Support
- Lazarus 1.6 Support
- Linux (GTK2) Support
- Raspbian (GTK2) Support
- Detect UTF16 w/o BOM. Helps reading UnicodeStrings written to Streams.
- Scrolling in unfocused HtmlViewer.
- TFloatingObj supports style Position:Absolute
- Position:fixed for Blocks and Images
- HtmlViewer supports !important now
- Working With Protocols
- New unit UrlConn makes it easy for coders to add own protocol handlers for a TFrameBrowser
- New base class ThtConnection offers to get a document.
- New class ThtFileConnection gets a document from a file.
- New class ThtResourceConnection gets a document from the application's resources.
- New component base class ThtConnector offers to create a connection for a protocol. When dropped to a form with a ThtConnectionManager on it ThtConnectors register themselves at the ThtConnectionManager automatically.
- New component ThtFileConnector creates a ThtFileConnection for protocol 'file://'.
- New component ThtResourceConnector creates a ThtResourceConnection for protocol 'res://'.
- New component ThtConnectionManager creates ThtConnections for the registered protocols.
- TFrameBrowser Demos promoted from Other Demos to Main Demos
- FrameBrowserDemoIndy10.dpr for Delphi and Lazarus (Win32/Win64/Linux)
- FrameBrowserDemoIcs.dpr for Delphi only
- Both demos are using the same code except their specific THttpConnector/THttpConnection in unit UrlConId10 resp. UrlConIcs.
- New unit UrlConn makes it easy for coders to add own protocol handlers for a TFrameBrowser
- Working With Images
- Global image loader in unit HtmlImages, which enables coders to detect and load additional image formats:
- base class ThtImageLoader
- global procedure SetImageLoader
- global function GetImageLoader
- global function LoadImageFromStream uses the new global image loader
- ThtImageLoader.GetFilter() returns a filter for file open dialogs.
- Removed global function LoadImageFromFile: now done by new local procedure GetTheFile in ThtDocument.GetTheImage.
- Added: ThtGraphicImage: support for all TGraphics without own TBitmap, e.g. meta files
- Changed: More general code due to enhanced ThtImage
- Changed: ThtGpImage becomes a TGraphic
- Changed: TGIFImage becomes a ThtBitmap
- Removed: type TGpObject no longer needed
- ThtBitmap extended and moved from unit HtmlGif2 to HtmlGlobals. ThtBitmap is needed to support TBitmap.Assign() in Lazarus 0.9.30, which is the current official version for Raspbian gtk2/ARM
- Global image loader in unit HtmlImages, which enables coders to detect and load additional image formats:
- Google Issue 133: Nested lists bottom margins not collapsed. Collapse nested blocks top margins as well.
- Google Issue 408.2: table or frame problem - respects 'inherit' now
- Google Issue 409: text-decoration not handled correctly with multiple properties.
- Google Issue 411: Nested tables slow down HtmlViewer.
- Github Issue #101: Error displaying images
- Github Issue #102: GIF transparency inverted + memory leak
- Github Issue #106: Print Preview Bug
- Github Issue #107: Incorrect displays
- Github Issue #111: Problem with <style> inside <blockqoute>. Now allowing <style> almost everywhere
- Github Issue #112: Missing Property AttributeValue
- Github Issue #114: Error displaying table
- Github Issue #120: CSS open parenthesis may swallow entire HTML document.
- Github Issue #123: File with css from amazon: Strings do not continue on next line.
- Github Issue #124: <table> is not rendered unless scrolled
- Github Issue #125: When Scrollbars disapear the table is displayed wrong
- Github Issue #126: Loading <img hspace vspace>
- Github Issue #129: NoTabLink is not working
- Github Issue #131: Cell borders in tables / last row wrong: ignore explicitly given cell-spacing, if border-collapse is collapse.
- Github Issue #132: Height parameter not honoured
- Github Issue #135: Paragraph alignment regression
- Github Issue #142: THtmlView on Linux overload WidgetSet.AppProcessMessages and prevent closing modal forms
- Github Issue #144: Clickable links at top of HtmlViewer after LoadFromString
- Github Issue #152: Error mapping table
- Github Issue #153: Table borders
- Github Issue #157: Error mapping table: error reading attributes with line breaks.
- Github Issue #161: XHTML file is opened without any content
- ThtDocument.InsertImage() now obeys attribute Transp
- ICO and CUR transparency without GDIPlus
- Transparency of animated GIFs in Lazarus.
- Floating blocks and images.
- Left and right aligned images both inside tables and outside tables are positioned correctly at last.
- Horizontal position of <HR>.
- Horizontal position of floating images in floating blocks.
- Do not remove empty paragraphs as they do not collapse margins, if they have padding or border.
- Clear floating at line breaks according to attribute or property.
- Lazarus hangs when dropping a THtmlViewer to a form.