Utilizing the react QR code library, this plugin takes a string and renders it as a QR code. Variable interpolation is implemented.
Grafana >= 9.0.0
After adding the panel, set the value property to the string to be rendered
npm run build
export GRAFANA_ACCESS_POLICY_TOKEN=<redacted - get from keypasx>
npx @grafana/sign-plugin@latest --rootUrls https://github.com/Beta-Technologies/grafana-panel-qrcode
mv dist betatech-qrcode-panel
zip betatech-qrcode-panel-1.0.0.zip betatech-qrcode-panel -r
rm -rf betatech-qrcode-panel
shasum betatech-qrcode-panel-1.0.0.zip
git add -A
git commit -m 'new version of plugin'
git push
Run validator (save time in automated steps of approval cycle)
docker run --pull=always grafana/plugin-validator-cli https://github.com/Beta-Technologies/grafana-panel-qrcode/raw/refs/heads/main/betatech-qrcode-panel-1.0.0.zip
MIT License, see LICENSE.