A web app that Fills the gap between teacher and student and let them communicate and carry on with their academic process (assignment submission and grading along with group communication) right from their homes.
Clone this repository or fork it.
git clone https://github.com/thecreatorsir/MS-Learn-engage-21-challenge.git
orgit clone https://github.com/<your username>/MS-Learn-engage-21-challenge.git
go to config folder, create a new file calledkeys_dev.js
which stores yourmongoURI
information- store the database URI inside
variable - store your security key inside
- store the database URI inside
module.exports = {
"mongodb+srv://shubham:[email protected]/Cluster0?retryWrites=true&w=majority",
secretKey: "keyyy",
Please use above mentioned mongoURI
and secretKey
- install all dependencies.
- Client side:
on the
directory typenpm install
- Server side:
on the
directory typenpm install
- Client side:
on the
- Run it on node js:
In the
directory typenpm run mslearn
It contains all the features a student or teacher will optate for their learning and evaluation of the understanding of the subject. This app endeavours to involve every feature for the assignment submission and the corresponding evaluation by the teachers. It even consists of a discussion room to facilitate students in clarifying their doubts and encourage healthy discussions amongst peers involved.
Role based authentication for the teachers and students
Uploading new assignments by the individual teachers
User based notification feature.
Grading of the assignments submitted by the students for the opted subjects.
Uploading answer assignments by the students to be submitted for evaluation
Different tabs available on students dashboard according to their activity: Due assignments, grading in progress, graded assignments ,missed assignments
Different tabs available on teachers dashboard: Due assignments, Graded assignments, Responses of the students
Discussion room for the users of the application
ReactJS - for client side rendering.
Redux - for global state management using flux architecture.
Bootstrap - for UI design.
PassportJS - for user authentication.
Axios - for http request and response.
Bcrypt - for creating a hashed password and making the app secure.
ExpressJS, NodeJS, Socket.io - for creating the web application and letting the user communicate.
Json web token - every user of our API or website will be assigned a unique token, and this allows you to store the user state. And once the token expires the user will be automatically prompted to login.
MongoDB - for Data Base
- Admin(Admin has direct access to the DB for this app, so saperate model is not created for it)
- Teacher
- Student
Initialise our MERN project.
Create a template for all the required screens
Set up a server, connect to DB and setup a test route
Creating initial role based Authentication routes.
Creating Api for dashboard and subject page based on user role.
Creating an API for uploading and deleting the assignment.
Creating an API for responding to the assignment.
Creating an api for check response and grade the assignment.
working on role based security check on different apis
Working on the front end with react.
Setting up user Auth using form from react.
Setting Up react router and redux for global state management.
Working on different routes using axios to reflect changes on front end.
Working on a Discussion app.
Adding notifications feature.
Security is one of the key features for any application to stay protected. In my application I have initialised user authentication, wherein the user has to register first and then login to go to a meeting and have conversation with their peers. To ensure proper protection of the password I have used Bcrypt and hashed the password ten times, to ensure good protection as well as make it fast. Implemented private route so that unauthorized users (not registered or logged in) can’t access the private data uploaded by the registered users of the application such as the assignments and responses of the students.
I have deployed the application on Heroku. I have deployed the application using pipelines, thus whenever any new changes are committed to the file all the changes are reflected in the Heroku application as well. Below I am attaching a link to my app :
Click here to go to the deployed web app
In my app I have also linked an external multi user chat room which can be anonymously used by the participants and provides space for the users to engage in light conversations outside of the meeting. For the chat room I created an Express application and deployed it on Heroku and integrated it in my application.
lets have some discussion and help the peers
Link to Github repo
Link to deployed lets discuss app
Landing page - Register page - Login page - Dashboard page - Notifications Modal
Discusion form - Chat Window
Subject page - Upload Assignment page - Responses page - Grading page
Subject1 page - Subject2 page - Respond to Assignment page