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A Simple ChatApp, built with Django and ReactJs.

Screenshot 2024-03-31 135859


Included features:

  • 💬 Chat
  • 🔴 Online/Offline friends status
  • 🔡 "Is typing..." status
  • 🐇 Random profile picture generation
  • 👨👩 User Creation and Update
  • 🔒 Authentication and Permission

Tech Stack:

  • 🐍 Python 3.11
  • 📔 Sqlite
  • 🎯 Redis for caching
  • ⚡ Django Channels for chat and online status
  • 🔑 Token Base Authentication
  • 🐳 Docker + docker-compose to ease deployment and development

Deploy on your local machine with Docker

Open a shell and clone this repository:

Navigate inside project docker folder:
cd chatapp-compose

Start all services:
docker compose up -d --build (Run this one time of creation)


Later you can use: docker compose up After,visit at localhost:3000

Locally without Docker

For Backend

create virtual enviroment
python -m venv env
cd env/scripts ./activate (For Window)
source env/bin/activate  (For Linux)
pip install -r requirements.txt
python runserver
visit at localhost:8000  

For Frontend

Change directory
cd chat-frontend
npm install
create .env add
npm start
visit at localhost:3000


This product isnot eligible for Production use, Here are the reason

  • It used sqlite as database
  • It didnot include testcases
  • Still there are lot of validation Required
  • Website isnot fully responsive


Show your support by 🌟 the project!!