ORCC project as a prey layer (monthly)
MeDMR eye toward real time product
- Centropages typicus
- Calanus finmarchicus
- Pseudocalanus spp
Hindcast and nowcast (for now) but we want to head to real-time nowcast,
Start with monthly time scale but make flexible enough to switch to real time
Use Tandy's nwa2
bounding box
xmin xmax ymin ymax
-77.0 -42.5 36.5 56.7
Checkout Omi's use of BRT
Copernicus near term forecast data - what are the covariates in hand?
- nwa/2023/0108/2023-01-08_bottomT_bot.tif
- nwa/2023/0108/2023-01-08_mlotst_sur.tif
- nwa/2023/0108/2023-01-08_siconc_sur.tif
- nwa/2023/0108/2023-01-08_sithick_sur.tif
- nwa/2023/0108/2023-01-08_so_sur.tif
- nwa/2023/0108/2023-01-08_thetao_sur.tif
- nwa/2023/0108/2023-01-08_uo_sur.tif
- nwa/2023/0108/2023-01-08_usi_sur.tif
- nwa/2023/0108/2023-01-08_vo_sur.tif
- nwa/2023/0108/2023-01-08_vsi_sur.tif
- nwa/2023/0108/2023-01-08_zos_sur.tif
Biooracle covartiates available