A simple website using Angular.js with database using MongoDB. There is also a simple chat application. This gives an idea about how to work with:
- Single Page Application
- Form handling
- Sending and receiving data to/from MongoDB
- API calls using angular
- Simple typescripts
Each service runs on a different server:
- Frontend working on localhost:4000
- API servers working on localhost:1234
- WebSockets working on localhost:8999
To run this make sure you have npm, node.js, express, angular, mongod, websocket, nodemon installed. Once you have everything installed follow these steps on command line:
- Start the front end server:
C:\ProjectFolder npm start
- Start API servers:
C:\ProjectFolder\server nodemon index.js
- Start MongoDB:
- Start WebSockets Server:
C:\ProjectFolder\src\dist\server node server.js