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bioc-run is a script that makes it more convenient to run Bioconductor Docker images locally. It is intended for routine daily usage.

This script makes it easy to:

  1. Run any version of Bioconductor represented by a tag at
  2. Run command-line R, bash, or RStudio
  3. Have a persistent local packages directory for every version of Bioconductor, and map a local directory to the home directory on the container (i.e., a volume mounts) .
  4. Specify the port and password for RStudio
  5. List all available Bioconductor versions


  1. An installation of the Docker Engine or Docker Desktop is required.
  2. For the volume mounts, File Sharing must be enabled in the Docker settings.
  3. Tested on Mac and Linux operating systems. Windows users may have success with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).


The script can be cloned via the command line (e.g., via SSH):

git clone [email protected]:Bioconductor/bioc-run


Run the script directly from the folder (e.g., ./bioc-run) or see the advanced setup section.

From the command-line, type bioc-run -h to make sure it's working:

% ./bioc-run -h
Usage: [-v version] [-e envtype] [-p port] [-w password] [-d dockerhome] [-l] [-h]
  -v version    Specify the Bioconductor version (e.g., 'devel', 'RELEASE_X_Y', 'X.Y').
  -e envtype    Specify the environment type ('rstudio', 'bash', or 'R'). Default is 'rstudio'.
  -p port       Specify the port number. Default is 8787.
  -w password   Specify the RStudio password. Default is 'bioc'.
  -d dockerhome Specify the Docker home directory. Default is '"$HOME"/dockerhome'.
  -l            List all available Bioconductor Docker versions.
  -h            Show this help message.

The $DOCKER_RPKGS environment variable is optional and used to specify the R packages directory on the host machine.
If not set, the default is '$HOME/.docker-$version-packages'.
This directory is mounted into the Docker container at /usr/local/lib/R/host-site-library.
This allows R packages installed in the container to be persisted on the host machine and shared across multiple containers or sessions.

Use Ctrl + C (⌘ Command + C on OSX) to stop the RStudio server.

Docker Containers for Bioconductor

For more information about Docker containers for Bioconductor, see

(Optional) Advanced Setup

If you want to use the bioc-run script without being in the folder, do either of the following:

  1. Create a Symbolic Link
    • On macOS or Linux, create a "shortcut" in ~/bin/ with ln -s /path/to/bioc-run ~/bin/bioc-run

Note. Ensure that /home/user/bin/ is in the $PATH

  1. Add it to the $PATH
    • If the bioc-run script is in a folder that is already in the $PATH, it can be run from any location in the terminal.
    • If comfortable editing the shell's configuration file (like ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc), add a new folder to the $PATH. Add export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/folder" to the end of the shell configuration file. Replace /path/to/folder with the actual folder that the script is in.

Note. Make sure the script is executable (e.g. chmod a+x bioc-run).


Helper script for bioconductor/bioconductor_docker






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