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v0.1.0 First CRAN Release

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@AARON-CLARK AARON-CLARK released this 31 Aug 18:33
· 309 commits to master since this release

CRAN Submission

{tidyCDISC} is officially on CRAN.
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2022-08-29 17:42:49 UTC
SHA: 159e034

What's Changed

We incremented to our first minor release of {tidyCDISC} with v0.1.0! So, you're probably wondering, what's changed? The answer is "not much" change for the user, but lots of changes on the backend.

  • From the users perspective, you'll notice you can now pick and choose which CDISC pilot data sets you wish to upload. And we did have to switch back to the CRAN version of {tippy} which impacts how tooltips are displayed on the Table Generator. Last, we made the app more portable by leveraging {renv}.
  • However, on the back end - the changes were vast: we performed a lot of "clean up" activities to make the package CRAN-worthy, which included making {tidyCDISC} depends on far fewer packages under the hood, we adopted improved security measures, overhauled our vignettes, fixed some license issues, and much much more. Review the PRs below for more details, especially #81.


Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.1.0