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BSol.mapR is an R package designed to make plotting heat maps for Birmingham and Solihull as easy as possible. This package supports all major geographies from LSOA to Locality and includes code for estimating Ward, Constituency and Locality values from GP-level data.

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GitHub: BSol.mapR

David Ellis - BCC PHM

Late Updated: 2024-01-16


What is BSol.mapR?

BSol.mapR is an R package designed to make plotting heat maps for Birmingham and Solihull such as the one below as easy as possible. The package supports all major geographies from LSOA to Locality and includes code for estimating Ward, Constituency and Locality values from GP-level data.

BSol.mapR example using randomly generated data

BSol.mapR example using randomly generated data

BSol.mapR basics

Installing BSol.mapR

The package is used in the same way as any other R package you might be familiar with. However, the installation uses a slightly different function. We can install the package directly from GitHub by typing the following command into the RStudio console:


BSol.mapR will automatically download any missing prerequisite libraries so this may take a few minutes the first time running it on your machine.

Loading BSol.mapR

Once installed, you can open a new file by clicking the icon in the top left corner of RStudio underneath "file". In this new script, you can load the library at the start of a new R script using the following function.


You can run this code by either highlighting the code and clicking Run or by pressing Ctrl + Alt + R.

Setting your working directory

Before we get R to find any data, we need to tell it where to start looking from. Save your new script somewhere, and tell R to make this place your working directory by right-clicking the tab with your script name as shown below:

Setting your working directory.

Setting your working directory.

Loading data

To load data from Excel, we normally have to install and load additional R packages. However, BSol.mapR is set up to deal with this automatically. We can load xlsx, xls, and csv files using the load_data(). The function function takes the following arguments:

  1. file_path: path to the data file you want to load
  2. sheet: (Optional) The name or number of the Excel tab containing (default = 1)

An example of how this function is used is shown below.

data <- load_data(
  sheet = "data"

Your data must start in the top left-hand corner of the spreadsheet (cell A1). Any titles or empty cells above the data table will confuse R and prevent it from loading your data correctly.

Plotting a heat map

Finally, we can plot this data as a map using plot_map(). The function takes the following basic arguments:

  1. data: data frame output from load_data() or convert_GP_data()
  2. value_header: the name of the data column to be plotted (here: "Cases")
  3. map_type: Geography type to be plotted. Can be any of the following: "Ward", "Constituency", "Postal District", "Postal Sector", "LSOA11", "MSOA11", "LSOA21", "MSOA21".
  4. area_name: (Optional) The area you want to plot - BSol, Solihull, or Birmingham (Default = "BSol")

Therefore, we can generate a basic map by running:

    value_header = "Cases",
    map_type = "Ward",
    area_name = "Birmingham"

This produces a map that looks like this:

Example of a basic map produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Example of a basic map produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Saving the map

To save as an image, we have to first store our produced map as a variable. This is done using the <- operator. We can then give our stored map to the save_map() function as shown below.

Maps can be saved using all major image types including "png" and "jpg". However, it is recommended to a vector formats such as "svg". These formats are still compatible with products such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. However, since they are vector images, they maintain their quality at all levels of magnification.

# Plot the map
map <- plot_map(
    value_header = "Cases",
    map_type = "Ward",
    area_name = "Birmingham"

# save the map
    save_name = "new_map.svg"

Customising your map

Map title

We can give our map a title by simply providing map_title argument. If your title is long, the text will not automatically wrap to the next line. Therefore, you may have to include one or more new-line characters ("\n") to force the text to start a new line, such as in the example below.

    value_header = "Cases per 1000 children",
    area_name = "Solihull"
    map_type = "LSOA21",
    map_title = "Number of tooth-fairy visits\nper 1000 children"
Example of multi-line title produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Example of multi-line title produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Colour palette

We can also change the colour palette by setting the palette argument. The default is set to "Blues" but there are many other colour palettes pre-programmed into R including those shown below. You can find more information about R’s colour palettes here.

Some of the sequential (top) and diverging (bottom) colour maps that are preprogrammed into R. Source: DataNovia).

Some of the sequential (top) and diverging (bottom) colour maps that are preprogrammed into R. Source: [DataNovia](

When choosing a colour map, it is worth taking some time to consider accessibility for colour-blind readers. It is best practice to choose a perceptually uniform colour palette whenever possible. Additionally, if your map includes constituency or locality names, it might be worth using an online contrast checker to determine how easy the text is to read.

  data = data,
  value_header = "Cases per 1000 Villa fans",
  map_type = "Constituency",
  map_title = "Number of zombie outbreaks\nper 1000 Villa fans",
  palette= "RdPu"
Example of a constituency-level map with a title and custom colour palette produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Example of a constituency-level map with a title and custom colour palette produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Area names and boundaries

As can be seen from the examples above, for ward-level maps BSol.mapR defaults to showing constituency lines and names. These can be turned off by setting const_lines and const_names both to FALSE. For example:

  data = data,
  value_header = "Cases",
  map_type = "MSOA11",
  const_lines = FALSE,
  const_names = FALSE
Example of a ward-level map with constituency boundaries and names switched off produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Example of a ward-level map with constituency boundaries and names switched off produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

We can also choose to turn on locality boundaries and names by setting locality_lines and locality_names both equal to TRUE. For example:

  data = data,
  value_header = "Cases",
  map_type = "Postal District",
  locality_lines = TRUE,
  locality_names = TRUE
Example of a ward-level map with locality boundaries and names switched on. Produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Example of a ward-level map with locality boundaries and names switched on. Produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Notice that in the example above that turning on the locality boundaries automatically turned off the constituency boundaries.


Finally, you can turn off the automatic compass in the bottom right-hand corner by setting compass = FALSE as shown below.

  data = data,
  value_header = "Cases",
  map_type = "Ward",
  area_name = "Solihull",
  map_title = "Number lost people per 1000\npeople without a compass",
  palette = "Greens",
  compass = FALSE
Example of a ward-level with the compass turned off. Produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Example of a ward-level with the compass turned off. Produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Adding points

BSol.mapR also has the ability to overlay points onto your map using the add_points() function. This function takes the following basic arguments:

  1. map: Map object returned from plot_map(), plot_empty_map() or add_points()
  2. points_data: data frame containing LONG and LAT of each point
  3. color: point colour (default = "orange"). Note: the argument name is spelt using the American spelling for colour.

We can load our spreadsheet containing the points to be plotted using load_data() as before. However, this file must contain the column headers "LONG" (longitude) and LAT (latitude). The data might look something like this:

Example data set geographical locations with longitude and latitude. These postcodes have been randomly selected and do not reflect any real data.

A full example is shown below.


# Load data
ward_data <- load_data("data/myWardData.csv")
points_data <- load_data("data/myPointsData.csv")

# plot base map
map <- plot_map(
  data = data,
  value_header = "Cases",
  map_type = "LSOA11"

# add points
map <- add_points(

# Save as vector image
save_map(map, "map-with-points.svg")
Example of an LSOA-level map with geographical locations plotted on top.

Example of an LSOA-level map with geographical locations plotted on top. Produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Groups of objects on an empty map

Sometimes we will want to plot the locations of things on top of an empty map rather than a heat map. For this, we can use the function plot_empty_map(). This function takes all the same arguments as plot_map() except those relating to data.

Additionally, we can colour code the points based on some group to which they belong. In the example data above, we see that each point has a group number under the column "Group". We can tell the add_points() function to colour the points based on these groups by setting color = "Group".

Both of these features are presented in the example below.


# Load data
points_data <- load_data("data/myPointsData.csv")

# plot base map
map <- plot_empty_map(
  map_type = "Locality"

# Add points with groups
map <- add_points(
  color = "Group"

# Save as vector image
save_map(map, "grouped-points.svg")
Example of an empty BSol map with grouped geographical locations plotted on top. Produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Example of an empty BSol map with grouped geographical locations plotted on top. Produced by `BSol.mapR` from randomly generated data.

Converting GP data

Within Public Health we often work a lot with data where we have a number for each GP. However, it can be difficult to draw out any wider geographical trends from these single data points. We therefore often want to convert this GP-level data into ward, constituency or locality-level data. This data is then much easier to visualise as a choropleth map (often called a heat map).

BSol.mapR is an R module designed to automatically convert GP-level counts to a ward, constituency or locality level, and produce customisable choropleth maps, such as that shown below. We can show numbers in both their raw and normalised form (for example total number of cases vs. cases per 1000 registered patients).

Next, we need some GP-level data, for example from FingerTips. As a minimum, the data must have a column containing the GP practice codes and the values you want to aggregate as shown in the example below. Don’t worry if you have additional columns. We will tell the BSol.mapR which columns we want to use and any others will be ignored.

Example data set of the number of 'Cases' for each GP. This data is randomly generated and does not reflect any real data.

We aggregate this data using the function convert_GP_data(). At a minimum, this function takes:

  1. data: Data frame output from load_data()
  2. GP_code_header: The name of the GP code column (Here it’s "Practice Code")
  3. value_header: The value you want to aggregate (Here it’s "Cases")

Our code now looks like this:


raw_data <- load_data(

ward_data <- convert_GP_data(
  data = raw_data,
  GP_code_header = "Practice Code",
  value_header = "Cases"

As a default, convert_GP_data() will convert our GP data to a ward-level.

We can change the aggregation level by setting to equal to "Constituency" or "Locality". An example of converting to a locality level is shown below.


raw_data <- load_data(

Locality_data <- convert_GP_data(
  data <- raw_data,
  GP_code_header = "Practice Code",
  value_header = "Cases",
  sheet = "GP data",
  to = "Locality"

Saving the data

To save this data, for example, if you want to present it in PowerBI instead of plotting it in R, we use save_data() function.

This takes:

  1. data: the outputted data from convert_GP_data()
  2. save_path: path to where the data should be saved (default = "map_data.xlsx")

Note that the file extension must be either ".xlsx",".xls" or ".csv".

We can then add the following to the bottom of our example code and run as before:

    save_path = "my_ward_data.xlsx"

Notice that if we open this new file we will see that the aggregated values have the same column header as before.

Normalising Data

Why Normalise?

Different wards can have very different population sizes. For example, the 2011 census recorded that the Ladywood ward had 22,259 residents while Lozells had only 9153. Therefore, it is often inappropriate to compare the raw numbers of cases/conditions between different areas.

We may instead want to normalise the counts by the size of the relevant population. This will often be the total number of residents, however, at times we might find it more appropriate to use a more specific reference population. For example, if we’re investigating the rates of teenage pregnancy it would probably be best to look at the number of cases per X the number of teenage girls.

Normalising with BSol.mapR

Fortunately, normalising data with BSol.mapR is easy. All we have to do is add a new argument norm_header to convert_GP_data() with the name of the column variable that contains our denominator.

As a default, convert_GP_data() will calculate the normalised number as a percentage, i.e. $100*value/norm$ or the number of cases per 100 of the reference population. To change this we can set the norm_output_per value. For example, if we wanted the count per 1000 of the population we would set norm_output_per = 1000 as shown in the example below.


data_to_normalise <- load_data(

data <- convert_GP_data(
  data = data_to_normalise,
  GP_code_header = "Practice Code",
  value_header = "Cases",
  norm_header = "Registered Patients",
  norm_output_per = 1000

If we save this data using save_data() we see that the new column name is a combination of our value_header, norm_output_per and norm_header. Specifically it’s “value_header per norm_output_per norm_header

This is important since we need to know the column header to plot the normalised data. You can also check the column names by running colnames(data) or simply saving the data using save_data() and opening the data in Excel.

Plotting normalised data

Plotting the data works the same as before except we give plot_map() our new column header. In the case of the example above, our code would look as follows:

    value_header = "Cases per 1000 Registered Patients",
    map_type = "Ward"


BSol.mapR is an R package designed to make plotting heat maps for Birmingham and Solihull as easy as possible. This package supports all major geographies from LSOA to Locality and includes code for estimating Ward, Constituency and Locality values from GP-level data.






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