name :bishweashwar-ec2
owner :[email protected]
team :mle
project :aws-training
Create your instance (I preferred Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (HVM) ,SSD Volume type ;as Amazon Machine Image- AMI)
After successfully creating your instance , connect to your instance. I used CLI for this.
Paste the below command where your key is stored. ssh -i "EC2.pem" [email protected]
You can get this command in after creating your instance and clicking on Connect Tab then SSH client.
Sometimes you will get permission denied (0644 error). Use the below command
chmod 400 EC2.pem
For other error google it.
After this you need to install every package required by your after inside instance.
Use the folloing command:
i. sudo apt-get update.
ii. sudo apt-get install python3.
iii. sudo apt-get install python3-pip.
iv. pip3 install flask.
v. sudo apt-get install nginx (python web server).
vi. sudo apt-get install gunicorn (python web server getway interface or wxgi )
Now you have to setup AWS configuration also
vii. sudo apt install awscli.
viii. aws configure (insert your key, id region) & after this open credentials inside .aws folder and save your profile name inside that.
ix. cd ~/../../etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
x. sudo nano flaskapp (for configuring nginx server)
server {
listen 8085; //Use any port from which you want to get traffic from internet . //By default 80 is their but for assignment purpose I have used 8085 (TCP) //In Security group of your instance you also need to add 8085 port. server_name; //Paste your Public IP here location / { proxy_pass; } }
save the file (Ctrl + X -> press ENTER key)
xi. sudo service nginx restart.
xii. Now get inside Software folder. If it is in local machine then use below command to transfer into EC2 instance:
exit (to stop instance)
scp -i EC2.pem -r directory_location/ [email protected]:~/.
scp -i EC2.pem file_location/ [email protected]:~/.
xiii. Connect to your instance. Get into your software folder and run below command (Name your software file
gunicorn3 app:app
xiv. Now copy your public IP from instance page and run it
xv. Close the server using Ctrl + C
xvi. nohup gunicorn app:app & press ENTER key
After running above command you need not run server in background always.