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BitCanna v1.5.3 - `TrichomeMonster-ica` codename
Key features
(Update scheduled for 7 November 2022 ~ 14.00h UTC)
- Source code refactored to deprecate
package from Ignite/CLI. - InterChain Accounts module intregration.
- Last security and stability updates.
Note: this is a planned upgrade, chain will halts at block 5787420
Instructions for preparing the upgrade
1_Build from source or download it
Option 1. Download
rm -rf ./bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz # delete old versions, check also bcnad in this folder
tar zxvf bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz
./bcnad version
>> result should be `1.5.3`
Option 2. Compile from source
git clone
cd bcna
# git fetch if already cloned
git checkout v1.5.3
make build ## mv build/bcnad $(which bcnad) > manually to service path
make install ## Optional: it install in $GOBIN
Prepare (Cosmovisor) or replace (manually) any previous version with this v1.5.3
For Cosmovisor:
This could happen before chain halts.
Install/update the last version of Cosmovisor v1.4
go install[email protected]
Also you can download from here
Now prepare the folders and binary
mkdir -p ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/trichomemonster-ica/bin/
- If you built it:
mv build/bcnad ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/trichomemonster-ica/bin/
- If you downloaded it
mv bcnad ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/trichomemonster-ica/bin/
Check everyhting goes smooth:
cosmovisor version
cosmovisor run version # before upgrade should be: v1.4.5; after v1.5.3
sudo service cosmovisor restart && sudo journalctl -fu cosmovisor -o cat #check the logs
For BCNAD daemon:
When chain halts: Replace any previous version with this
Stop the daemon:
sudo service bcnad stop
Replace the binary
- If you built it:
sudo mv build/bcnad $(which bcnad)
- If you downloaded it
sudo mv bcnad $(which bcnad)
Start the daemon and check:
sudo service bcnad restart && sudo journalctl -fu bcnad -o cat #check the logs
491e88b774ad631fa0324e41612b0059ccdeccd16034f2c0789e90a4c5cfb597 bcna_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
8a43bdbea31c299db2ca849f232189374286c2168264072358d48c2a6f6aa2da bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz
feb6ccf998db79643879cf3aca462adc272091797751043b7f1cc5bea359d87c bcna_linux_arm64.tar.gz
c08e64d753697f2b1c6ad4335faff3c206aa9d265a1a0142c5ebce02f169417e cosmovisor
What's Changed
- update swagger doc by @RaulBernal in #71
- Update by @obajay in #73
- Update by @PantheaEU in #74
- Update by @PantheaEU in #75
- Bump from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 by @dependabot in #72
- Ica complete integration + bump ibc/go to v3.2.1 by @RaulBernal in #76
- IBC/go bump to v3.3.0 to fix security issues by @RaulBernal in #78
- Update Nodejumper description by @hdmiimdh in #79
- Update Inter Blockchain Services (former 3Tekos) by @jayjay-crypto in #80
- Adds ATOMScan explorer for BitCanna to list by @CrackLord in #81
- Updated by @PantheaEU in #87
- updated seed and added peer by @PantheaEU in #89
- Revert "updated seed and added peer" by @RaulBernal in #90
- Update by @PantheaEU in #91
- Added our seed node by @PantheaEU in #93
- Bump from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #88
- Integrate Dragonberry patch in v1.5.x branch by @BitCannaGlobal in #99
- Bump from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 by @dependabot in #100
- Bump from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 by @dependabot in #101
- Update main doc to v1.4.5 by @RaulBernal in #104
- bump version by @catShaark in #103
- ibc 331 patch by @rusakh in #105
- Remove Ignite/CLI/cosmoscmd by @RaulBernal in #107
- Update doc for v1.5.3 upgrade by @RaulBernal in #110
New Contributors
- @obajay made their first contribution in #73
- @hdmiimdh made their first contribution in #79
- @CrackLord made their first contribution in #81
- @BitCannaGlobal made their first contribution in #96
- @catShaark made their first contribution in #103
- @rusakh made their first contribution in #105
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.3