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Releases: BitCannaGlobal/bcna

BitCanna v2.0.1-rc4 - `WakeAndBake` codename - DEVNET-6 use only

30 Jan 15:57
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What's Changed

  • Bump SDK to v0.46.8
  • SDK v0.46 bech32fix,
  • Go Lang 19 req,
  • Endpoint nodeconfig by @RaulBernal in #132
  • Upgrades separated of App.go by @RaulBernal in #133

Full Changelog: v2.0.1-rc3...v2.0.1-rc4

BitCanna v2.0.1-rc3 - `WakeAndBake` codename - DEVNET use only

20 Dec 11:42
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What's Changed


a008806cbee641d5925b78403bc68af54e8cc2807e60a6bb9e261c9fb24f8f3d bcna_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
db17d8b37598bb1a575dfccf35b628744da2edf767629cbcc1ee1597cee432a2 bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz
37e74e85dad7dccd19d41228f5ff310ee390bec74a2452eea3ba90d82170884e bcna_linux_arm64.tar.gz

Full Changelog: v2.0.1-rc2...v2.0.1-rc3

BitCanna v2.0.1-rc2 - `WakeAndBake` codename - DEVNET use only

24 Nov 15:40
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What's Changed


88f8f9a7409af80258d67ac490f2b71ae056cbd3945960bb7f432a6288810ee4 bcna_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
a424ad37b301578370bce58134c78891798c9c0b519ec09954054184a2a868e1 bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz
8b25865bfbc9a555cf359b25cb3bdaa707db7cc9cc78f3585db451c27e734cbc bcna_linux_arm64.tar.gz

Upgrade Instructions

Governance proposal:

  • halt-height 1.032.049
  • on November 28th 16:00h CET - 15:00h UTC

Download the new binary

  1. Download the binary or compile it from the source
cd ~
rm -f ./bcnad && rm -f ./bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz # clean the previous downloads
wget -nc
  1. Check the sha256sum.
sha256sum bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz

It must return: a424ad37b301578370bce58134c78891798c9c0b519ec09954054184a2a868e1

  1. Verify that the version is v2.0.1-rc2
tar zxvf  bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz
rm bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz
./bcnad version

You can continue with Manual instructions or Cosmovisor ones.

Option 1. Attended (manual) upgrade.

This section of the guide shows how to perform a manual update of the binaries after a governance proposal has been approved for a chain update.

  1. Stop your bcnad service after you see this in your logs ERR UPGRADE "wakeandbake46.6" NEEDED at height: 1.032.049
sudo service bcnad stop
  1. Move the new binary to your machine's PATH and overwrite the previous version
sudo mv bcnad $(which bcnad)   #copy&paste don't replace anything

If you know the exact destination you could also run:

sudo mv bcnad /usr/local/bin/ #or wherever you have it
  1. Start the bcnad service
sudo service bcnad start

Of course, if you are familiar with the Cosmos environment, you can keep the daemon running while you are compiling/downloading and later make the upgrade in one command:

sudo service bcnad stop && sudo mv bcnad $(which bcnad) && sudo service bcnad start
  1. Ensure that everything is OK by checking the logs
sudo journalctl -fu bcnad -o cat

Option 2. Unattended (Cosmovisor) upgrade.

This section of the guide shows how to perform a automated upgrade of the binaries after a governance proposal has been approved for a chain update.

For detailed instructions about setting up Cosmovisor from scratch, check this guide.

This guide shows how to download the binary. If you want to build the binary from the source, detailed instructions can be found in the README of our GitHub (git checkout v2.0.1-rc2)

Setup Cosmovisor folder

Binary should be download previously

  1. Create new directory
mkdir -p ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/wakeandbake46.6/bin
  1. Move the newly downloaded binary to the upgrades directory.
mv ./bcnad ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/wakeandbake46.6/bin/

If you build the binary from the code source, move it to the same folder

  1. If you want to know if Cosmovisor handles the correct binary file, exec:
sudo service cosmovisor status

And check the path of the binary file.

If you want to build from the source

If you want to build the binary from the source, detailed instructions can be found in the README of our GitHub:

    git clone
    cd bcna
    git checkout v2.0.1-rc2
    make build && make install 

Full Changelog: v2.0.1-rc1...v2.0.1-rc2

BitCanna v2.0.1-rc1 - `WakeAndBake` codename - DEVNET use only

08 Nov 14:53
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What's Changed


d6081f4a433cd7c4197acc6b74548283508212a6ea7bb4108e80e3365791c733 bcna_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
77654e956e13955ac42819ec3bf0f208ebb588cf742f6d3ca7976873f82dfe3a bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz
3b2d44ea34f3481cc10d8ec0b65c010f356740395b68be1c5b15cdfc1d2742fe bcna_linux_arm64.tar.gz

Full Changelog: v2.0.1-alpha...v2.0.1-rc1

BitCanna v1.5.3 - `TrichomeMonster-ica` codename

04 Nov 11:32
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Key features

(Update scheduled for 7 November 2022 ~ 14.00h UTC)

  • Source code refactored to deprecate CosmosCMD package from Ignite/CLI.
  • InterChain Accounts module intregration.
  • Last security and stability updates.

Note: this is a planned upgrade, chain will halts at block 5787420

Instructions for preparing the upgrade

1_Build from source or download it

Option 1. Download

rm  -rf ./bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz  # delete old versions, check also bcnad in this folder
tar zxvf bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz
./bcnad version
 >> result should be `1.5.3`

Option 2. Compile from source

git clone
cd bcna
# git fetch if already cloned
git checkout v1.5.3
make build  ## mv  build/bcnad $(which bcnad)  > manually to service path
make install ## Optional: it install in $GOBIN

Prepare (Cosmovisor) or replace (manually) any previous version with this v1.5.3

For Cosmovisor:

This could happen before chain halts.

Install/update the last version of Cosmovisor v1.4

go install[email protected]

Also you can download from here

Now prepare the folders and binary

mkdir -p ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/trichomemonster-ica/bin/
  • If you built it:
    mv build/bcnad  ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/trichomemonster-ica/bin/
  • If you downloaded it
    mv bcnad ${HOME}/.bcna/cosmovisor/upgrades/trichomemonster-ica/bin/

Check everyhting goes smooth:

cosmovisor version
cosmovisor run version # before upgrade should be: v1.4.5; after v1.5.3
sudo service cosmovisor restart && sudo journalctl -fu cosmovisor -o cat #check the logs

For BCNAD daemon:

When chain halts: Replace any previous version with this v1.5.3
Stop the daemon:

sudo service bcnad stop

Replace the binary

  • If you built it:
    sudo mv build/bcnad  $(which bcnad)
  • If you downloaded it
    sudo mv bcnad $(which bcnad)

Start the daemon and check:

sudo service bcnad restart && sudo journalctl -fu bcnad -o cat #check the logs


491e88b774ad631fa0324e41612b0059ccdeccd16034f2c0789e90a4c5cfb597 bcna_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
8a43bdbea31c299db2ca849f232189374286c2168264072358d48c2a6f6aa2da bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz
feb6ccf998db79643879cf3aca462adc272091797751043b7f1cc5bea359d87c bcna_linux_arm64.tar.gz
c08e64d753697f2b1c6ad4335faff3c206aa9d265a1a0142c5ebce02f169417e cosmovisor

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.3

BitCanna v1.5.3-rc1 - TrichomeMonster only for DEVNET-5

31 Oct 10:28
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What's Changed

New Contributors

  • @catShaark made their first contribution in #103
  • @RusAkh made their first contribution in #105

Full Changelog: v1.5.2-rc2...v1.5.3-rc1

BitCanna v1.4.5 - `strangeBuddheads` codename - security update

28 Oct 09:00
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Key features

Bump main versions to avoid forks, for security and stability:

  • SDK v0.45.10
  • Tendermint v0.34.22
  • IAVL v0.19.4 - fix AppHASHes (forks)
  • IBC v.3.3.1
  • No chain halt (consensus) required
  • Apply it ASAP and monitoring your node.

Instructions - very important

1_Previously to replace the binary or build from source you need to edit the file app.toml

you should to declare and put in false this var: iavl-disable-fastnode = false

Put this content in the main section, just before the [telemetry] section:

# IavlCacheSize set the size of the iavl tree cache. 
# Default cache size is 50mb.
iavl-cache-size = 781250

# IAVLDisableFastNode enables or disables the fast node feature of IAVL. 
# Default is true.
iavl-disable-fastnode = false  
###                         Telemetry Configuration                         ###


2_Build from source or download it

Option 1. Download

rm  -rf ./bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz  # delete old versions, check also bcnad in this folder
tar zxvf bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz
./bcnad version
 >> result should be `1.4.5`

Option 2. Compile from source

git clone
cd bcna
git checkout v1.4.5
make build  ## mv  build/bcnad $(which bcnad)  > manually to service path
make install ## it install in $GOBIN

3_Replace any previous version with this v1.4.5

For Cosmovisor:

mv ./bcnad  ~/.bcna/cosmovisor/current/bin/
sudo service cosmovisor restart
sudo journalctl -fu cosmovisor #check the logs

For BCNAD daemon:

sudo mv ./bcnad $(which bcnad)
sudo service bcnad restart
sudo journalctl -fu bcnad #check the logs


f8429cc6fc03dcf1fd5efe98adc675d75642aa3d02c6c94264ec4b85b880f1bc bcna_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
a4ade068a9c3face2f6e5e052bcdd4d5f2fae52c0c9d6bb804dca565c5642180 bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz

BitCanna v2.0.1-beta - `WakeAndBake` codename - DEVNET-6 use only

27 Oct 11:41
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Fix root.go

  • fixes at root.go
  • Bump Ignite/cli version to v.0.25.1 for openapiconsole package


2db181b25d4c37c5402d57bdc90dcffc7bb58b57154c0808786b7612a5a2e0a7 bcna_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
9ff0a98a3445a365ef8d1560dbebd24df17cc32db12f954d4b2048bbd43377f9 bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz

Full Changelog: v2.0.1-alpha...v2.0.1-beta

BitCanna v2.0.1-alpha - `WakeAndBake` codename - DEVNET-6 use only

27 Oct 10:14
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  • Update version Tendermint v0.34.22 & Cosmos SDK v0.46.3
  • Include Dragonberry patch
  • Remove the Ignite/CLI cosmoscmd package dependency
  • Need to review the root.cmd and compare with SDK v0.46.3


8eec7bbc69b59c3bf68daa36088d201f83900f8b18464886721a64846415d646 bcna_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
a9403cbf5c90b0d1c92094848adb5dbdb63d976f30c92b884c7c8bdb69260fcd bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz

BitCanna v1.5.2-rc2 - `TrichomeMonster-ICA` codename

25 Oct 09:28
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Only for DEVNET-5. Instructions:

  • Download the binary or compile with tag: v1.5.2-rc2
  • Add to app.toml those lines:
    # IAVLDisableFastNode enables or disables the fast node feature of IAVL. 
    # Default is true.
    iavl-disable-fastnode = false 
  • Start the App after the upgrade halt

What's Changed

New Contributors

## HASH256sum

f3a33d0e2b37fc26231c0d11af5a7b071c30efbeac8913576ef9ed07b9c1cafd bcna_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
ed48d937e9a4f72ca5df3ca54d208223c0b3deab26399988dd391613a597f6d2 bcna_linux_amd64.tar.gz

Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.5.2-rc2