A C# Library to help make deobfuscation plugins for Il2CppInspector
A translator struct must always have the translator attribute. More information on how to structure your plugin can be found here https://github.com/OsOmE1/Il2CppTranslator/wiki/Structuring-your-plugin
public struct AmongUsClient
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x0)] static public AmongUsClient Instance;
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x70)] public int AutoOpenStore;
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x74)] public object GameMode;
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x78)] public object OnlineScene;
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x7C)] public object MainMenuScene;
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x80)] public GameData GameDataPrefab;
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x84)] public PlayerControl PlayerPrefab;
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x88)] public List<ShipStatus> ShipPrefabs;
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x8C)] public int TutorialMapId;
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x90)] public float SpawnRadius;
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x94)] public object discoverState;
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x98)] public List<object> DisconnectHandlers;
[TranslatorFieldOffset(0x9C)] public List<object> GameListHandlers;
You can use the Beebyte-Deobfuscator to generate classes like the example given above.
Go to the plugin settings and select "Il2CppTranslator Classes" from the export dropdown menu and select your export path.
To use Il2CppTranslator you can install the latest nuget package from https://github.com/OsOmE1/Il2CppTranslator/packages/
Clone Il2CppInspector and Il2CppTranslator into the same directory.
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/djkaty/Il2CppInspector.git
$ git clone https://github.com/OsOmE1/Il2CppTranslator.git
Then build Il2CppInspector in debug mode and then build Il2CppTranslator
The documentation can be found here https://github.com/OsOmE1/Il2CppTranslator/wiki